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My stepdad is watching this and enjoying it unironically.


Max Landis has stated that he turned down an addition £1million for the sale of the script because he wanted David Ayer to direct.

This script sold for $3.5 million.

There is no way this is a 3.5 million dollar script. 


Max Landis has described Bright as his "Star Wars".


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I feel like the one good major motion picture Max Landis has been involved in was more because of Josh Trank and less because of Max Landis.

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1 hour ago, WOKEN Cloudy said:

I feel like the one good major motion picture Max Landis has been involved in was more because of Josh Trank and less because of Max Landis.

Yeah but Fant4stic disproves that theory.

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1 hour ago, WOKEN Cloudy said:

I feel like the one good major motion picture Max Landis has been involved in was more because of Josh Trank and less because of Max Landis.

I liked Mr. Right but it also has Sam Rockwell in it so that was kind of bound to happen. But maybe he just needs to stick with more grounded stuff.

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Eurgh, I really wished I hadn't watched it right before I saw the news about that. This movie sucks even more for me now, fuck Max Landis and fuck this absolutely terrible movie.

What happened to David Ayer, I'll never know. His future looked so bright after Fury, but it's just been awful shit since.

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I watched half of it and had to give up and go to bed. Apparently my dad tried to watch it today as well, he got twenty minutes in.

everyone on twitter says it's dope as hell though, so maybe i'm just a asshole but i think it's very very bad

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I'd been looking forward to watching this but having done so, it's just so unsubtle with what it's trying to say (every cop is a corrupt racist, every Orc is a gangbanger, every Latino is a gangbanger, every Elf is pompous and evil) and the story is almost non-existent and full of MacGuffins. It's an intriguing concept and there is definitely the basis for a world to be built alongside that concept, but they don't do anything with it.




Why has it taken 2000 years apparently for one Orc worldwide to become a cop when it says Orcs play in the NFL?

Orcs hate humans and Elves and fought against them 2000 years ago with The Dark Lord, so why are Orcs called 'Nick' and 'Mike'?

Why have Elves ghettoised themselves into one perfect neighbourhood, which is shown for all of fifteen seconds? Why are they all so rich?

If they're all megarich and successful, why is one an FBI agent?

If wands are akin to nuclear weapons, why are they not monitored and controlled?

What was the dude in the wheelchair going to do with a wand? Surely it would be common knowledge that a human touching a wand gets disintegrated?

Why does a SWAT team armed with rifles engage in hand to hand combat with an Elf?

Why does Tikka suddenly become deathly ill?

Why does a group of Elves want to bring back The Dark Lord, who they fought against previously?

Why does blonde Elf Noomi Rapace look like Ivanka Trump?

Why does no one seemingly care that Will Smith shot dead four fellow cops? He calls for back up, stating that four officers are down, yet no one shows up as back up and when they go back to the scene later, still no one has shown up to investigate and cordon off a still active crime scene?



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I feel like I'm mental because everyone on twitter, everyone, loves this movie. Critics hate it, but the average audience score on RT is like 90%.

It's fuckin so bad though, it's full of holes, the world isn't interesting, the story is weak.


Gimmie that Orc NFL movie instead, that sounds dope as hell.

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