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Everything posted by wolves

  1. I'll post my thoughts after playing it for a while. The game moves A LOT better than Round 3 did. It's quicker, smoother, and better looking. It's just got a great feel to it which makes it very fun to play just like UFC 2009. Both games give you the feeling of just wanting to play fight after fight because it's going to be different and just plain fun. Round 4 though in my opinion took a step back on the analog controls. I liked Round 3's system much more but Round 4 is fine. It's nothing super serious though lots of times you throw a body shot when trying to go for an uppercut. The Legacy mode is fun so far but sort of confusing. I accidentally went 5 fights without training simply because it was easy to miss. The whole thing just feels sort of hollow. Like the calender only selects certain days and things like that. It's just all kind of odd. However the action in the ring makes up for it. The create a boxer is quite nice and you get plenty of options from the get go and unlock more throughout Legacy Mode. You can put in custom music (on the 360) and even do some customization on your entrance. For example my guy comes out to KENTA's music with some dry ice fog around him. One small thing that is actually quite nice is that you have a wide selection of last names and nicknames to give your fighter. I was able to get a name close enough to my real last name. Though the cities you can choose to be from are lacking. I'm from New York and it seemed like my only option was Brooklyn. What about Buffalo which has a rich boxing history or even Canastota where the Boxing Hall of Fame is located. Small gripes though. I will say that the game is better than Round 3 from the get go. Just more options, better gameplay, and a better though still lacking career mode. For those who are achievement whores, I got 145 points in one fight. That lasted one round. Some are going to be hard as hell to get but you'll be able to get 600-800 pretty easily.
  2. All I can say is thanks Michael for making some of the best pop music of all time. Thriller basically set the template for pop music from then until now and probably even further than today.
  3. I honestly don't know if I'm going to end up playing Ghostbusters a second time through on the hardest difficulty. I mean it's a short game so it's do-able but some parts were pretty frustrating and kind of cheap like the kamikaze angels at the end. I might try some online though but I'm grabbing Fight Night Round 4 tonight and that's going to take up some time.
  4. My band's singer is really into Iced Earth and he showed me this band "Pyramaze" that had Matt Barlow from Iced Earth in it. Pretty good. There was another similar band he showed me but I can't remember their name. We pretty much blast power metal any time we go out together.
  5. I'm buying it tonight. I decided to wait until I finished Fable II and Ghostbusters to get a new game. I'm quite looking forward to playing it.
  6. I watched Charlie Bartlett last night after getting it for $2.50. I saw it once before but kind of fast forwarded it, I'm glad I didn't this time. I absolutely loved it on my second glance at it. Some really funny and disturbing moments. 9/10
  7. Every movie I have that has commentary, I've watched it both with and without. Though some movies like Clerks II have multiple commentaries, and I tend to only listen to the ones with the director and or writer. I bought a movie today that has commentary so I'll watch it without then maybe in a few months watch it again with the commentary on. Some movies have great extras and some don't. Last night I watched Cloverfield and watched the extras again for probably the 5th time or so. I like seeing all the behind the scenes stuff and how they did certain shots.
  8. wolves

    True Blood

    I'm a huge fan of both the books and the show and the second season looks like it's going to be killer. I recently went back and re-watched the first season and picked up on things I missed the first time around. Made it a better watch and got me excited for season two. I think that the whole triangle thing that Bill and Sookie are stuck with could provide some great comic relief for the show. Plus it's great to have something to watch on Sunday nights.
  9. Last week I grabbed some used movies at our local rental store as I get 50% off all used DVD's. I grabbed Cloverfield, There Will Be Blood, Zodiac, and the newest Indiana Jones. Tuesday I picked up the new Friday the 13th and watched it, enjoyed it thoroughly as I did in the theaters. As I was walking through the store I noticed they had the first and second season of The X-Files bundled together for 20 bucks. So I grabbed that even though I've never watched the show before. My dad was a huge fan when it was on but I was too young to get into it. I'm at the fifth episode right now and I'm loving it. Fantastic show. I really need to finish my collections of older tv shows. For so many I only have the first couple of seasons. It's a shame that a lot of them are very expensive especially for a show with a lot of seasons like Roseanne and Wings. Thankfully I've been able to get some good deals like getting every season of Lois and Clark for around 50 bucks total via eBay and Amazon.
  10. So I grabbed Ghostbusters today and it's absolutely fantastic. If your a fan of the movies then you'll love it. I played it for about two hours tonight and did the first three missions. The game looks fantastic and all the effects are really well done. It's funny to boot, I found myself laughing more than once while playing. Sometimes it's a bit disorientating while your trying to capture ghosts but other than that it plays really well and most importantly it's fun to play. Well worth the money though I traded in games instead of paying the full 60. I'm going to be busy as hell with Ghostbusters plus I bought Fable II over the weekend which is quite addicting.
  11. UFC does have that under game progress shows you how often you have used each character offline. I know, and everyone has been used. Still nothing.
  12. I think the achievement might be glitched because I've played with every player and last night I went and played with every guy that can change weight classes, in both weight classes. More games need to have what X-Men Origins had, a nice little menu that had your progress towards each achievement.
  13. Does anyone know what exactly you have to do to get the roster run through achievement? I've played with everyone including the two DLC fighters though I don't have Mask unlocked. So do you have to do it with the Tapout guys as well?
  14. Yeah I recently watched it for the second time. Such a good movie. I love the scene with the promoter and the rookie working out their match. If you liked this movie you'd probably like "Chalk". It's another Canadian made mockumentary about high school teachers. Very similar in the type of humor.
  15. Could anyone recommend a good RPG for the 360? Preferably one that isn't Mass Effect.
  16. I remember when I was in 6th grade, Disturbed came to town and I was so excited. I left that show absolutely hating them and stopped listening. With an audience of 99% dudes, their singer did more hip thrusting and grinding than I ever needed to see.
  17. New Anaal Nathrakh... just wow. How do these guys step it up on every album like this? I'll admit, "Hell is Emtpy..." wasn't as good as the previous album, but had some killer songs. The new album though just blows it all away. If you're into blackened death metal, give it a listen. It's called "In The Constellation Of The Black Widow".
  18. I think Kevin from G4 had a great line about that whole Milo thing: "That's some Skynet level stuff". That thing was creepy as hell. I'm not really into too much that they talked about, I don't play Halo or use Facebook or Twitter. Though Conviction seems to be pushing it hard with presentation. That in game real time mission objectives thing is awesome. None of the games they put out there were a must buy for me. Most were either a total pass or a rental. Though they're certainly bringing it with some top level titles that I may not play, but millions do.
  19. I can help with Death Metal as I have a bit of knowledge on the subject.
  20. Last night I won the belt with my new light heavyweight career mode fellow. I fought Machida who by then had three losses. He was really hard to get a hold of as he kept backing up and blocking my take downs. In the middle of the second round I connected with a spinning back kick followed by a left high kick and a one two left right punch combo for the KO. It's was pretty sweet. I then disposed of Rampage in the first round followed by beating Forrest for the belt. Now I just have to start three more careers to get all the belts for the achievement.
  21. I decided to start a third career as a kickboxer and wrestler and it's incredibly fun to play as. I don't usually go for take downs when I play so I'm forcing myself to play as a take down specialist that likes to ground and pound. I opted to go with light heavyweight as that offers lots of good opponents. I think I'm at my 6th fight or so and my next opponent is Stephan Bonnar. Oughta be a good fight.
  22. So I needed to do a digital publicity/advertisement type thing for my band. I based it off what the booklet to our disc looks like. I wanted to get some opinions on how it turned out. Also, I know I look like a disembodied head in the photo because I didn't wear dark colours. At the time I didn't know I was going to do this effect on it so it didn't occur to me. Let me know what you think:
  23. Who's played the demo so far? I have to say it's a lot better than Round 3. It's quicker and easier to play. I still don't like using the right stick for everything especially when your making the right movements and all it does is throw a jab. I imagine it'll be a purchase for me as I enjoy a good boxing game.
  24. I'm not sure if anyone else brought this up, but this kind of irked me a little last night. So I finally got around to unlocking Skyscrape and I see that he's got that stupid wig on his head and a jacket on. Now we all probably saw that they wouldn't let Clay Guida into the game because his hair would cause clipping. So instead to put in a non UFC fighter that clips like crazy because of his jacket, wig, and arm band things. I don't really get that at all. If you pull rubber guard on him, your leg basically pierces through his jacket and your arms are going through his head.
  25. In my 20 so submissions online and however many I've gotten in single player, I've never once used the Shine to submit someone. I always tap the face buttons.
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