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Status Updates posted by LexChaney

  1. Some people are just fucking idiots and cunts!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LUKIE


      I am offended by your curse words.

    3. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      You're wrong, anyway. Steve McQueen > Yul Brynner

    4. LexChaney


      Charles Bronson was the best.

  2. Ashton Kutcher? Fuck Off.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Benji


      It's not like he could make the show LESS funny.

    3. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      I have never watched it. I don't watch TV in the main anyway. Charlie sheen is boring. Have I pissed everyone off now?

    4. LexChaney


      I prefer Two and a Half Men to the shit that is The Big Bang Theory.

  3. Everyone always forgets my birthday. Be ashamed bitches -.-

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ruki


      There is a more important person than you having a birthday today.

    3. LexChaney
    4. New Damage

      New Damage

      No guys, his birthday is the same day as the dog's!

  4. I got 99 problems and Orton is all of them.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sousa


      Maaaaaaaan, if you get to the point where your only problems are EWR-related, you don't have any problems anymore.

    3. LexChaney


      Oh it's Sousa. The man that follows and observes me like a stalker.

    4. OctoberRaven


      I've got 1000 holds, and a botched cutter ain't one.

  5. If someone can make my username into something with shevchenko I shall buy premieum to get it. Too pissed at the moment to do it myself.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LexChaney


      I'm going to donate anyway. Been thinking about doing it for ages and will do before the end of the week.

    3. EddieG


      Shevxy Lexy? Shevsexy Lexy?

    4. Rocky


      Lexy Sexchenko

  6. Even Kings bow to Gods

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sousa


      Don't you mean "even patriarchal rulers kowtow to deities," Captain Thesaurus Rex?

    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Sousa, don't be a Vagisaurus Rex.

    4. TCO


      Nobody bows to imaginary sky wizards of any sort.

  7. I have to return some video tapes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LexChaney


      Not if they want to keep their spleen. Mine are never late. I have a routine and nothing can alter it.

    3. Pesci


      You're a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood.

    4. LexChaney


      Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?

  8. Just one more thing..Fuck you Columbo for being too awesome.

  9. Why does Wrestling have to look so good and I can't watch it don't have Sky -.-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EddieG
    3. LexChaney


      Okay then. You can buy it for me :) And true C-Mil. But by the time you get on there it's usually been removed. Plus better watching it on a TV and stuff.

    4. GoodEvening


      I have sky and still cant watch it....what? screw sky sports and there insane extra charge on my bill

  10. Football Manager 2008. Steve Sidwell is the best player for England ever!

  11. What do you think Zach?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LexChaney


      Do you know Agent York then? Unless you've played Deadly Premonition you will have no idea what I am on about :P

    3. C-MIL


      Always a good premise for a status update.

    4. LexChaney


      You know it is now don't spoil. Do you think their going to spoil it Zach?

  12. Why do I fancy Bob the angry plant?

  13. Bed time and cuddles. Night yall.

  14. Meh. Why waste my time. Fuckers.

    1. Sousa
    2. LexChaney


      Correct. And no I observe Sousa? you lost your touch? D: your not feeling. What's up? D:

  15. I observe? What in the blue hell is that -.-

    1. Sousa


      I too wonder what in the cerulean Abyss that is.

    2. LexChaney
  16. I wear my Sunglasses at night!

  17. Oh Africa Brave Africa

    1. SeanDMan


      Man, that was a laugh riot.

    2. LL!


      There really isn't anything funnier than suffering black people. I'm serious.

  18. 4 Strings

    1. DavidMarrio


      What bout the Three-String Trance Wonder

    2. LexChaney


      Haha yeah. I'm more of 4 Strings - Take me away

  19. The party song from Fast The Furious is too damn good.

    1. LexChaney


      From The Fast and The Furious -.- god damn shit.

  20. Oh fiddler on the roof, sounds crazy no?

    1. LexChaney


      No it's worse. It's William Shatner.

  21. battle los angeles was awesome

    1. SlicedBread


      trailer was way more awesome than the actual movie...

  22. Mhmm its what I'm good at. Deal with it.

  23. Theres only one Colin Hendry, class Rovers player back in the day.

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