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The Donators
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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Dogs fucked the Pope. No fault of mine!

  2. Don't mind me, just a double post
  3. Also more SPOILERS, this time regarding a new Alliance ally: In regards to spoiler # 2: All I can say for the Beta though, is... I'm just hoping that not having an active account right now will pay off for me, and Blizzard will 'entice' me back by sending me a beta key. It worked with Wrath, so I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed. ^_^
  4. I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me. :(

  5. brzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  6. 1. Bio-Dome --Wasn't that bad. It's not awesome, it's not good, it's shit, but it wasn't THAT bad of a movie. 5. Vulgar --I saw that it was a View Askew film, and judged the book by its over >_< . D'oh. The furthest I remember is Ethan Suplee yelling "Now you're going to suck my daddy's cock!", at which point I said "Oooookayyyy", and turned it off 21. Battlefield Earth --I decided to give it it's fair shot, discounting the obvious negative that it was based off a story by L. Ron Hubbard and starred one of Scientology's poster children. That being said....it was horrid, plot wise. 27. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation --Compared to Vulgar and Battlefield Earth, this thing should win a fucking Oscar. 31. Master of Disguise, The --Dana Carvey acting like a boring asshole. NEXT. 35. Cocktail --I liked it. I always thought Elizabeth Shue was cute, Bryan Brown was great. This shouldn't be on the list :\ . 53. Kung Pow!: Enter the Fist --I thought it was great to watch when you're bored. I don't find it anymore retarded than the ThumbWars series. 61. Carpool --Tom Arnold. Starring Role. Moving on. 65. 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag --This was fucking funny as hell. This thing being on this list in the lower half is a travesty. 69. Beverly Hills Cop III --Same thing as 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag. It's a classic Eddie Murphy film, it's better than 99% of the shit he squeezed out after this movie. 77. Harlem Nights 1989 16 --Okay, Beverly Hills Cop III I can understand, but this? Come on! If you're going to give shit to Eddie Murphy comedies when they were geared for adults, shit on Coming to America, not Harlem Nights. Red Foxx! Richard Pryor! Are you kidding me?! 82. Showgirls --I have fond memories of this film 83. Billy Madison --Meh, could go either way, no strong feelings about it. I liked Happy Gilmore a lot more. 86. Half Baked --If I were a stoner, my opinion of this film would probably see it as Gone With The Wind, The Wizard of Oz, and Citizen Kane all rolled (:perv:) into one. 120. Ultraviolet --I watched maybe the first half of it, I was expecting something awesome, since I loved Equilibrium and this was Kurt Wimmer working with a budget. All I remember is Mila Jovovich changing her hair color and driving around on a motorcycle. 134. Saw V --It's a Saw film. What, you were expecting a ground shattering plot? You watch Saw to see people die in fucked up ways, not to be intellectually challenged. 137. 8MM --This one was kind of messed up. It basically confirms rule #34. 148. Vegas Vacation --This list is biased. Chevy Chase has made his fair share of shit, and THIS is what they choose to represent it? The Vacation series is classic. This gets blasted while Spies Like Us, Nothing But Trouble, Man of the House, Fletch Lives, Funny Farm, Caddyshack II, and Deal of the Century are absent? Bull shit . 167. Highlander: Endgame --Fuck Duncan AND WHILE I'M HERE....Seriously. Highlander II. HIGHLANDER FUCKING TWO. GET THE RIGHT MOVIE ON THIS LIST. 169. 3000 Miles to Graceland --Kevin Costner playing an Elvis Impersonator. The Honkytonk Man did a better job >_< . 171. Bratz: The Movie I didn't see this. But when I was at the movies and the trailer aired, there was a collective groan from the audience. True story. So, there's a real absence of shit that should be on this list. Anybody that was part of the original Saturday Night Live....well, most anybody that's been part of Saturday Night Live, for that matter , has enough shit films to fill a septic tank. You'd think there would be more exploitation films on this list, stuff like Boogie Nights or Strip Tease, but....yeah.
  7. Halfback passes to the center. Back to the wing. Back to the center. Center holds it. Holds it.

  8. Social security number? Naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, 2. Damn Roosevelt. Cause of parents death? Got in my way.

  9. Fighter Hayabusa Starman Kin Corn Karn Giant Panther The Amazon King Slender The Great Puma
  10. Forget the squirrel and get the fire extinguisher!

  11. How do I get Rock Band to work on my Commodore?

  12. Up and at them!


  14. If Rupert Murdoch had his way, he'd make you pay for accessing ANY online news.
  15. The lack of Home Alone 3 and Caddyshack II makes that list bullshit.
  16. You were PAID?!

  17. Mick

    Overshadowed Albums

    The Razor's Edge by AC/DC While everybody loves Thunderstruck, the first 7 songs on the album are awesome. Off to the top of my head, aside from Back in Black, I cannot think of another AC/DC album that has that many songs I like on it.
  18. My problem with that film come when Kirk and Picard look like they are about to lose, why don't they just wait until they get sucked into ribbon and regroup? Come up with a better plan instead of their plan which gets Kirk killed. How about this? Guinan says Picard can go anywhere. Okay...so why not go back to the Enterprise-D when they had Soran on board and like...throw him in the brig? Or go back to the Enterprise-B when Soran's freaking out yelling "Let me go back!" and say "I say we respect his wishes!" Also, did they really stop Dr. Soran anyway? Sure, we watched him go boom, but Soran went into the Nexus, so there's now a Soran there and.....you know what? Fuck it. I hate these time paradoxes
  19. How about this? In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Splinter trained the turtles in Ninjutsu. They're quite effective, as their countless ass-whippings they give to the Foot Clan shows. So why the hell is Splinter always getting kidnapped? Ninja master my ass
  20. A few games on the Atari 2600. I vaguely remember Spy Hunter, Karateka, Pitfall 2, and Adventure. My biggest complaint about Karateka is THAT GODDAMNED BIRD THAT SHOWS UP AND FUCKS YOUR SHIT UP . .... Other than that, I also remember my brother bringing home Legend of Zelda for the first time. I thought it was awesome.
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