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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. As I've said, there were more things I didn't like than those that I did like, but to froth with anger like some people on the internet are doing is absurd.
  2. Wilder's been promoted from every league from the National League up. That's a mightily impressive achievement.
  3. No, I understand that. I'm talking about the people who read online threads that spoil the episode they're going to watch in a few hours anyway.
  4. Again, I wonder why people would look at spoilers just hours before the episode airs. I'd have thought that the nature this episode would mean that you'd want nothing revealed beforehand.
  5. Rayman on the PS1 never did much for me, and I didn't have any interest in the Rabbids stuff, so Rayman Origins being so good was such a surprise to me. Legends built on that foundation and was even better.
  6. I've been playing Rayman Legends over the last week on Switch, having previously played it on PS4. It's my favourite platformer ever. The level design is great and the controls are nice and tight, which means that the harder levels don't feel unfair. There's also a good checkpoint system, so difficult sections aren't too annoying. Plus there are a lot of levels, with unlockable levels from Rayman Origins also available. And of course, the musical levels are brilliant fun.
  7. How long will Leclerc wait for his first win?
  8. Bloody sodding Macclesfield. Now there's some horrible last day drama to dread. Yeovil are down now. That's a sharp fall for a team that was in the Championship just five years ago.
  9. That's funny. I thought the League's going off the menu after today.
  10. It's bad news, but I think we all expected it. This isn't the first time and it won't be the last time that something like this is given a trivial punishment.
  11. Stay back! It's got blue eyes! On a side note, it's incinerated our entire fleet!
  12. "Arjen Robben will remember that..."
  13. Russell King, the scammer who bought Notts County under the guise of a Middle Eastern firm, has finally been jailed, albeit for one of his many other offences. This season has been awful, but this is at least a shred of good news.
  14. Mortal Kombat's always embraced its silliness. I think the developers decided to have some fun and ham things up as much as possible in light of all the outrage they initially received.
  15. It sounds like a game that's padded out with too many tedious activities. I wonder how it would have been received if it had been a bit simpler and more focused.
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