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gunnar hendershow

The Dominion
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Everything posted by gunnar hendershow

  1. Plenty of season left to play, and I don't know if Leverkusen can withstand some of the late season attrition due to their depth not being what Bayern's always is. But a 5 pt advantage is massive given their form and the general dropoff in the Bundesliga that appears to be the case after the top two spots this year.
  2. Only if Messi is somehow playing in all 4 games.
  3. Just a casual Saturday where the top 2 in La Liga and the top 2 in the Bundesliga are playing against each other.
  4. I'll say that most remakes are disappointing because they just take the old game, slap on new paint, throw in some meaningless extras, and charge full price. Remake took a 5 hour segment of the original game and managed to expand it into a full game that only in rare moments felt like it was meandering about in order to seem longer. I was very skeptical when they announced that as the plan for the game but there was so much to get out of Midgar that hadn't yet been tapped - and we're going to revisit it in game 3 where probably more can be added in. Now we're entering the stage of the original game that narratively had an absurd amount happen and we're expected to go through all those locales that likely don't grow in scale too much from the original game (though I have expectations Junon is going to be a pretty involved chapter). But there's a ton of content to get in the game and I'm cautiously optimistic they give everywhere the same level of care as Midgar got. Worried this will feel more like a "traditional" remake where it's the old game with better graphics and performance.
  5. Who the fuck was the Josh Allen MVP voter?
  6. I saw that Jason Mantzoukas was Dionysus in that show which is an A+ casting choice even if it's a kid's show.
  7. Another very strong HOF class.
  8. The run of Ivory Coast is really fun and almost a story of a plucky underdog until you remember it's Ivory Coast doing it who are by no means an underdog in AFCON even at their lowest point. It would be wonderful if, in keeping with tradition of Ivory Coast AFCON wins, the match is decided by penalties where all outfield players and the goalkeepers have to take a penalty.
  9. People are assuming that this time the team with an elite run game won't get away from the elite run game.
  10. Let he who has not done the same at work cast the first stone.
  11. It's kinda funny. I had a feeling initially, Kalm would be a Remake DLC. It also makes perfect sense as a demo for Rebirth and/or the first part/tutorial portion of the main game.
  12. "No dad! I want to hang out with my friends!"
  13. Belichick to Washington just as was rumored for months.
  14. Fulham 2-1 Bournemouth (Sat 3pm) Luton 1-0 Sheff Utd (Sat 3pm) Nottm Forest 1-1 Newcastle (Sat 5.30pm, Sky) West Ham 0-2 Arsenal (Sun 2pm, Sky) Aston Villa 2-1 Man Utd (Sun 4.30pm, Sky)
  15. Make that 14. Nice. It sounds like from what I could gather that the US will be based in the West, and Mexico in the Central. Canada I guess has to play in both Toronto and Vancouver? That kinda sucks for them. Also Miami in June & July without a roof. Godspeed to whoever plays those matches.
  16. Congrats to Loudon County's newest top eligible bachelor.
  17. 10 total matches within driving distance for me. Not bad.
  18. Make him run game coordinator and TE coach. Don't give him playcalling duties.
  19. And just like that City are 5 pts back with 2 matches in hand. They are inevitable.
  20. Steph with 60 pts in a loss because what are these incredible scoring games if they don't happen alongside a defensive implosion?
  21. I'm starting to think them going after the lower level clubs for FFP is greasing the wheels for whatever they inevitably try to hit Man City with. And I also think the PIF takeover of Newcastle wound up being the straw that broke the camel's back because suddenly the big clubs (who let's not kid ourselves are basically shadow operating the league) looked at the numbers and realized they couldn't add another City-level spender to their old boys club. And lastly coming from an American familiar with salary caps and ownership collusion, "but FFP" is a very convenient way to start repressing transfer fees and player wages.
  22. Ah, yes, just what I'd expect to occur in the Naked Cashgrabs Athletic Association.
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