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Everything posted by LittleDaniel

  1. oh also i meant to post this yesterday but forgot: ma$e put out a diss track on cam'ron, a guy he has known since they were kids, and my favorite line is "i ain't gonna talk about the time you fucked your sister." uhhh, pretty sure that counts as talking about it...
  2. all in favor of replacing "reprise" in the new title with "remix"?
  3. LittleDaniel

    The Punk Thread

    you're not punk, and i'm telling everyone.
  4. LittleDaniel

    The Punk Thread

    woah hey before Lint's last post this thread went almost a month without any 'tent, what have y'all been listening to? i've been on an emo kick lately so i've been listening to a lot of Now That's What I Call Music Vol 420, a split between Prince Daddy & the Hyena, Mom Jeans, and Pictures of Vernon. another good little ep that came out last month and that i've been really vibing with is Commander Salamander's Gross October, especially the titular song.
  5. I know Skummy said to remove Max Smashmaster's knee injury earlier, but you can actually just go ahead and set him to retired or remove him or whatever the procedure is.
  6. Nah, I was completely put off when I realized I was playing a shooter.
  7. I got the orange box deal from steam years ago, before I knew what the games were. Portal was amazing, obviously, and then I started playing Half Life 2. I was sooooo into it for about fifteen minutes while I wandered around the dystopian city. Then someone gave me a gun and it became a shooter and I hated it so much. Also, I liked that ridiculous Wrestlemania game for Gamecube where the story mode was basically "go kill a bunch of construction workers."
  8. Nice (and short) AV Club doc about Open Mike Eagle's new album was posted yesterday. It shows him going back to the former site of the Robert Taylor Homes in Chicago, which inspired the album. If y'all haven't checked out the album, I'd definitely recommend it.
  9. LittleDaniel

    The Punk Thread

    I prefer Fugazi's first two eps over everything else. Zen Arcade is definitely the right choice for Husker Du though.
  10. Just got back from watching Stronger. Great acting from pretty much the whole cast, and I can't think of a movie that does a better job showing pain. That said, didn't care for the movie overall. Pacing issues combined with the plot itself not doing anything for me.
  11. Yo cloudy, what gives? JJ is totally the best of the marvel Netflix shows!
  12. Yeah so I've become obsessed with this show over the past like month and yeah, really liked this week's episode. Might be one of my favorite Halloween eps.
  13. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  14. Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. It was okay. The dialogue towards the beginning felt more like I was watching a televised play, but it settled into its medium by the end. Enjoyed it though.
  15. I'm gonna go see this in a couple days, but first I want to rewatch the original. Joey has never seen the original at all, while I've only seen the theatrical release. Should we watch the final cut version from 2007 before going to see the 2049?
  16. Finally caught up on the last two weeks after being out of town -- couldn't cheat on Joey and watch it without her. But yeah, that spoiler mirrors my thoughts exactly; I was super happy with who got star baker and devastated at who left. Although, I can't fault the decision, it really did seem like they were struggling throughout the episode.
  17. I finally got around to seeing IT. Holy fuck that was a good adaptation. It probably helps that I read the book in middle school, so its been long enough that I don't remember everything (although I did start chanting "he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts" along with Bill), but yeah, great job. My roommate, who never read the book or saw the tv movie, thought it was really good too.
  18. This looks soooooo much better than season ten. I didn't even realize they were making a new season!
  19. I hope not. Here's the EW snippet about it from back in August.
  20. This is exactly the reason that my complete Marvel watch-through came to a screeching halt while going through Iron Fist season one. But yeah, ABC has said that SHIELD is coming back "this winter." Luckily Inhumans only has an eight episode run, so that means that the earliest AoS will be back would be around the end of November. But it'll probably be December anyway. Pretty sure it was originally announced as returning in, like, January, so at least we'll get it a little sooner? Or hey, maybe Inhumans will be a gigantic failure and they'll rush out episodes of an actual good show!
  21. ugh I was just looking up when Agents of SHIELD is coming back and apparently its not until they're completely done airing Inhumans? Bah!
  22. I'm pretty sure they aren't asking for, like, an actual roster or anything, just the roster that existed in the original 4.2 data?
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