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Everything posted by Gabriel

  1. For me, I've been thinking that setting the first X-Men movie in an alternate universe to introduce them would be ideal, and then have them brought over to the mainstream continuity through some type of multiversal shenanigans. Then you can play up that the world hates the mutants, but not their "regular" superheroes, because the mutants are essentially immigrants from another universe, who are "being forced on them" due to the collapse of their original universe or through an incursion that is stopped (but not until severe damage is done). I don't think I like the idea of them just saying "Well, they've been here the whole time... but no one knew". If they didn't do that with Wakanda already, then I'd say maybe. But you also have to consider that Atlantis would end up taking the same route, and then it just becomes a question of how much of the planet don't the people know about and is it realistic to think that three major areas in the world were just invisible to everyone for so long?
  2. Legally, if you're planning on watching a large chunk of the games, you can get the NHL Network for $30 (Canadian) per month. When I have the time to commit and the money in my account, grabbing a month at a time isn't so bad. It's technically cheaper if you get the whole season, but depending on your schedule, you may not be able to watch enough to make it worthwhile. For me though, if there's 10 games in a month, that's $3 per game, and I'm alright with paying that.
  3. Based on his comments, it sounds like the career mode will likely start with the beginning of AEW. In that sense, it's awesome that they are looking at the roster as needing to reflect as much as possible from the inception of the company to the cut-off point.
  4. The Boys In a non-spoiler note, it's hilarious that far-right fans of the show have now JUST figured out that Homelander is the bad guy.
  5. Couple little things I found when starting a game in Japan. -Mitsuhide Hirasawa should be retired. -The Winger should be retired. -El Samurai should be retired. -Taiyo Kea should be retired. -Ninja Mack should be available to work in Japan. -Kenzo Suzuki should be retired. The guys I set to retired all haven't worked in the past couple of years. Could be the Rona keeping them away, but they are inactive.
  6. Nothing will ever be as good as that Andre Agassi SNES Tennis game. I used to put hours into that thing, taking extra pleasure in demolishing my opponents on clay courts for some reason.
  7. I think this is going to be the new normal for a lot of major releases. This pleases me, as I will not be going to sit in a crowded theater until the world gets its shit together... and I'd rather just watch it at home anyways, even if everything was fan-dabbi-dozi.
  8. That's awesome for you guys, because you can basically get through everything worth watching, cancel and not pay a dime.
  9. Gabriel

    WWE 2K23

    Honestly, it's the CAW's that have me continually toying with the idea of picking this up while I wait for Fight Forever and The Wrestling Code to get release dates. Knowing that I can fill 100 slots with quality creations and go wild with my own universe makes it really tough to keep myself from buying this. Being broke has been my saving grace the past couple of weeks, because if I had the cash, I probably would have grabbed it.
  10. Thanks for not adding a picture of your vinegar strokes.
  11. Season 3 was heavy as hell, and it was fantastic. Bill Hader's range is out of this world. That said, even if season 4 can't keep up the same quality, as long as I get my regular fix of NoHo Hank, I'll be happy. Hank just makes me smile.
  12. I noticed when looking through the new PS+ game library that some games have the upgrade symbols and some don't... then when I click on the ones that don't, there's a download option. So, with the PS Plus Essential package, do you still get additional free games other than the monthly ones? I'm confused by this whole thing.
  13. I think it would be best to have the characters they interact with and the world around them not realize who they are... just that they are there and saving everyone... meanwhile, the audience is fully aware of what is happening because we're watching Zemo and the team struggle with acting like good guys. Some of the team ends up leaning more towards good and wanting to redeem themselves... some of the team stays on course for whatever their master plan is... and one of the members can be their Jolt, oblivious to everything happening. The Ah-Ha moment won't be when the audience finds out about the charade. It will be when their Jolt character finds out. Hell, I'd even go with Jolt as this character, and have Zemo or one of the other baddies just straight up murder her when she figures it all out.
  14. Success! Thank you for that. I really didn't want to have to deal with buying another one.
  15. I am going to throw Fresh Off the Boat into the ring here too. A lot of the suggestions are things that we go through regularly ourselves. Solar Opposites was fantastic as well.
  16. Went to go play some Mario Kart with the spouse the other dayyyy.... and the thing won't turn on. Has anyone encountered this on their own? When I plug it into the dock, the dock initially lights up but the screen doesn't. I tried to remove it from the dock and charge it that way, and still nothing. Please tell me there's a fix for this.
  17. I think it's your TV. My bedroom TV has the same issue, so when we watch stuff in there, it's noticeable. My main television is considerably newer and better, and I never have a hard time making things out in the living room.
  18. I would only be interested in 5 if they totally remade the game in first person. That was the game in the series that killed my interest. It had some cool ideas, but it was clunky as hell.
  19. It definitely finds its' footing. The Great North is a fantastic little show in a similar vein to Bob's Burgers. I don't think I would rate it as highly as Bob's Burgers, but that's more of a testament to the quality of that show than it is a damnation of The Great North.
  20. Full marks to Edmonton for not falling apart after the opening of game one. Fuck the refs for sending game five to overtime. The Flames should, as Darryl Sutter mentioned, feel proud of their season. Their playoff hockey was considerably better than it has been in years. That said, even with the officials stealing the winning goal away from Coleman, it should never have come to that in the first place. They went hard at Edmonton in game one, let up and paid for it. The better team won the series, but we absolutely should have had game six at the very least. Let's go... Tampa Bay?
  21. The first four episodes of Canadian treasure Shoresy's new show on Crave TV have been absolute fuckin' bangers, buds. The Letterkenney crew just keeps on comin' with the snipes.
  22. Yes to the first question. It is apparently going to take place following the finale of the original animated series. Werewolf by Night is one of Marvel's horror characters. He's been a regular guest star in Moon Knight comics, so there were some rumors that he may show up in Moon Knight, but I think it's more likely that Moon Knight shows up in the Halloween special for Werewolf by Night... even if only to cameo and give them the ability to advertise Oscar Isaac to try and draw more interest. It's also possible that it's the first on screen appearance of Blade in the MCU, as they seem to be intent on fleshing out the the more horror-centric corners of the MCU.
  23. Well, the social media meltdown about the first round series being too "boring" must have gotten to the Flames. They scored 15 goals in the entire 7 game first round series. 15 goals were scored, combined, in the first game of round 2. The big downside to the Flames being so dominant is that Markstrom is very much one of those goalies who needs to be seeing the puck to stay in the game. He looked lost out there at times last night, and I feel like it's probably because he wasn't getting much action. (And then when he did, it was the big guns flying around for a short burst of offense). It's hard to fault him for this one, but if I'm Sutter, I have him on a short leash in game 2. Not that Marky isn't our guy, but he needs to find a way to stay focused and ready. He was brilliant in the first round. If tomorrow night yields similar play to game 1, I'd have no issue bringing in Darth Vladar to see what he's capable of in the pressure cooker. Also, mega props to Blake Coleman for calling out the team after the game. Yeah, they won, and in the end it's the W's that matter... but there is no way that anybody in that room should be happy that the game ended up being that close.
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