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Everything posted by fr34k

  1. Yeah, I was kidding. I'm looking forward to it (for the 100th time now probably).
  2. I expect this to suck as much as the new Guns'n'Roses album
  3. NINE INCH NAILS 1. Wish 2. Survivalism 3. Burn 4. 1,000,000 5. The Line Begins To Blur 6. Something I Can Never Have 7. La Mer 8. Closer 9. Terrible Lie 10. Somewhat Damaged 11. The Becoming 12. Hurt Damn, that's hard. If I thought longer about this, it would probably look entirely different, but I thought I'd stick with what I came up the first time. I might do one of another band later.
  4. I'm currently watching Breakind Bad, I'm about half through Season 2. Damn, It's awesome. I also have to finish Six Feet Under (I'm at the beginning of season 2 I think), but somehow can't bear to watch it at the moment. I mean, it's a good show and all, but I'm not into the mood to watch it. I'm not really hooked on it yet. I also want to start watching so many shows I haven't seen yet (Supernatural, Modern Family, Mad Men, Arrested Development, just to name a few) and try The Sopranos again, which I didn't enjoy that much when I first watched a couple of episodes (although I love Drama and the Mafia). There are also quite a few shows starting up again soon. Damn, I need more time
  5. Also, the garbage gets accumulated on the stage, so the cleaning stuff doesn't need to work so hard. Win-Win situation.
  6. You want to tell them that they suck for being late, you're drunk, you throw a bottle. Perfect reasoning.
  7. fr34k

    Best Pixar film

    I haven't seen all movies, but from what I've seen, definitely Toy Story. I loved it as a kid, and still do today. I still hate Sid
  8. Plus the fact that he is the best doctor in the hospital gives him a bit more leeway anyway. The list looks fine so far, a couple of people I have no real opinion on and a couple I dislike( Angelina Jolie, but probably more because I'm not interested in any movie she's in than her acting being terrible), but other than that, pretty great.
  9. New Murderdolls album. I think it has some great songs, like "Whatever you Got, I'm Against It" and "Dark Place Alone" to name two. It sounds pretty much exactly like their first, which is not a bad thing in my opinion. I really love them at the moment, but that could come from my general love for Horror Punk at the moment. Another band I absolutely love at the moment, is BUSTER SHUFFLE. They are supporting one of my favorite bands here in October, and I didn't know them and listened to a couple of their tracks. They are a mixture of Ska and Britpop I'd say, and fuck, they're awesome.
  10. I'd recommend you read the graphic novel, IDOL. First of all, it's pretty great and, although I really liked the movie, it will definitely give you more character details. I haven't the watched the movie in a while, but I believe reading the comics will benefit you, if you even consider watching it again. Regarding the ending:
  11. Yeah, GRIFT 1. "Factotum" by Charles Bukowski 2. "Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk 3. "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde 4. "Naked Lunch" by William S. Burroughs 5. "Post Office" by Charles Bukowski 6. "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess 7. "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger 7. "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley 8. "Junky" by William S. Burroughs 9. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald 10. "The Gun Seller" by Hugh Laurie List would contain infinitely more Bukowski if I had more books by him. Being broke sucks
  12. Carmelita, hold me tighter!

    1. Hobo


      I think I'm sinking down.

    2. Kaney



    3. Pizza



  13. I don't own one myself, but I've heard good things. I thought about buying one myself, but I'd rather buy real books instead I just enjoy it more than reading on an electronic screen, regardless of how awesome the quality might be. On topic, I've finished "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and have to agree with the above. That one chapter really drags on, but otherwise it's fantastic. The story and characters are great and there are so many quotable lines it's unreal. Really, really well written. Next up for me is "invisible Monsters", continuing my reading through Chuck Palahniuks stuff. After that, I probably try to finish "Dracula" by Bram Stoker. I started it once and enjoyed it quite a bit, but somehow never managed to finish reading it.
  14. Now I simply regret not being a Donator I need money. EDIT: I need a credit card? Well, fuck I want to be Lew Ashby!
  15. This is going to be difficult I'm probably forgetting some people that should definitely be on that list, but yeah, what the hell. 1. Jack Nicholson 2. Anthony Hopkins 3. Tom Hanks 4. Patrick Stewart 5. Ian McKellen 6. Brad Pitt 7. Samuel L. Jackson 8. Robin Williams 9. Helena Bonham Carter 10. Robert De Niro Yeah, whatever. Probably a few missing. Feel free to shoot me.
  16. I'm with you Ollie. I mean, I like them and all but they are not that great. American Slang didn't impress me at all. The other two albums are pretty good, I even like Sink or Swim better then The 59 Sound I'd say, but yeah. They are pretty good and I'd like to see them live sometime, but there are definitely a lot of bands out there that are better.
  17. NINE INCH NAILS They still should be higher, dammit!
  18. Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?

    1. TEOL


      Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?

    2. fr34k


      *pauses for a moment* Take it off.

    3. TEOL



      *movie suddenly and incomprehensibly becomes From Dusk Till Dawn*

  19. I just finished "Survivor" by Chuck Palahniuk. Not as good as Fight Club, but a nice read nonetheless. The characters were pretty interesting and the form in which the story was told was fantastic. Definitely something to check out if you haven't read it yet. Next is "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. I'm looking forward to it, having only read "The Importance of Being Earnest" as well as a couple of short stories by him, but enjoying them immensely.
  20. Last exam for this semester in a couple of hours.

  21. You've never heard or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34u_3Z9_LUw? Folds is one of my favorite musicians up there with Jack White. Youtube won't let me watch these (fuck me being from Germany ) but I've listened to live versions of the two songs and I've never heard them. Not bad, but nothing mind-blowing either. Maybe I'll check out one of his/the bands albums to get a better idea. Any recommendations?
  22. *waits for another Green Day discussion* Oh well, I'll just start it myself. No freakin' way should they be this high. And that's from someone who actually likes most of their stuff. Although their new album is terrible. Strung Out are fine. I used to hate RHCP except for a few songs, but I really love them now. Great band. Iron Maiden are just classic. They've got a lot of great songs. Never even heard of Ben Folds [Five]
  23. I'm both a huge Nirvana and Dropkick Murphys fan, but Murphys in front of Nirvana and this high on the list is just wrong. EDIT: Oh and GoGo listen to "The Queen is Dead" album by The Smiths. It's awesome (Y)
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