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Everything posted by Twist

  1. How on earth is there not a thread for this? I'm only six episodes into the first season but everything about this is great. Sure, there are a few cliches but they're executed brilliantly. I was wondering how this reflects in terms of real life high school in Texas? I am in love with this program.
  2. Jonathan Ross is filming tonight. Which means the first few hours of my shift is going to be miserable. Beats the hell out of dealing with the arrogant pillocks from Jools Holland though!

  3. Twist

    True Blood

    Is season 2 worth getting on DVD? I watched season 1 and enjoyed the hell out of it, just can't decide whether to spend money on season two or not.
  4. I'll keep that in mind, cheers bro.

  5. Enjoyed myself from a musical side of things but the fact that they allocated a three hundred maximum capacity tent for the football was a fuckin' joke. They are extremely lucky not to have had a riot on their hands during that, they very nearly did!
  6. Ahhhh!!! Qualified for the Champion's League with Napoli in my first season, over the moon. Then a week later, Juventus win the Champion's League and because they came 5th I just shunted into the Europa League. I'm devastated. Stupid damn game.
  7. I'm still not sure whether I'm happy I'm going this year or not. I look at the line up and the only band I really give a damn about (as in own the albums, bits of merch, yada yada) is Stone Sour. There are definitely other bands I am looking forward to seeing (Billy Talent, SKE, 36cf and a few others) but just not that pumped about this year. The acoustic stage should be a blast though and I'm hoping general festival shenanigans will make up for it. Also, the fact I am attending with the least 'metal' people I know should be a proper chuckle as well. Not that I'm all that 'metal' myself (whatever it means) but still, hopefully it will deliver some funtimes.
  8. I'm still not sure whether I'm happy I'm going this year or not. I look at the line up and the only band I really give a damn about (as in own the albums, bits of merch, yada yada) is Stone Sour. There are definitely other bands I am looking forward to seeing (Billy Talent, SKE, 36cf and a few others) but just not that pumped about this year. The acoustic stage should be a blast though and I'm hoping general festival shenanigans will make up for it. Also, the fact I am attending with the least 'metal' people I know should be a proper chuckle as well. Not that I'm all that 'metal' myself (whatever it means) but still, hopefully it will deliver some funtimes.
  9. Twist

    Doctor Who

    Whaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck? Did not see that coming. I am not sure at all how I feel about them forgetting straight away as well. I hope there is more to this and the memories will somehow resurface.
  10. That's possibly the best win in NZ's history. Spain won 3-2. =( Llorente in the last minute.
  11. Twist

    UFC 2010

    So I just went and bought the game but I won't be able to play it until Monday. Knowledge that I own it will mock me until then. Silly.
  12. In all fairness, his dad did play for City as well. A move that still confounds me.
  13. No, because this was already all over the backpages ... yesterday!
  14. Okay, so I spent three years with Newcastle. 09/10 - Championship Winners, 118 points. 10/11 - 7th in Premiership, narrowly missed out on Europe. 11/12 - 5 in Premiership, no where near Champion's League but still in Europe. Then I whored myself out and signed with Arsenal, because I am a cheap, money-grabbing bitch. I proceeded to spank 250million in one pre-season including 100million on Newcastle players (a couple of regens, Neymar and Vuckic). Giving them so much money had nothing to do with my spending them into a financial abyss. I'm about seven games into the 12/13 season, undefeated and I've conceded one goal! I find this doubly impressive because I play with three defenders, no wingbacks and basically throw half my team upfield. Also, because my defenders are wank. Thank the money for Akinfeev!
  15. Twist

    Spotify Invite

    I literally signed up a week before you needed an invite. Good decision all round.
  16. I've got vague outlines for a six piece drama series that is loosely based on a Christmas Carol, or the concept at least. It started as a novel but lends itself much better to a television format. I also have the added benefit of working at the BBC and all my writing time comes whilst I'm at work, so it is quite easy to 'accidentally' e-mail the script to the appropiate people. Fun times.
  17. Nah, it doesn't. You need to set it up in Steam to be able to play offline, except when you can't get into steam this is pretty damn impossible. Serves me right for not doing it previously. I'll just buy the disc next time instead of being too lazy to head to the shops.
  18. JT pulls 'Premier' WAGs, though. He's even winning at this!
  19. Random covers of random bands by Boyce Avenue. I am not sure how I feel about this.
  20. As in my name is 'Pretty Pants'. No, I mean I am pretty rubbish at the game. At least, my timing is horrid.
  21. "Hey, if I mention John Terry's name, I might get in a newspaper!" Isn't it old news that John Terry's family isn't exactly what you would call 'Moral Family of the Year'? World Cup starts in three weeks and we've got British tabloids taking the focus off the football and onto one of top player's brother's personal life! >_<
  22. How is it Newcastle United's board has explicitly stated we don't have money this year, that we won't be spending with the big bucks and yet we still get linked to players like Darren Fletcher, SWP and Curtis Davies? Sure, they aren't going to cost an arm and a leg but I believe the Cockney Mafia when they say they ain't spending shit this year! However, apparent discussions about loan deals for Welbeck, Wilshere and Poulson make me happy. Also, fuck Stoke suggesting they want to swap Kitson, Beattie and Lawerence for Andy Carroll. I live in Reading now and had to put up with Kitdon for three years down here, I certainly do now want to have to put up with him in a Newcastle shirt! He even had a hissy fit when URz had a 'ginger day' on his behalf and everyone wore orange afros!
  23. Didn't David James just sign a new contract? Or did I imagine that? Edit: Nevermind, they were offered new contracts. Silly me.
  24. That's a lot of Springy love. I don't mind the mascots, although the names are ghastly.
  25. Rent first or worth buying straight up?
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