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Status Updates posted by JasonM

  1. I am Saren Arterius and this is my favorite mindcontrolling website on the intraweb!

  2. Phil Brooks should get that push!

    1. Benji


      I hear he's in the wolf house.

  3. With the zipping and the zopping and the zoopityboop!

  4. Kyrie Eleison down the road that I must travel...

    1. Mick


      Well, at least it's not confutatis.

  5. Pre-Season has finished for the 11/12 Flyers, look at the results naow! http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=89729

  6. Now in The Cube! ''Philadelphia Flyers: Return of the Bullies''! Now with 20% more ice! http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=89729

  7. Who are the patriots!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. C-MIL


      Todd Champion & Firebreaker Chip.

    3. Rocky


      Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger.

    4. JasonM


      Damn you Revolver Brady!

  8. ''And did those feet in ancient time'' has been stuck in my head since 8 this morning... Not sure if it's a good or bad thing.

  9. Stop that train I wanna get on, my baby is leaving me now

  10. Razorblades and lemonjuice!

  11. My Scottish landlord wanted to disconnect my wifi, but not before I yelled ''You can take my Wifi, but you will never take my freedom!'' in his face... Needless to say he wasn't impressed, now I got no wifi =(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Colly


      So the story isn't that you haven't got wifi because you made a silly joke, you actually just haven't paid for it?

    3. JasonM


      Well... yes pretty much.

      But I am pretty sure the joke didn't made the guy any more empathic towards my plight as a poor student.

    4. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Weren't you the homeless wi-fi guy?

  12. R.I.P. Neil Armstrong.

  13. So how about that new movie ''Monsoon Poultry Hospital'' ?

    1. NobBe Nobbs

      NobBe Nobbs

      Chickens! Nurses! Rain! A man walks through the fog...

    2. JasonM


      Doctor, Doctor, I think this chicken is drowning!

  14. Yo Dawg, we herd you liek lists. So we put a list in your list so we can make a list on a list!

  15. In the Barrett Garage only one will walk away with a brand new, second hand, owned by three previous people car, vehicle or mule with wheels for legs! In the Barrett Garage!

  16. Here I was hoping Spain would come back and win it. =(

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      No one expects the Spanish demolition!

  17. Does anyone still have that one gif with Sin Cara pointing and the Inception explosion thing in it?

  18. Bacon Pancakes, making Bacon Pancakes

  19. ಠ_ಠ

    1. C-MIL


      Whatever happened to that guy?

    2. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      He didn't get over and then died in a fire.

    3. C-MIL


      Yikes. I just assumed a name change. Had no idea. :(

  20. I sentence you all to death by snu snu!

  21. Fuck YOLO, YODA is what it is people. You Only Do Acid all the way.

    1. Fudge


      You done gone made Batista mad.

    2. JasonM


      Big whoop, wanna fight about it?

    3. Dingle



  22. I am Bender, please insert girder

    1. Hornswoggle4PM


      They "poo-pooed" my electric frankfurter!

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