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The Donators
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Status Updates posted by JasonM

  1. What do you know about Saren?

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      He's Danish, I think.

    2. Monkey D. Lars

      Monkey D. Lars

      Saren is a Turian right?

    3. The Lusophone

      The Lusophone

      Does he have a blog?

  2. It was a damn set-up King!

  3. Now running in a movie theatre near you, Chuck D from Outer Space!

  4. If you walk through the garden, you better watch your back.

  5. Everybody know, wants to know!

    1. C-MIL



  6. Hipster Beastie Boys, dropping the beat before it was cool.

  7. Sony debuted a new gimmick (Fan pleaser), it got a positive response.

    1. OctoberRaven


      Microsoft lost 916 points of overness.

    2. HC


      So everyone's jumping back on the Playstation bandwagon?

    3. JasonM


      Because the Xbox bandwagon exploded into a huge fireball and the Playstation bandwagon was nice enough to give us a lift.


  9. Hey, me and KG just thought of this guys name 5 minutes ago... It's Curtis Axel...

  10. A blackfaced cowboy ballroomdancer... Fandjango

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sousa


      A black guy who works in pictures? Madness!

    3. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Please apologize to EWB for that joke.

    4. Sousa


      Okay, I'm sorry for that joke.

  11. The King of Extreme. JOHN CENA!


  13. Pre South-Park Matt and Trey, unreleased video.

    Spot all the cameos.
  14. Did you hear the news today? They said the danger has gone away!

  15. She was a showgirl

    1. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      With golden ribbons in her hair.

  16. See i'm wise enough to know when a gift needs giving!

  17. Is everyone ready for the Yapapi Strap-on on a pole match?!

    1. jupiterhill


      Not until I see Harlem Heat take on Lex Luger and The Giant. Cause Booker T. "WANTS THE GOLD SUCKA!"

  18. I demand you all to bow down to our lord and saviour, Mark Harmon!

    1. Noah


      Molly'd probably be up for that.

  19. My brother bought me Dead Space 3 for cheap. On a scale of 1-10, how much will I crap my pants?

    1. Phobia


      If you have a vag about scary stuff 10.

      If you love horror and don't get scared easily an 8.

      Either of these plus a good pair of headphones = 20

  20. BCF: Rush Vs. McSweegan Full Card is up. Get your predictions in, like now :)

  21. The Band? The Band.... THE BAND!!!

  22. Leave me when i'm having fun. Lying in the morning sun.

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