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Everything posted by jrhodes

  1. That's pretty much what I was talking about when I called it clunky. It can be frustrating when you're surrounded or trying to move in battle when there's an enemy nearby. It could probably do with an enemy lock-on like Xenoblade had.
  2. Played The Last Story for a few hours now and it's a fun game. The battle system can feel a little clunky at times but otherwise it's good.
  3. ShopTo managed to get it delivered to me in less than 24 hours so after I've finished work my girlfriend's coming round and she will be made to sit in silence as I play this.
  4. Because I was stupid enough to pre-order The Last Story from Game my copy didn't arrive today. When I went to check on my order status I found out that Game hadn't even shipped it yet. I promptly cancelled the order and went to ShopTo who dispatched it within five minutes. This is part of the reason Game is dying a slow death.
  5. Thinking about it Broken Sword was probably the game that steered me to into RPGs too. It was at least the jab to Final Fantasy VII's uppercut anyway.
  6. It varies for me. Sometimes it's ridiculously quick, other times painfully slow. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground.
  7. I completed Xenoblade a few weeks ago. Really good game although it does start to drag a bit at the end...but that's a common issue with JRPGs. I would have beaten it had I not got distracted and totally lost the plot. The first like, two-three hours were fucking wonderful. Loved the really wide-open areas, so much more fun than usual JRPGs. I definitely got like 50 hours in though, good fun. It was certainly a welcome change of pace after trying to slog through Final Fantasy XIII.
  8. I completed Xenoblade a few weeks ago. Really good game although it does start to drag a bit at the end...but that's a common issue with JRPGs.
  9. I've pre-ordered this. Looking forward to playing this instead of consistently sucking at Catherine.
  10. No, you could just reload your saved game.
  11. Broken Sword is probably my favourite non-RPG game. The first two games were great but they went steeply downhill after that.
  12. That could be a really good signing. Sigurdsson is a pretty good player from what I remember. Jesus, it took longer to count that vote than the 2000 US presidential election.
  13. You're not alone. Once those undead creatures started to appear I lost all interest.
  14. I was given a £35 PSN card for Christmas. I tend not to buy DLC so any ideas what to spend it on? I only have a PS3, no PSP.
  15. Not to piss on your parade but Famitsu gave FFXIII 39/40 so I don't know how valid their reviews are, at least when it comes to Final Fantasy.
  16. It helps that the Bears are running the ball consistently and successfully too.
  17. Yeah I failed to notice it was a spread league until I just checked on my results. That's my excuse for sucking anyway.
  18. Bears fans represent! Whereabouts are you sitting?
  19. I have a lot of personal NFL news today. 1. I got myself a ticket to the International Series. 2. I bought a Walter Payton throwback jersey. 3. I stuck £100 on the Houston Texans to win the AFC South at even money odds. I'm feeling pretty good about all three right now.
  20. I've just done a run through Broken Sword 1, 2 and 2.5 (a fan made game). Can't bring myself to play 3 or 4 though. I bought Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves The World on Steam recently and have been having fun with those. I also got Beneath a Steel Sky free from GOG which I'm playing through now.
  21. Xenoblade arrived at casa de caminos earlier today and I've had a chance to pay it for a couple of hours. Thus far I'm enjoying the game immensely, it feels like a nice blend style-wise of both western and JRPGs. You get XP for battles, quests and finding new places which makes exploration feel more worthwhile than similar games. The combat is well handled, you can see the enemies on the field and then choose to engage them in battle or just move around them in most cases, although some enemies will initiate battle with you. Not really got deep enough in the story to comment on that but so far it centres on the Monado which is a sword with incredible power and a group who are experimenting with the sword to try and uncover the hidden powers it holds.
  22. Got it in one. I'd also add the fact that American Wii owners have had to start Operation Rainfall to convince Nintendo to release Xenoblade Chronicles, Pandora's Tower and The Last Story over there. Denying consumers the most promising games released on the system in quite some time isn't a good way to build customer loyalty.
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