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GA! last won the day on October 18 2022

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About GA!

  • Birthday 23/10/1987

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  1. I've written an article about the Attitude Era. Please be gentle. -- http://bit.ly/19C18km

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KONGO


      A big reason people want to return to the Attitude Era is that it was cool to be a wrestling fan. Two different huge promotions, bunch of big stars (like big stars that regular people would know), etc. It's not just "they could swear and it was Austin and Rock!" You mention that it was a pop culture juggernaut but never really engage that part of it, which is the real divide between then and now.

    3. GA!


      I could've played up the pop culture bit more I suppose. However from the people I've spoken to, people don't want wrestling to be cool again as much as they want it to be how they remembered. And their perception of the Attitude Era is the same as people who think ECW was nothing but garbage wrestling. People legitimately think wrestling would be great again if everyone swore and bled.

    4. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Haaaaaaaave you met TNA?

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