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Everything posted by Tarheels.

  1. Hell yes! I might be going to see Gaslight Anthem in May.
  2. Holy fuck that is stacked. I told myself I wouldn't, but I'm probably going to buy this.
  3. I'm happy to see Lost in The Trees up here. I've seen them 3 times already and they're playing in my town next Friday. Shit yeah, YI
  4. The only album is own is "I See A Darkness" on vinyl, but I love it with a fiery passion. I've been meaning to get more of his albums, but that's going to have to do for now.
  5. I'm with Dragsy. I think Rock Band is better than Guitar Hero now. I've bought every GH since the first one and I don't own Rock Band but I play it with my friends when they bring it over more than I play GH and enjoy it miles more than GH. It actually feels like musicians made the game, which is why I enjoy it more.
  6. If you had to choose one Mountain Goats album for me to listen to what would it be. I've listened to them for a while now, but I don't own any albums unfortunately.
  7. So apparently Trent Reznor released 400 GB of HD concert footage and is letting people create their own concert DVD. How awesome is that?
  8. Tarheels.


    These two episodes were exactly what Scrubs needed. Last season it looked like it was in its dying days but these two episodes showed that they've still got it in them. They gave a hilarious episode first then the second one was the classic mixture of comedy and drama that Scrubs does best. Amazing night for Scrubs.
  9. Lots of Sigur Ros songs do it. True Love Waits by Radiohead "I'm not living, I'm just killing time" is one of my favorite lines in any song Left and Leaving by The Weakerthans did it to me the first time I heard it. Maybe it's because I didn't expect it to be what it was, but it just hit me hard and was from nowhere. Two Headed Boy Part 2 by Neutral Milk Hotel The entire song is just beautiful. It's the best closing song on any album in my opinion.
  10. I'd say Rock Band really. I own GHWT and I wish that I had bought Rock Band 2 instead. Just the track list, the difficulty level (I play on expert and beat GHWT with relative ease, but some of the drum tracks are insane and the vocals seem a bit touchy), and all in all the feel of the game makes me wish I had RB2 instead of GHWT.
  11. I'm looking to get more into hardcore punk. Whether it be early stuff such as Minor Threat and Black Flag or more current day stuff (preferably this because aside from a few names like Kids Like Us, Bane, and Trapped Under Ice I don't know much). I'm just looking to get into more of it. So who has some good recommendations?
  12. How does it translate if GHWT drum set is on RB2. What does it do with the extra cymbal?
  13. Tonight is the night where people show me how much they love me in monetary form.
  14. So I'm getting this game tonight. I fully expect you bastards to play it with me
  15. Tarheels.

    Your Big Gay Face 7

    Holy shit Mercy Mercedes. Those guys played a show in my town a few years ago at a small bar and I told them they were going to be big one day, and I've got to see them grow over the years. That's always a great feeling.
  16. If you enjoy the Panda Bear then you definitely need to listen to Animal Collective.
  17. Tarheels.

    Bob Dylan

    Stupid dates not in the US
  18. Tarheels.

    Acoustic Artists

    Ray LaMontagne Damien Rice Kevin Devine (he has a combination of acoustic and band sometimes) Bon Iver Ben Harper Josh Ritter Elliott Smith
  19. Okay, so I'm trading in Fable 2 and getting a 12 month for XBL and a new game for Christmas. Now I need to decide which game. I'm debating right now between a few: GOW 2 Left 4 Dead Fallout 3 Anyone want to help and/or throw out other suggestions?
  20. So there's no demo available for this and it's $60? That seems pretty risky :/
  21. It was just me and Keith as far as I know. If Summers went, I am very disappointed we didn't meet. The closest to me was New York which is a 10+ hour drive I'll at least buy the boxed set/dvd when it comes out and can pretend I was there.
  22. Allow me to echo that sentiment. Passenger Seat is one of my favorite Death Cab songs.
  23. Tarheels.

    Incoming 2009

    Damn, I didn't know about Animal Collective and Andrew Bird. I'm going to have to check those out. My friends took his honeymoon in New York a few months ago so he could go see Andrew Bird play, he recommended Bird to me like a year ago and I finally got into him this summer. And Animal Collective is fucking Animal Collective 2009 is looking awesome.
  24. Tarheels.

    Incoming 2009

    I don't know how I forget to mention the new Decemberists album due out next spring. I'm beyond excited for that.
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