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CobraKaiEnTai last won the day on January 1

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About CobraKaiEnTai

  • Birthday 24/10/1981

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    South Bend, IN
  • Interests
    The Simpsons, The Muppets, Cobra Kai, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Community, South Park, Family Guy, meteorology, wrestling, architecture, video games, movies.

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  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/C35_pjyxM3M/?igsh=em1jY250Y3g0OXlx
  2. They replaced Terrence Howard with Don Cheadle and no one batted an eye. They're replacing William Hurt with Harrison Ford. It shouldn't be that hard to use MCU magic to explain it away/replace Majors with someone who's less of a scumbag IRL.
  3. His official cause of death has been reported to be lung cancer Once again, fuck cancer.
  4. Man, there have been a lot of terrible losses this year alone, but this one really is hitting hard, like losing Robin Williams, John Ritter, John Candy. Such a tremendous actor and terrific guy, the world was a better place with him in it than without. He had a lot of great dramatic roles in his career ,but he really knocked it out with his deadpan humor on B99, playing a gay "straight" man to perfection. This one will take time to get over. Rest in power.
  5. God dammit this year has sucked so much. So much great talent gone too soon. My brother was a big fan of his on Homicide and I enjoyed him on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Such a tragic loss.
  6. Damn what a depressing couple of days. Richard Moll yesterday was sad enough, but he was at least 80, so you kind of expected it, but this is heartbreaking. RIP Chandler
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/suzanne-somers-threes-company-step-194020248.html
  8. And there's the third one, and another that had a connection to wrestling. Will never forget his hilarious stint as Raw guest host. Damn what a week. I guess even he couldn't hit 100 on the Showcase Showdown wheel. Can't help but think his final words were to remind us one more time "Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered. Good bye everybody." So long Bob.
  9. Another part of my childhood gone too soon. Grew up with Pee-Wee's Playhouse, there was nothing quite like it on TV. Such a unique but gifted performer and if it wasn't for his first movie, we may not have gotten Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas etc. Pee-Wee's Big Adventure helped put Tim Burton on the map. RIP to another comedy legend, you will be missed, but your contributions will never be forgotten. Thank you Paul Reubens.
  10. Steve Rogers you can go to Hell. Straight to Hell.
  11. Why aren't they calling it Fast 10: Your Seatbelts?
  12. https://www.joblo.com/cobra-kai-season-6-announcement/ Damn, it's bittersweet. It kinda felt like it was reaching it's conclusion, not much else to do except bring back Hilary Swank. But love this show so much, wish it could keep going. Cobra Kai never dies.
  13. Please don't kill Gale, please don't kill Gale.....
  14. I still have Pele's Soccer for the Atari 2600, was a fun, though obviously limited, game for its time. Needless to say his name was synonymous with soccer, there will never be another like him. RIP Pele.
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