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General Movie Thread 2021


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Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage spoilers / mid-credits scene:


Oh fuck. Venom/Eddie Brock got transported to the MCU. Surely this means he'll be in No Way Home? All the rumors I've heard are that Ock, Electro, etc. will be part of a multiversal Sinister Six so it makes sense to have Venom in it as well. Though, I'd rather see Kraven get introduced...

There's also a 4th film after this one in the current Sony/Disney/Spider-Man deal, so they could do a big Venom vs. Spider-Man movie too. Either way, Venom's in the MCU!

EDIT: Dang, wait. No Way Home is the last Spider-Man MCU movie, isn't it? 


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1 hour ago, Orange CLDY said:

Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage spoilers / mid-credits scene:

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Oh fuck. Venom/Eddie Brock got transported to the MCU. Surely this means he'll be in No Way Home? All the rumors I've heard are that Ock, Electro, etc. will be part of a multiversal Sinister Six so it makes sense to have Venom in it as well. Though, I'd rather see Kraven get introduced...

There's also a 4th film after this one in the current Sony/Disney/Spider-Man deal, so they could do a big Venom vs. Spider-Man movie too. Either way, Venom's in the MCU!

EDIT: Dang, wait. No Way Home is the last Spider-Man MCU movie, isn't it? 


I'm probably not going to watch the movie, but how did that spoiler happen? I'm curious. 

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10 minutes ago, Ruki Returns said:

I'm probably not going to watch the movie, but how did that spoiler happen? I'm curious. 

Venom 2 spoiler talk


Eddie and the symbiote are hanging out in a run-down hotel room on vacation, and the symbiote is telling him how it's seen things he wouldn't believe. Eddie challenges it to show him something, then they're transported to - apparently - the MCU. It also seems like it wasn't the symbiote's doing, because the symbiote is confused about how they wound up there as well. It sees Peter Parker on TV and then licks the TV.


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4 hours ago, Orange CLDY said:

Venom 2 spoiler talk

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Eddie and the symbiote are hanging out in a run-down hotel room on vacation, and the symbiote is telling him how it's seen things he wouldn't believe. Eddie challenges it to show him something, then they're transported to - apparently - the MCU. It also seems like it wasn't the symbiote's doing, because the symbiote is confused about how they wound up there as well. It sees Peter Parker on TV and then licks the TV.



Hang on, Peter Parker on tv? We have Peter Parker on tv. He might be in our universe. Scared now.


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20 hours ago, Colly said:
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Hang on, Peter Parker on tv? We have Peter Parker on tv. He might be in our universe. Scared now.


Oh Cloudys spoiler kinda undersells it...


Eddie wakes up and see's J. Jonah Jameson on TV, talking about Peter Parker being Spider-Man and tying in with the Mysterio stuff from Far From Home.  Basically saying Venom is now in the MCU.  It'll probably tie into the next Spider-Man movie that deals with the multiverse


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No Time to Die thoughts!


I was concerned about the film's length going into it but honestly, the time flew by - never felt like the plot was meandering or any unnecessary scenes. But while I enjoyed the plot, some characters felt very thin or weren't particularly given much to do.

Daniel Craig was superb, Ana de Armas did excellent in her short role too.

Rami Malek felt kind of neutered? idk the character felt awkward and while I perfectly understand his motivation to kill Spectre, it seemed like a real leap for him wanting to murder millions with his plot. Something about eugenics and wanting to force humanity forwards? Maybe his character was hurt by the pandemic and there was a lot on the cutting room floor (I've seen some people suggest the 'nanobots' were instead a virus to begin with).

I thought Lynch as the new 007 would have a lot more to do. She basically gets outfoxed by someone who has been in training for three weeks while in Cuba and then travels to a bunch of places but never in time. Glad that she did a lot more in the final third although her 'killer' line didn't really land. Still, I liked her and want to see more!

What was the point in Logan Ash?

Obruchev was annoying. But there was a Hugh Dennis cameo!

Christopher Waltz really got the short end of the stick in the Bond franchise. He's the villain, the big bad that has plagued Bond all his life...and one film later his entire organisation is liquidated and has an underwhelming death from being touched.

Oh, and a great intro too with Billie Eilish's music! 


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This...does not look good...

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I saw the Ghostbuster Afterlife movie on Friday at Comic Con. I really, really liked it. It was a lot of fun. The way they set it up, too, was a total surprise. The Con's description of the Ghostbusters panel said nothing of seeing the whole movie, other than that there'd be a panel with the Reitmans and some of the cast. And then when the moderator asked if they'd be showing some clips from the film, Jason Reitman said the loyal fans have waited long enough, and we saw the whole thing. Honestly, I can't wait to see it again when it comes out in theaters. 

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L Kids were away this weekend so I watched a bunch.

  • Eighth Grade: this was really good. A movie about a shy and quiet Eighth Grade girl that is framed as a horror movie. Really good movie. 
  • Nomadland: Visually stunning and well acted. Felt authentic and genuine portrayal of those who were left behind by trauma and loss. 
  • Bo Burnham Inside: this is branded a comedy but I did not really find it funny. It's very interesting and music is great. 
  • The Devil Wears Prada: my hundredth time watching the movie. So good.
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Neat interview on the whole. He talks about his problems with Vin Diesel at one point and says that they had a meeting in his trailer where they came away with an understanding that they're "two philosophically different people" with different approaches to how movies should be made. He certainly doesn't seem to buy the story Vin Diesel's been giving, which is essentially "I got him angry on purpose because METHOD ACTING". 

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52 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeShabadoo said:


Man, when he said "You've never gone jaunting?" I thought it was going to be an adaptation of Stephen Kings The Jaunt.  Though I do understand that could never work as a feature length movie

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