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Queens of the Stone Age


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Okay, up until the last few days I thought that QOTSA were actually quite a popular little band, despite Oliveri leaving, but since professing my love for all things Josh Homme, especially the new single, it seems the opinions are split down the middle, so I want to know - what's the general consensus on QOTSA and Josh Homme?

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I think they are decent. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't hate them or love them because I don't see anything special in them. The songs I've heard I kinda liked, but with them it depends on my mood.

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I'm kind of split. Some of their stuff is so good and some of their stuff is such uninspired fluff bullshit. They're one of those bands where I can see the appeal and like a few songs, but can't get into completely because they seem to phone it in far too often.

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I'm not a fan of them. I have a few friends who are just crazy about them.

I can't say anything about josh homme cause i don't know him.

Nick Olivieri is a very nice guy. Me and a couple of friends found him in a bar. He talked for a while with us and then drove us to a summer festival i wasn't even thinking of going to. :)

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I got into them after obsessing over Kyuss and the Desert Sessions Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 and despite alot of the new stuff being pretty crap they remain one of my favorite bands. The first album and the splits they released with Kyuss and Beaver are amazing, all high quality. Rated R is decent, I don't care much for Songs For The Deaf. I don't really understand why Homme gets so much hate though. I guess it's just bitter Kyuss fans or people who think Homme is ruining "Stoner Rock". Plus Nick getting the boot from Queens never bothered me as QOTSA is Josh Homme (The splits and the first album are just Josh Homme and Alfredo Hernandez).

BTW, the new album, Lullabies To Paralyze really grew on me, there's alot of good stuff on there, although a couple of the songs are dreadful. I'll definately be buying it when it comes out.

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I like QOTSA. I wouldn't buy their albums, but if a song come up on my playlist or radio, I wouldn't switch, you know?

About Josh Homme...anyone that can take anything away from any member of that horrible band Rancid is a-okay in my book. :thumbsup:

Besides, he has one hot lady on his arm. I can't hate him for that. I envy him for that.

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They're going to become a household name this year. I think they are a fantastic band, doing stuff that no one else is doing. I really cannot wait till Lullabies to Paralyze, my third most anticipated album behind Garbage and NIN.

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QOTSA for me are one of my favourite bands. I generally like all of their stuff although their songs aren't anything to get overly excited about, the writing is good but not excellent and the music isn't anything overly difficult - but that's honestly what I like about them. The simplicity of the overall music in "No One Knows" would be an example, nothing challenging, but it's got a character to the song - which makes it stand out.

Josh Homme doesn't really get up my nose or anything either - although I did feel Nick Olivieri shouldn't have been kicked out when it happened because he added more of a character to the band. Although the ways he did this was slightly...well unique. But that of course was until the whole story was revealed on that scenario, so nah I like Homme.

"Lullabies To Paralyze" should be a good album, "Little Sister" is a good start although it took a couple of listens to for me to get it. Look forward to it.

So basically, yeah I like them. :thumbsup:

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They're going to become a household name this year.  I think they are a fantastic band, doing stuff that no one else is doing.  I really cannot wait till Lullabies to Paralyze, my third most anticipated album behind Garbage and NIN.

I think they already hit that mark. When radio stations geared more towards the middle-age demographic are consistantly playing "No One Knows", it says something about your prominence in the mainstream.

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I don't go out of my way to listen to them so I've only heard some songs, if it's on I may listen, but I don't get their stuff nor do I think they absolutely suck.

To much there just another band that are there and aren't doing anyting wrong or spectacular. They're...OK.

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Guest 12characters

QOTSA died to me when Nick got kicked out of the band. I have Songs For The Deaf and R, both of which are *all right*. Not spectacular, but there's some killer songs on each.

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My English teacher got me into QOTSA a few years back and I love them.

Little sister is a current SOTM.

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