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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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For GM Mode, I just had the computer do all the work so I would get the trophy. Then did a season on my own and lost.

I'm pissed. I just debuted my CAW, Vudoki, in a IC Title match against Carlito. I had Carlito busted open, and hit numerous Vudoki Crushers (Ki Krushers) and Super Sayian Cutters (Oska Street Cutters). I went for a SSC, and Carlito blocked it. He had a finisher stored already, so I was trying to make sure he didn't hit it. I hit a moonsault and got another special. I picked him up, and he possum pinned me. Good match tough, lasted about 13 minutes.

I shall take revenge in a Caribbean Street Fight.

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Anyone downloaded and used any of the hacks yet? I just downloaded one with 30 CAW's, plus Eric Bischoff, Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross, Jonathan Coachman, Lilian Garcia, Michael Cole, Tazz, Theodore Long, Tony Chimmel and Vince McMahon unlocked in exhibition mode. Tazz wrestling in a suit is scary.

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Wow! I was playing General Manager mode (yes, I actually play that), doing the following match:

Captain Fall 6-Man Elimination Tag match at Survivor Series:

Rey Misterio (Captain)

John Cena

Chris Jericho (me)


RVD (Captain)



I actually managed to pin RVD with the Back Suplex and Cocky Pin move, about 7 minutes into the match! That's the only time I can recall ever actually pinning anyone with that move - and I've played every game since SYM and use Jericho a LOT - and it was the ONLY elimination of the match. (Cena had Kane in a ground submission move and Rey and JBL were tied up in a grapple on the other side of the ring, so no one could break it up)

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For the WWE Superstar Challenge ECW Fantasy Match where you are RVD in a battle royale against I think Eddie, Benoit, Rey, Tajiri and Jericho do you have to eliminate everyone in the match to get the challenge complete or just win? If it is everyone how do you do that with RVD since his finisher in the match is pretty useless.

Edited by CKN
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