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Official Smackdown vs. Raw Thread


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Guest Iron Mary

To whoever keeps doubting me:

But in a revelation that is sure to surprise players who have been following the game's progress, no new names will be added other than what we've already confirmed. Even more interesting is the fact that Rikishi has been removed because of his loss of employment with the WWE, while Sable (who was also recently let go) will remain.

Luckily, there are actually more legends than the ones we've highlighted above; but as a special favor to the team, we're going to officially reveal the remaining six over the course of the next two days to keep readers curious as the week comes to a close. So be sure and check back with us over the next couple days to get the skinny on that.

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If theres still some to be revealed, it's not final.  *bites*

The regular roster is final, only Legends to be revealed. They upped the character models so much that they probably just didn't have time to get everyone in the game. London, Kidman, Grenier, and Conway got screwed, but they'll be easy to make. The other six legends: The Rock, Mick Foley, Roddy Piper (already confirmed), Snuka (already confirmed), Brutus Beefcake (confirmed), and HOPEFULLY Hogan or Jake Roberts. But it will most likely be someone pointless like Hillbilly Jim.

The good news is, it looks like the legends have their own unique entrances now, hopefully their music will be in too.

Edited by Zero
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Meh they should have scrapped Snuka and Brutas for like Randy Savage and someone like Razor Ramon, Ultimate Warrior, Vader, The Brittish Bulldog or Owen Hart. Here's hoping they somehow reveal that there is more legends than we think in the game.

I pray they have there entrance music and proper entrances, I really did hate them mini ring things in HCTP.

Edited by JohnnyPerfect
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I know Zero, I'm just messing with him :P

Apparently, there was supposed to be an ultra heavyweight, which would suggest Yokozuna or someone similar, but that could have been a red herring. I'm pretty sure they do have their own entrance; my avatar comes from a close up of Legend Kane's face during the pyro taunt, which seems to be from the entrance movie, not mid fight.

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Meh they should have scrapped Snuka and Brutas for like Randy Savage and someone like Razor Ramon, Ultimate Warrior, Vader, The Brittish Bulldog or Owen Hart. Here's hoping they somehow reveal that there is more legends than we think in the game.

I pray they have there entrance music and proper entrances, I really did hate them mini ring things in HCTP.

Mini rings > *

I loved those things in real life, and their awesomeness transcended nicely into the game.

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At least now I can have yet another classic match, Flair Vs Piper. I just see a picture of Brutas, I really have no clue why there are putting him in the game over so many other guys  :ohwell:

It's tough to acquire certain likenesses. I'm sure Owen was left out due to respect. THQ probably doesn't want the hassle of being accused of using Owen's likeness for profit. Brutus is likely being put in because they are going to or were planning on putting Hogan in. I'm sure Snuka's returning because he still sometimes appears on WWE TV and his HCTP model didn't exactly need to be touched up much. But keep in mind we still have two open spots, it can be anyone willing to license their likeness: Hogan, Jake the Snake, Ted Dibiase, Warrior, Savage, Hall, Nash, etc.

Unique entrances are definitely in, Bret, Taker's, and Kane's are obvious indications. Let's just hope for the theme music; as well as some extra themes like Real American and DX.

EDIT - IGN Update

As we're sure our readers remember from yesterday's update, THQ revealed its final superstar roster exclusively to IGN for its upcoming WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW; with the only exception being the remaining legends. And though Bret Hart, Andre the Giant, Legend Kane, and Legend Undertaker were already confirmed in yesterday's article, there were still seven more characters left to be announced (not six, like we originally believed). As promised, however, we're set to reveal three more of those legends for today.

Now as many of you probably suspected, two of today's three legends have returned from last year's Here Comes the Pain. The Hot Rod himself, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka will once again don their tights and stroll to the ring to do business in a way they only know how. And as you can tell from the screens provided, the little mini-rings that they were forced to enter with last year have been completely eliminated (though there's no word yet on whether or not they'll have official music or TitanTrons). Interestingly enough, this year's Piper will be from the late '80s/early '90s -- when he wrestled with long hair.

New to the lineup and fresh off his appearance in WWE Day of Reckoning is Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake. Complete with his oversized gardening sheers and unbelievable "power mullet", Beefcake harkens back to a day when gimmicks and mic skills were the more important to the business than anything else. But for those doubters out there, just remember that Beefcake and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine once formed one of the most dominate heel teams of the early '80s; too bad Valentine isn't in the game to relive it.

Edited by Zero
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Just finished watching the Royal Rumble video on IGN... the Rumble match has been slightly improved, still wish they'd just give you an option to turn off ring outs and turn it into a 30 man falls count anywhere brawl ala WM2000 and NM. Oh well. And as expected, the commentary is terrible... like ears bleeding terrible. Tazz has maybe three lines and Cole has one, if he can ever get it out without repeating it over and over. Sounds like he's stuttering. Can't wait to turn that shit off.

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I'm annoyed with this roster. I read an interview saying anyone who was on TV in August would be in. So much for that. Not having La Resistance in is stupid, as they have only been Raw regulars for a year, and are tag champions. Having London and Kidman out is stupid, as they have been Tag Champions for a month now. Eugene has only been a mainstay on Raw for a few months, and had a match with HHH at Summerslam, so he's obviously not good enough for Smackdown. No Noble is an stupid too.

Ok, I can accept Stevie, Venis Bashams, Nunzio, Stamboli and Gunn being left off, as they are only Heat/Velocity regulars, but leaving these off is Stupid since Palumbo and A-Train are SOMEHOW on, and they have hardly been seen at all. All the others I just mentioned should be on over them.

Once again the Cruiser's are overlooked. Shame.

I hate having all the eye candy girls like Torrie on, since as i'd sooner die then play a match as her.

Very disapointed with the final roster. One of the thrills of Smackdown 2 on the PSone, was its HUGE roster. This added to the replay value of the game so much (had about 80 wrestlers), as I enjoyed playing as obscure characters like Essa Rios. I could play as ANYONE I saw on TV. Now I can't even play as the Tag Champions. I love huge rosters, and they keep the game alive longer. Even more pissed that some talent that should be one are overlooked for some god-awful choices. On SD2, it was so hard to run out of different combinations for matches, and ya know, it had a tag divison too, with the champions actually on the game!

As for the legends, sure they are nice, and having Hart in the game is going to be very sweet. But I don't give a crap about legends, if I can't play as wrestlers I see on TV now!

The roster on the old game got shit and stale in days, and I am SOOOOO sick of Smackdown games doing this.

Saying they needed a smalller roster cos of the polygon count is silly. I can care less about graphics. They could have stick wrestlers fighting for all I care (OTT i know, but you take my point). Having a roster smaller then last year is moronic.

The more this thread has gone on, the more I being to realise Matzat, SeanDMann and others have been right. THQ and Yukes don't give a shit about creating a good, very enjoyable game. With the talent they can use, they should ba able to create thr best ever, but no. All they care about is churning one out each year, to get money, and I doubt they give a shit of this was the worst game ever. The fact they can't be bothered putting together an accurate, and overall good roster is just one example of this.

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Wouldn't THQ state how many superstars they could do though? WWE picking them explains A-Trains call-up though.

Big point of the day: Brutus Fucking Beefcake! The man who without the influence of Hulk Hogan would have been forgotten about during the 80's, never to be seen again. Thanks Hogan, now I have to put up with him in a game. Hart, Piper, Andre, Snuka, Beefcake. Somebody tell me which one is out of place there?

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Wouldn't THQ state how many superstars they could do though? WWE picking them explains A-Trains call-up though.

Big point of the day: Brutus Fucking Beefcake! The man who without the influence of Hulk Hogan would have been forgotten about during the 80's, never to be seen again. Thanks Hogan, now I have to put up with him in a game. Hart, Piper, Andre, Snuka, Beefcake. Somebody tell me which one is out of place there?

Bret Hart. The rest all wrestled under false names :shifty:

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I'm actually pretty sure that THQ makes the game, and its roster, then gets the OK from the WWE.

I can't see the WWE complaining over the absense of 'minor' characters like Noble, London and Kidman........... Expecially if the game is going to make them money regardless, as it will.

Overall, still angry at the roster.

:lol: at Rabid Wolverine BTW.

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Wouldn't THQ state how many superstars they could do though? WWE picking them explains A-Trains call-up though.

Big point of the day: Brutus Fucking Beefcake! The man who without the influence of Hulk Hogan would have been forgotten about during the 80's, never to be seen again. Thanks Hogan, now I have to put up with him in a game. Hart, Piper, Andre, Snuka, Beefcake. Somebody tell me which one is out of place there?

Bret Hart. The rest all wrestled under false names :shifty:

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