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Official Smackdown vs. Raw Thread


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But there's nothing wrong with this

There is. You're whats wrong with it.

this is what 'most' people want. A lot of people don't go searching all over japan (the net, whatever) or some other places to find the 'perfect wrestling game, gameplay wise'.

And this means what, exactly? That the majority of people are coperate tit suckers and refuse to try generic wrestling goodness? That everyone who doesn't have a label and the lastest graphics should fuck off?

That's a retarded position, it's the reason McDonald's is still in business, that place dries liquid shit, microwaves it, and yet it sells to idiots like you because "I don't care about quality, I like hype, I am montonous, oh please, fuck me like the corporate whore I am, oh yeah, milk me for my allowance money". There should be a test and anyone who says "I'd rather the one with the better commercial" were decapitated so that the overall quality of the world wouldn't be dragged down by your lazy and predictable naiviety.

I tell you..I would be be highly pissed..if let's say...they realeased HCTP again


Oh wait, you said something else too. It's hard to tell where you stop speaking and the WWE preprogramming begins.

I tell you..I would be be highly pissed..if let's say...they realeased HCTP again..this year (I mean graphics wise) and just different move animations and changed the system (lets say..to the KOC one since that seems to be..highly recommended..by someone who shall not be named .)

Why exactly?

I mean, for fucks sake, you do realize that there was a trillion dollar industry in Japan built on PlayStation roleplaying games that all looked exactly the same, and could be made at home as all the art was just derivative knock offs anyway, and yet it sold, why?

Because Japanese people are smarter then people like you. While you're baaa baaaing for the latest liscenses Japan has OPTIONS. People make shit over there because there is a market for a better quality game. You don't give a shit because you're always going to take the one with the most commercials.

"Have you ever considered that we are entertained by nothing at all?"


"Not nesscessarilly what says anything, or means anything, but what has the most money pumped into it."

All the time. I see it every day, people like Media who hop on the popularity train and ride it through Stupid City into Comotose Valley, emerging chanting corporate mantras of "praise Unity, praise the Party, praise graphics".

Stupid people like you get mad when you pay for better quality with less polish. Flash over famine, Media.

Because hell..the new people they added, I probaly would have done already in CAW..and there'd really be no other point...other then a different way to pull off moves.

Oh my god. Someone please slap this clueless idiot.

When you bought SmackDown did you say "I'll be dissapointed if it doesn't play like WWF Wrestlemania for the Super Nintendo", no, you fucking clown, you bought it BECAUSE it was new, because it looked like an improvement. Take Tony Hawk. Through each game the engine has recieved minor tweaks and small graphical upgrades, and each time they refined down the gameplay. But they got it to a point where it was just "grind jump griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind jump grind jump griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind" and they might as well have just called it grind in a box. So they made a new game, and they seeked to bring back the feeling of the wacky levels they had developed and gotten backlash over. They decided to go back to the insane free falls and jumps and the "holy shit I'm going to break my neck" feeling extreme and overexagerated skateboarding is all about. People said it was a stupid idea to fuck a winner. They did it anyway. People bought it. Why? Because it made the game better.

Let's get another anology shall we? Let's say the Pinto. Say they make a new Pinto. It still has all the same problems as before, but it comes in a NEW COLOR!!!!111111one And it has a STRIPE OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!! Would people buy it? Fuck no. There's a thing adults look for in products they buy, it's called quality. It's a grown up people concept and you might understand it when you step into the real world.

The bottom line is that if you get pissed off because they made the game play better at the expense of adding in stupid and pointless graphical upgrades, you need a couple chairshots, Foley style.

Of course..you might just say I don't know what a good game is, but that's not true, I just, in this game (wrestling game) would prefer the graphics to be the best thing they have. And so far..the graphics look awesome.

If all you care about are the graphics, why even buy the game? Why not just watch the movies put out on the web? I mean you don't need to play it to see the HARDCORE GRAFIX UPGWADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111onetwo

And anyways, I'm sure commentary can be turned off for those that were fussing.

It shouldn't have to be, they should create commentary that isn't annoyingly short of depth and aggravatingly repitiative.

But then again, annoyingly repetetive and shallow in repeat value commentary is pefect for this overcommercialized piece of shit.

Edited by SeanDMan
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Realistic, lol, yeah it's realistic, everyone bolting around like they're wired on cocaine and throwing people into expoding cars. Yay realism.

You're a mark, you're a corporate whore. You say "I like it and tuff", well keep liking it until they tell you to like something else.

As far as the gameplay, I haven't even PLAYED KOC, it has to be better then Smackdown, No Mercy plays better the Smackdown, Fire Pro which I thought was boring, plays better, hell if you want a faster arcadey game, get Street Fighter, it has reversals and punches kicks and throws, for all intents and purposes it's a better wrestling game. Smackdown is for kids with ADD who can't form cognitive train of... who can't focus on things, and if your posts are any example, your "fuk u ill do wut i want" babbling about how you like it without any justification besides it looks good is confirming more and more you fit into that category like crap in WWE.

You want realism, you take a game that for years has shunned blood and logical selling of moves while addded more ludicrous high spots and stupid gimmicks? Is that a fucking rib? Are you a Fire Pro Salesmen who's gonna shoot a confetti cannon at any second and tell me you caught me on TV? Seriously, what the fuck, Smackdown is realistic? Do you do a lot of speed and jump off 80 foot structres? Because I sure as hell won't define a bunch of people moving around a ring at lightspeed and then leaping off 40 foot hells in cells and even higher titantrons to be realistic, seriously, either quit the drugs or take a lot, lot more, Smackdown is as unrealistic as they come, THIS IS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT. The game is gimmick after gimmick and it's good for a laugh and a half, but it's about as realistic as expecting a black president in our lifetime.

When I said Japan has options I meant in everything, there isn't conglomeration because people aren't stupid, they don't go to Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle because some stupid people made it, they spend money based on quality, not just in wrestling, but it's no coincidence that video games launch first in Japan, because if it sells in Japan then you can make it a hit because it's a good game. And even if it doesn't, you can still make it a hit with enough money, see Smackdown versus Raw.

Your arguement has one giant flaw, EVERY DAY people rediscover retro gaming, they sell arcade classics, rerelease Super Nintendo games on Gamecube and PlayStation, why? Because people are too lazy to make good games anymore. It's high risk, to make a good game, when they can just make it look good and get idiots like you to buy it.

Edited by SeanDMan
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I often am.

I mean I am a mild hypocrite, I'll buy DoR and I will play it with friends, but in a month I'll feel ripped off like I did with WM Revenge because it's the same fucking game. That's why it pisses me off that people defend it, the game has been the fucking same for what a decade now, and people still buy it because each version looks better.

It's like when you bought Metal Gear Solid. It was supposed to be epic. And then bam, you're done in 4 hours. So you figure, well maybe they made the sequel bigger, tie up loose ends. And bam you finish it in 2 hours. I mean Snake Eater is getting some of the highest praise ever, for a few pictures, I honestly can't give a fuck because if the last two games are any indication it will be over in 20 minutes.

Edited by SeanDMan
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It's high risk, to make a good game, when they can just make it look good and get idiots like you to buy it.

So I'm an idiot because I like something you don't? If that's the case, then basically I can deservedly call you a stupid ass dumb fuck, because you like some wrestlers that I don't. :rolleyes: Stupid ass dumb fuck.

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Erm, is there any chance of starting a KOC thread so this one can discuss the new Smackdown? This is getting bogged down by the same argument every two pages, which I'll admit I agree with. Smackdown is not the perfect (or even high quality) wrestling game. But as much as I'd love an alternative to Smackdown, I'm really not that hung up on an uber-wrestling game, I'd rather be playing Pro Evo or GTA, but I still don't mind pulling down HCTP for a quick blast every so often to do exactly what Media is saying. Set up a ridiculous gimmick match and have some multiplayer craziness. I really don't mind that its unrealistic for those ten minutes before I decide to do something else. And calling him a corporate whore while simultaneously shilling another product (I assume KOC is made by a company and not an underground developer who needs the hype) is a tad hypocritical. Especially if you still bought Smackdown anyway like the rest of did, despite its obvious flaws.

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it´s not hypocritic, i don´t like KoC becaus of it´s japanes licenses and i do not dislike smackdown because it has a WWE licens, i have my opinions based on manny fakts that i layed out properly. - Also no one is asking for perfect, Smackdown is so full with a shitload of bugs that it is just crap.

Now, tell me, based on fakts, what makes Smackdown "very good" and better come up with something good (means better than "it has that guy that i see on tv wearing that title that i see on tv !!!!!!1111111111111111") and it better is able to stand against the points i made against smackdown becaus my points in mind, this game issent even near being called medicore in a fair rating.

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Some nice new videos. Finally, and I say FINALLY, we have Kanes PROPER entrance music which deserves a huge YAY!

The entrance was pretty damn good. The Chamber looked quite good too, couldn't tell of any new changes though as it was only short, at least Dupree's in. The ramp looks great as well, nice stuff there. Commentry isn't great but I cant complain there, I don't know one wrestling game with great commetry actually.

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Media 2.0 in a dark room with a very (very very) drunk girl that dossent know what it´s doing.

Girl : "I wan´t do fuck with you *burb*"

Media 2.0 : "Can i call you Sable ? You know it would ad so much to my expeience"

Girl : "Sable ? Issent that a term for child pornografy" (not from the writer : it is)

Media 2.0 "uhm, no it´s that girl that was on WWE tv"

Girl "ohohoh, i remember, wassent she fired a day ago ore so ?"

Media 2.0 "Uhm, fired ? Uhm. . . . uhm . . .uhmuhmuhm, could i call you Lita for tonight ?"

Girl : "What ?!"

Media 2.0 : "It would ad so much to the expirience you know ?"

Girl : "Issent my name good enough ?"

Media 2.0 :"uhm uhm, you know i got this psychologicall problem?"

Girl : "psychologicall problem ?"

Media 2.0 "yeah i am impotend as long as i don´t belive i am with a WWE girl, and actualy i am quied prued of that !"

Girl burst out laughing and walks of

Was there any need for that? I mean debate the game's good and bad points all you want but is there any need to attack someone personally for having different views as you over something fairly meaningless as a copmputer game?

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There's definitely going to be some fine tuning with the audio and various other rough elements of the game.

My main problem is that the game is utterly recycled. If you look at it, Smackdown vs. Raw won't be too terribly different from Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth. The gameplay looks unbelievably similar, with many of the same flaws. The problem is that the things in the previous year's game that really dragged it down are never attended to. The only thing that get's attention are updating the rosters, improving the graphics, and adding inane and useless new gameplay modes. They should be fixing the problems they've had since the series made it's way to the PS2 with Just Bring It. Instead, they change just enough to make the game a little bit different from the last.

I'll admit, the addition of online play and create a pay per view are very cool and very welcome new bits. But it won't change the fact that when you're playing the game, it'll be bland, derivitive, and generally unrealistic. You can add as many new modes and bells and whistles as you like, but the way the game plays will always be the most important.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to while away my evening with Fire Pro 2 on the GBA...

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Guest Iron Mary

Matzat's credibility just bombed with that hahahalaaarious transcript involving Media 2.0 That post just wasted all of his arguments that actually had some logic or meaning to them.

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asides from CAPPV being old i always asked myself why people pee themselfs about that mode, shure it´s a nice LITTEL (!!!) thing, but nothing that a pice of paper and a Pen could not solute in case of it not being in the game... maybee pen and paper are to much of a chalange for some people....

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