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For no good reason, I wanted to show you mah rogue.

Here ya go.

Yes, my guild is named Lister's Minions. Not a play on Red Dwarf, per se (I've been so tempted to start a guild named either "Should Be Nerfed" or "Smegheads".) It's a play on Lister from Diablo II.

So, yeah, not the best rogue to ever walk the Azearth, but he gets the job done to da back'o'yo head.

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Well, I broke down and started my 10-day trial on Friday.

Server: Dalaran

Rintrah, the Tauren Shaman lvl 6

Enjoying it so far. Extra nerdliness points for anyone who figures out where the name comes from.

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I'm also kinda playing again, I have a 6 Tauren Druid named Thur on Venture Co. I mostly just play with TOG & KyKy when they're on.

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Double posting, yadda yadda yadda.

I joined the server, but with none of them around I started a character to play in the meantime, a Human Warrior and experimented with the game like that. I got up to level 6 and started the skinning profession but I just had a few questions;

1) Skinning seemed like a good idea, but which of the others should I choose, what would benefit me the most?

2) In some quests, like the one where I need to take out a thief... other people can get to him\them\it before I do... so how long does it take for him to come back?

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The one that Cloudy, TOG, kyky and I play on is RP-PVP

To answer your earlier questions, I would suggest Mining as your other profession. Gathering professions are the best for money and Skinning is cake to level up since there are so many damn mobs that can be made into basketball material, yo. Just be careful not to out-level your Mining skill, as it can be a pain to go back and re-trace your steps...so if you can mine it, get it.

Regarding the mobs, some are on a set respawn timer, while most are now on a dynamic timer which reacts to how many people are in the area and how quickly it's being killed. You can sometimes find out the respawn time by looking the mob up on Thottbot.com or Wowhead.com.

Your skill in Nerd has increased to 372.

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Yes, skinning is awesome.

I prefer the turtles near Revantusk Village in The Hinterlands. Easy kills, and not only do you get a ton of thick and rugged leather, but also turtle scales, which sell for a lot.

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Yes, skinning is awesome.

I prefer the turtles near Revantusk Village in The Hinterlands. Easy kills, and not only do you get a ton of thick and rugged leather, but also turtle scales, which sell for a lot.

Word, just watch out for Gammarita. She can be a pain. Personally, I prefer the turtles just outside of Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris. Great way to get the moolah for your lvl40 mount if you need to. Hinterlands are good as a way to stockpile money for your epic ground mount.

Ill, sorry to say, but I partially agree with kale in the sense that Enchanting isn't as consistantly good for money as Skinning. While Skinning gets you a decent amount of money throughout (and gets above average cash from Hellfire Pen onwards), Enchanting can be a monetary black hole until you reach 350 or so.

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Agreed on Gammarita. She can be a pain the butt as an add, mainly.

Ill, I'm guessing you already had your epic ground mount, so you had some more gold to throw towards powerlevelling the Enchanting skill. Which is fine, but I just don't suggest anyone getting it until they have their first flying mount purchased, or -- at the earliest -- when they have their epic ground mount.

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