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20 Games That Changed The World


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Wii (geddit?) is Pokemon even on the list, it was hardly revolutionary and was only really so popular based on the popularity of the cartoons.

Actualy, the Cartoon came later because of the popularity of the game, at least in Japan at any rate.

I was talking about the West, as far as I remember the cartoon was one of those fads (like Tamgotchi's and yo-yo's) and then the Pokemon blue and red games came out a bit later to capitalize on it. I can remember my mate bunking off school to go and get both of them, I was never entirely sure why.

Not really. The game was released, in the US at least, all of twenty days after the anime started airing, FAR too soon for that to be true.

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I've been racking my brain since I first saw this posted yesterday to come up with a reason why Nintendogs is on that list, and I just can't do it. There are plenty of other questionable entries but they've been covered so fuck them. Nintendogs is a really, really weird choice, to my mind.

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It's a ridiculous list made by 14 year olds with no memories.

Pong, Break Out, Asteroids....All did MASSIVE things to change the world of games.

Why say guitar hero as if you're looking at games with specialised peripherals you've got Eye Toy which is MUCH more important.

I won't post my own suggestions as they're ridiculously biased but I would suggest Championship Manager as being the most comprehensive sports management game.

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Sure I'm happy to include Guitar Hero in the list in a year or two but as it's just recently come out it's difficult to say it's changed the world of gaming yet.

It's a fantastic game without doubt, one of the best out there but it's the (excellent) result of other game changing developments.

Wasn't there another guitar game back in the day branded to some metal group?

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Come to think of it, shouldn't something like Warcraft, Dune, or Command and Conquer be up there? I mean, take your pick as to which of those three games had more of a part in revolutionizing the RTS game.

And while I'm talking about significant games that got snubbed, why isn't any of the Civilization games on the list?

I'm telling you, I hate the fact that kids are getting the idea of good video games when they wre born in 1992, right after the NES died.

You tell them "Yeah, Doc really needs to get into the ring and show Mac how it's done.", and they just look at you.

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While I dislike its placement (should have been in the back end of the top 20) Halo 2 should really be on the list. Its one of the big reasons, if not the biggest reasons why online gaming took off on the consoles.

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20. Guitar Hero

19. Pokemon

18. E.T: The Extra Terrestrial

17. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

16. Street Fighter II

15. GoldenEye 007

14. Nintendogs

13. Counter-Strike

12. Tetris

11. Sonic the Hedgehog

10. Mortal Kombat

9. Dance Dance Revolution

8. Sim City

7. John Madden Football

6. Halo 2

5. Pac-Man

4. Doom

3. Super Mario Bros. 3

2. Grand Theft Auto III

1. World of Warcraft

I definitely don't agree with World of Warcraft being #1 or even on the list at all. Same with Halo 2. In the mag, each game they give a brief reason for, like they say E.T is on the list, because it was the first ever movie licenced game, and thus setting the "curse" of every game based on a movie is horrible.


Tetris should have been at #3.

Pong should have been at #2.

Super Mario Bros. should have been at #1. IT WASNT EVEN ON THE LIST!!!

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For those who have been asking, GamePro is a video gaming magazine that's been around since 1989 or something.

I usually agree with their opinion, but like Kaney, I can't see why Nintendogs would be on the list. GamePro said that it was on the list because it has "Innovative usage of Microphone and Touch-Screen" and "Wide-Market Appeal" and "It propelled the sales of the DS." That I totally disagree with, I'm thinking about buying a DS, and unless I feel like getting it for my younger sister, I doubt I'll get it.

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And to critisize the list more, GTA3 should not be on the list. GTA3 was crap, as crappy as the first 2. Poor graphics, un-interesting storyline, mediocre gameplay engine.


GTA3 is one of the most innovative games of this generation. The sheer leap from GTAII to the newer games is amazing in every way, and the game itself was an incredibly immersive world for something that wasn't multiplayer and/or online. I know tons of people who prefer GTA3s driving engine to many actual driving-specific games, and I agree with them. It wasn't the best game in the world, but to say it was mediocre is just asinine.

For those who have been asking, GamePro is a video gaming magazine that's been around since 1989 or something.

I usually agree with their opinion, but like Kaney, I can't see why Nintendogs would be on the list. GamePro said that it was on the list because it has "Innovative usage of Microphone and Touch-Screen" and "Wide-Market Appeal" and "It propelled the sales of the DS." That I totally disagree with, I'm thinking about buying a DS, and unless I feel like getting it for my younger sister, I doubt I'll get it.

It changed the world because it used the features a console was built to use? :huh:

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Goldeneye 007 and Sonic the Hedgehog don't belong on there at all. The only reason I can think of for Sonic being on there is because he's Sega's mascot, and that's not a good enough reason.

Halo 2 doesn't belong, either. One of the Quake games or Duke Nukem 3D should be on there instead.

The fact that there isn't a single Final Fantasy or Ultima game (and I don't mean Ultima Online) on there and Pong isn't on the list shows that it was compiled by idiots.

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Goldeneye 007 and Sonic the Hedgehog don't belong on there at all. The only reason I can think of for Sonic being on there is because he's Sega's mascot, and that's not a good enough reason.

Halo 2 doesn't belong, either. One of the Quake games or Duke Nukem 3D should be on there instead.

The fact that there isn't a single Final Fantasy or Ultima game (and I don't mean Ultima Online) on there and Pong isn't on the list shows that it was compiled by idiots.

I AM a bit dumbstruck at FFVII not being there since game magazines love to put FFVII on any list they make no matter what.

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No Command & Conquer and/or StarCraft makes me sigh. Those two games were awesome, and basically created the strategy genre (or whatever the genre is called). How on earth they aren't on the list...just makes no sense.

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No Command & Conquer and/or StarCraft makes me sigh. Those two games were awesome, and basically created the strategy genre (or whatever the genre is called). How on earth they aren't on the list...just makes no sense.

Starcraft? Not really. It was Warcraft/Warcraft II that was Blizzard's first big RTS game, not Starcraft.

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