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In videogames where you are allowed to name the main character(s), what do you usually call them? I name them after myself, either:




Jay (Female characters)

Then, if I have a group of characters (see Final Fantasy) I name the squad after my friends. Oh, and my rival in Pokémon games, if nameable, is always Benji. (Y)


In Final Fantasy games I have a tradition of always naming one character 'Skip' (this came about from the demon in the TV show Angel named Skip, who I thought was frikkin awesome). In FF9 it was given to Vivi, and in FFX it was given to Tidus (obviously). However for the most part in FF games I just leave everyone's names the same.

I sometimes name the characters after my friends, most notably Disgaea where I have like 20 of them.

Well, post 5,000. Whaddya know.


I hardly ever rename characters. Especially not if it's my first time playing through the game. The only time I ever did first time through was calling Tidus "Lance" in FFX.

In games where you need to rename the character, I tend to use "Errol", it's the name I gave to my main character on an RPG Maker game, and it's a fairly good RPG protagonist name.


I always name them what they are called, but if their is no obvious names (IE: Pokémon, even if it is the colour as the main character), I name them Benji, I can't say I've ever played a game where I've chosen to be female/had to give a female a game that didn't already have one, though I did call Garnet 'Garnet' when you could choose to call her 'Dagger' in FFIX, as it just seemed silly.


Ever since naming Barrett "Ethel" in FF7 I've left the names alone.

There's just something about getting 40 hours into an awesome storyline and constantly being reminded that you have a massive black guy with a gun for an arm being called by an old woman's name that ruins the moment for me.


Ever since naming Barrett "Ethel" in FF7 I've left the names alone.

There's just something about getting 40 hours into an awesome storyline and constantly being reminded that you have a massive black guy with a gun for an arm being called by an old woman's name that ruins the moment for me.

Okay, that reminded me of Official Playstation Magazine naming their Cloud 'Herpes'.


Don't usually do it but I can remember playing the old RTS Starship Troopers PC game and renaming my squad stuff like Pat Sharp and Neil Buchanan. That makes you think twice about risking them.


Normally something really inventive like Mike, or Mikey....

Or 'Mik' if its one of those damn arcade games that discriminate against people with names of longer than three letters.


Depends what game it is. RPGs tend to need names so:

Pokemon, I tend to go with Kraigy. Because it fits and goes well with the dialogue.

For Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic I played as myself (for light side) and Revan (as dark side). My light side name was an angram of my real name which sounded kind of Star Warsy - Koregrift Cerias (said Korgrift Seryaz). And for Revan I used an anagram of Sith Revan, which was Saith Vern.

KOTORII, I did the same, for light side, but used an anagram of Dark Jedi Exile for dark side. Can't remember what it was, but it was cool, and was in the hyphenated form of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. (¬_¬)

So I use my name (or variations if I'm being myself, which is usually a good guy, because I just am), or I make up a kind of evil persona for me to be, so I can be evil. I have to say though, I get much more easily agitated and angry when I pretend to be a bad person in computer games. It's weird. 0_0


Normally something really inventive like Mike, or Mikey....

Or 'Mik' if its one of those damn arcade games that discriminate against people with names of longer than three letters.

Haha...they're to stop you putting swear words aren't they? That reminds me, on a pub quiz machine I was playing a while back, we discovered that if you entered your name as a rude word it would change to "Naughty Boy". We then spent a good ten minutes laughing at the fact that it wouldn't let us write "Scunthorpe".


Normally something really inventive like Mike, or Mikey....

Or 'Mik' if its one of those damn arcade games that discriminate against people with names of longer than three letters.

Haha...they're to stop you putting swear words aren't they?

"I could never get the last one, my brother always got it for me!"


*ship lands*



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