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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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Is this the first volume (or whatever) of Watchmen?

Looks to be the whole series, I believe.

Sweet, and on the cheap too.

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Its the entire thing.

Edit: Beaten, dang it.

In an attempt to save this post, is anyone excited by the new Cable series?

The first issue was predictable, down to the very panel, I personally wished they'd have done a bumper size first issue to cover the obvious points, and then to really show which direction the book is going.

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The first issue was fine, if a little drawn out. What actually happened could have happened in half the number of pages, but I enjoyed it. It's Cable.

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IGN Comics: When you say it's the day that evil wins, and when fans hear the words Crisis or "apocalypse" attached to any project, it's easy to assume the story will include some sort of reboot or wholesale changes to continuity. But that's not the case with Final Crisis, right?

Morrison: No, it's not going to be that at all. That sort of stuff is what people do when they need to fix continuity, and we don't need to do that here

I laughed.

Full interview, it's an interesting read and it's clear Morrison knows what he's doing and where DC is going.

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Have the entire series of The Preacher and Lucifer been collected into one book yet? I'm only finding separate volumes for booth on Amazon.

I get paid today, so I want to do a little spending. I want the entire Civil War or Marvel Zombies series in one book, but I don't know if they're: 1) finished, and if #1 is true, then: 2) available yet.


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Reynolds, currently in romantic comedy Definitely, Maybe, will play Deadpool - an assassin with healing abilities.

Ahaha. That's so right and yet so intensely wrong at the same time, but after watching him in Blade Trinity, I definitely like this move. So long as they make Deadpool...you know, faithful to the comics.

It would be so awesome if they Deadpool say, to say Wolverine, "Hey, you do know you're in a movie, right?" or some such similar comment. :P

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Reynolds, currently in romantic comedy Definitely, Maybe, will play Deadpool - an assassin with healing abilities.

Ahaha. That's so right and yet so intensely wrong at the same time, but after watching him in Blade Trinity, I definitely like this move. So long as they make Deadpool...you know, faithful to the comics.

It would be so awesome if they Deadpool say, to say Wolverine, "Hey, you do know you're in a movie, right?" or some such similar comment. :P

Whilst it'd be a nice fanboy moment, I think casual fans would read it as comic book films "jumping the shark", I just don't think it can translate well into film without ruining what I'm assuming is going to be a serious film (or as serious as comic book films get). Deadpool should be funny, no doubt there, but it should be Spider-Man battle banter style funny, not breaking the fourth wall funny. Of course, I could be wrong, they might try it and pull it off, but that both them doing it and it working are highly unlikely.

EDIT: If it were a Deadpool solo movie of course and were more joking, I'd be totally behind it.

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Just finished reading the whole Endangered Species/Messiah Complex deal and I'm now planning on picking up some of the books that were involved. The ones I know I want for sure are Cables solo run, X-Factor and Uncanny X-Men. The one I'm not too sure about is New X-Men. The issues involved in Endangered Species were hard for me to follow, I didn't understand what the hellw as happening, who these characters were and what-not. Now, notably this was ebcause they were in part 2 of a 4 part story which was pretty chaotic. After reading Messiah Complex, though the book didn't quite have me changing my mind, I managed to figure out who was who and what was what. So I might try another issue or two and see how I feel about it.

Then there's X-Force. X-23 interests me, Wolfsbane and Wolverine are familiar, but going on the writers reputation(or even if anyone has read it) is it a series I should check out?

Edited by Boogey131
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X-Force is okay, it's not been anything special but a I fricking love the art, and I don't usually like computer generated graphics like that so much. It promised to get a lot hotter soon, but for a book billed on being a black ops division, I was hoping for more fights and destruction.

Here's a question, what's everybodies most under rated books? For me Iron Fist and Nova deserve so much more praise than they get. Since #1 Iron Fist has consistently been in the top three books of the month for me (discounting the massive Messiah Complex story), it's taken someone who was essentially a joke to a lot of people and turned him into a genuinely interesting hero and leader, Fraction has done wonders for the character and with Brubaker eyeing it over the book as backup, it never stood a chance of being anything less than great. Nova is different, Marvel have done a wonderful job of boosting their space stories and this book should be forefront as an example, it had a brief stumble around issues 5-7, but its wonderful characters, dirty look and heartfelt characters really make me smile.

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X-Force is okay, it's not been anything special but a I fricking love the art, and I don't usually like computer generated graphics like that so much. It promised to get a lot hotter soon, but for a book billed on being a black ops division, I was hoping for more fights and destruction.

Here's a question, what's everybodies most under rated books? For me Iron Fist and Nova deserve so much more praise than they get. Since #1 Iron Fist has consistently been in the top three books of the month for me (discounting the massive Messiah Complex story), it's taken someone who was essentially a joke to a lot of people and turned him into a genuinely interesting hero and leader, Fraction has done wonders for the character and with Brubaker eyeing it over the book as backup, it never stood a chance of being anything less than great. Nova is different, Marvel have done a wonderful job of boosting their space stories and this book should be forefront as an example, it had a brief stumble around issues 5-7, but its wonderful characters, dirty look and heartfelt characters really make me smile.

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So far, I'd give the issues a 7/10 for #1 and a 5/10 for #2, it's still better than a lot of things out there, but it feels distinctly average considering what it came out of, and the ratings would likely be lower if it weren't for some damn fine characterisation, I'd say wait for the trade to make a decision if you're not bothered about getting it.

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So far, I'd give the issues a 7/10 for #1 and a 5/10 for #1, it's still better than a lot of things out there, but it feels distinctly average considering what it came out of, and the ratings would likely be lower if it weren't for some damn fine characterisation, I'd say wait for the trade to make a decision if you're not bothered about getting it.
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Just wondering where everyone buys their books from.

I get mine all from Chapters.ca or Amazon... except when they're gifts. Then it's usually the local store. The only reason I don't shop there myself is because they always charge the price on the book... where I can get for almost $10 cheaper online.

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doop doop doop, gonna talk about Justice League Unlimited in here since it's based off comics anyway.

So, last night I watched it and it was awesome. You had Green Arrow & Black Canary protecting Mandragora because he's supposed to be a federal witness, and then you had The Huntress and The Question out to (presumably, and definitely in Huntress' case) kill Mandragora, but Mandragora's goons break him out of custody and awesome fights, chases and quotes ensue.


Black Canary: "You're cute when you're an insufferable smartypants."

and Gail Simone wrote it!

And the TWIST~ at the end with Mandragora and his son mirroring Huntress on the night her parents were killed was something I didn't expect.

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Just wondering if anyone here goes to comic cons and if any you plan on going to have announced any guests or anything yet., or if anyone owns any original comic art (pages, sketches, commissions, etc).

I bring this up because I already made a post in the ring about a con I'm going to in June that has comics artists and other celebrities and has Rowdy Roddy Piper coming, and I had to explain in that thread why I have lost a ton of respect for Michael Golden and his agent, who are coming to the convention.

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Rant time.

Green Arrow/Black Canary. I've stuck with this book for six issues, each one is slowly taking away from any credibility that Winick had left with me, he is an absolutely god AWFUL writer. He changes pace every four pages, let alone issues, he can't write dialogue to save his life (including some horrible attempt at being poetic in the latest issue), every issue is another random twist (the first few all being ZOMG SOMEONE IS DEAD only to find they're not in the next issue), he's turned both lead characters into horrible messes within six issues, he's randomly for some reason included an 'alien' spaceship in the end of #6, which is a complete and utter change of style from the dark and seedy tone he tried (and failed) to set, although admitedly the art would far more suit that kind of book.

I just cannot fathom why people would like this book, my boss is a massive Green Arrow fan and I swear he's blinded by fan boy love because he loves the book, I personally believe it's one of the worst comic books I've ever read, no hyperbole.

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