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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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Really, Marvel? On the recap page for Superior Carnage #2 you put a Black Tarantula picture and label it as "Agent Venom"? Really?

Yeah, it's a minor thing, but I kind of hate it when I pick up stuff like that <_<

EDIT: And here's where I make an ass of myself, because had I read two pages into the book, I would see that it was intentional. Great.

Edited by Johnny Latino Heat
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Various Ultimatum/Ultimate Marvel thoughts

How is Von Doom back? Ultimate Von Doom sacraficed himself by carrying a parasite into the Marvel Zombies Universe. Surely he didn't fight off the horde without killing of them and just go back.

Yaaaay, Peter isn't dead!

Kitty using Wolverine's skeletal arm as a weapon on Sabretooth was the biggest fucking tease. I was all thinking he made it too and it turns out Kitty just picked up his arm.

X-Men without Charles and Cyclops won't be right.

Fury actually being the first Super Soldier makes Cap feel not so special. Red Skull being Cap times 10 does it even more.

Does Hulk's color mean anything? Sometimes he's green, sometimes he's grey.

The Ultimate Iron-Man armor is ugly.

Quicksilver looks insanely bad in Magneto's costume.

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Decided to follow in Kirkland's footsteps and have a complete read through of Ultimate Marvel, previously read X-Men up to the New Mutants arc I think whereas Spider-Man I was up to the Hobgoblin one I think. FF I only read the first few volumes. Should be fun.

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I might start reading that. Comic podcast I listen to said it's pretty good.

Also,Black Panther is awesome. I want to read more things with him.

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Cable and X-Force is the superior X-Force!

True, but Uncanny X-Force is very good as well. Puck is awesome, and once I got past the ick-factor of the whole Fantomex-Cluster-Psylocke relationship, it became really intriguing as well. The way Bishop's used is good as well.

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So I am finally going back and rereading all of Jonathan Hickman's run on Fantastic Four. I had jumped on when he took over the book around #570 and followed it weekly before falling out of loop sometime shortly after 600 and going back now and reading it as a whole -- especially without the media hooplah and internet outrage over the 3 storyline influencing me as I read it-- has been a great experience.

His plotting is incredibly meticulous and gives the storytelling a grand backdrop that is in step with the Fantastic Four's best stories -- but that backdrop is ultimately there to explore simple themes of family, friendship, and the powerful ways that those bonds can manifest.
(This is a plotting graphic he, apparently, used to pitch his original 30 issue story)

Anyways, I just read #605 and...

I got kinda choked up! The story shows Reed and his father travelling forward in time to see how their efforts in the great climactic battle had impacted the future. Reed gets the unique opportunity to see the exact measure of his legacy, seeing how the Fantastic Four evolves over the years and witnessing the Baxter Buildings that stand in the center of a futuristic New York and act as a sort of superhero college and house of big ideas. Eventually though he comes to realize that Ben Grimm will outlive everyone by thousands of years due to only aging in his human form. The story takes something of a sad twist as they jump forward thousand of years at a time to check in on Ben right up until he finally finds rest in death.

Armed with this knowledge Reed returns to the present and for what feels like the first time in the run steps out of his lab and sits down with Ben, his old college roommate, for a beer and a boxing match -- realizing how fleeting his time with him is, especially compared to the time Ben will be around for. It was really pretty damn touching!

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Reading Blackest Night now as I figured I needed some DC after all the Marvel I've been reading. Though I do Plan on going to the library this weekend and picking up these 2 really huge X-Men books I saw last time I was there. I've seriously seen smaller text books than these.

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Avengers Disassembled, House of M,Civil War, World War Hulk, Secret Invasion,Dark Reign,Fear Itself,Schism,Spider-Island,Avengers vs. X-Men

Put together one big ass reading list for myself to get up to speed on the main Marvel Universe. Civil War has already been read. I don't think I've read anything else.

I need to find a cheap tablet to start reading on. ipod works but it's so small.

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Holy crap, Spider-Men is my favorite thing I've read with Miles Morales in it. Loved 616 Peter interacting with the Ultimate Universe. Only thing is now I want to know why Peter was shocked when he Googled Miles' name after he got back home.

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