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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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As far as I can remember, Eric Draven is never referred to as "The Crow" once in the original comic book. It's been years since I've read it, but yeah, the name doesn't refer to him. Maybe in the awful movie sequels or something, but I don't recall in the comic, or the original movie, Draven ever being named as "The Crow". That said, it would make sense for other characters to identify him as that, in the same sort of way that Batman villains sometimes refer to him as "The Bat" - to them, he's not a public figure with stories they can follow regularly like he is to us, but almost a bogeyman figure, and it makes perfect sense that they would give him - be it Draven or anyone else - a fitting nickname, and why not "The Crow"?

As for Sandman, I think it's one of the best, and most important, comic book series of all time. It can get quite abstract, though, or just go off on odd tangents. Don't go in expecting anything like a superhero story, and you should be okay. It's got some superb ideas, and as a teenager it acted as a great first step for me into all kinds of other literature, and other comic books.

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In the comic Funboy and others call him ghost a few times and vampire at least once. In the movie I recall them calling him a ghost too. Only ones in the movie that refer to him as Eric are Sarah,Shelly and Albrecht. Oh and now I recall that in the comic and the movie in the aftermath of the Pawn Shop scene he tells Albrecht to tell someone(In the movie it's the killers, in the comic it's the police Sargent) that "The Crow sends his regards".

Annnd while typing that I had the scene pulled up on youtube. In the movie he says "Eric Draven sends his regards" instead of The Crow but I just looked it up in the comic myself and he does call himself The Crow there.

Oh and because he commented on the scene on youtube and reminded me of his existence. Here is a guy who for years has claimed that O'Barr ripped him off and that The Crow was based on him. I remember speaking to this guy in Myspace groups.

His Youtube channel.

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21 years to the day since Harley Quinn was introduced in Batman:TAS.

Also something I found on Reddit last night: James O'Barr's Batman

I love The Crow. I love Batman. But if this is O'Barr's idea of Batman then he should never ever be let anywhere near Batman.

That said I've always liked the idea of a crossover but now I'd Just want someone else handle the Batman parts of it.

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This is an album of screenshots I've taken of comics on my ipod for phone/ipod backgrounds. Tried to avoid text but sometimes a shot was too good to pass up. the Harley/Powergirl fight isn't supposed to be in there as I just saved that off of Reddit but I'm too lazy to take it out. There is alot of Ultimate Marvel in there. I'm going to keep adding to it over time.

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Question I've meant to ask. In The Avengers movie when they get inside the helicarrier Cap takes out some money and hands Fury a single bill while looking around amazed. Why?
Edit:God damn I meant to put this in the movie thread but I'm not moving it now.

In actual comic book stuff,MAJOR spoilers for the newest Injustice



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just made it around to reading Trinity War. So happy to see The Question.

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I know many people here don't care for, or absolutely loathe, Superior Spider-Man, but man, #19 was great.

Spider-Man 2099 is now trapped in the present.

When Ock tries to access Peter Parker's memories, we see a shadow lifting debris... Peter Parker ready for round 2?

Horizon is no more, all hail Alchemax.

Carlie Cooper finds out the money for Spider-Island came from Doc Ock's accounts.

I really can't wait for future issues.

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Honestly, I read the first thirteen issues of Superior and liked it. There were some moments of "oh, come on, how more blatantly obvious can it be that it's not Peter Parker?" but still.

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My big problem at the start was that Marvel NOW was supposed to be a new jumping on point... and I wanted to jump onto the real Spider-Man, not Doc Ock. But what I read I quite enjoyed, though it was never great enough to warrant keeping a sub going. I'll probably play catch up now, though. Suck for Octopus that he's probably going to get turned villain eventually, as his character is kind of fun. I'm hoping he gets his own new hero out of it post-Superior.

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For those of you who follow SSM, I actually have a question. Is Ock acting like a hero? Sure, he gets results, but the way he goes about it really doesn't scream "Hero" to me. I mean...

Killing enemies, or his general willingness to kill them;

Assembling an army of henchmen;

Blackmailing Jameson into donating him the Raft and creating his own not-so-secret lair

This is all stuff that makes me think of a villain, not a hero; I think that without Peter's conscience, Ock will eventually fail miserably and go back to his old ways. Hell, with what happened in this latest issue with Carlie, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to kill her to protect his secret.

Well, whatever may happen, I'm really enjoying this new take on Spider-Man and I honestly can't wait to see how Peter will inevitably come back.

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The SSM stuff has been fantastic.

Johnny - I get what you're saying but for "us" the new take is the point, as is having Ock try to be Spider-Man. In the "book" nobody is really seeing all of these things.

Jameson - has always been at ends with Spider-Man and there's always been this type of back and forth. The blatant extorting is pretty rash but given the history of the two is it really off setting that Spider-Man would dig him like that, only to turn it back around into something he's doing to "help" ?

Killing enemies or the willingness too is the one catch I'd say is out there for the other characters. While it's one hell of a line to cross, it isn't like Spider-Man has never approached it or been at the point before. With what Massacre was doing, it's believable that that was the straw that broke the back.

The henchmen is the most believable of the bunch IMO. After all this time how is it that Spider-Man has never gotten help to keep his eyes on the city ? The last couple of events in the Spiderverse lend to him getting this exact kind of help. Sure, it's employed in a very henchmenesque way but I don't think it's so far out there that it'd raise questions.

Also, I'm finding my current taste switching to more non-conventional stuff and less traditional "superhero" comic book titles. I dropped Uncanny Avengers after issue 12 and will be dropping Avengers after Infinity wraps up.

I've added FBP (vertigo), Zero (image), THUNDER Agents (IDW, superhero type but not your typical) ... The rest of my sub list is Valiant stuff and SSM.

I also picked up the first issue of Coffin Hill (vertigo) and Rocket Girl (image). I also got my hands on the first four issues of CLONE.

I want to get my hands on Day Men, Dynamite is bringing back Doc Savage in December which has me intrigued, Image is coming out with Pretty Deadly which will have some elements of Sandman/Preacher, I've been told Jupiter's Legacy is great .......

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Don't get me wrong, HttK, I'm loving SSM so far, I was just thinking that maybe it's that tendency to rely on villainous/not-so-heroic tactics that will be Ock's eventual downfall, is all.

The Jameson stuff... Yeah, they've always been at odds, but recently Jameson had been more lenient on him (ever since Ock took over, ironically enough).

The henchmen stuff... See, I have to disagree with you. Why hasn't Daredevil ever gotten henchmen? Cloak & Dagger? Any street-level hero?

And tying the henchmen stuff to the willingness to kill... It's one thing to kill in the heat of the battle, it's another thing to kill in cold blood, like he intended to do with Kingpin and Hobgoblin, when he launched a full-scale assault on Shadowland. This is full-on villainous mode for Ock; he didn't just tell the spider-army to destroy Shadowland and detain Kingpin and Hobgoblin, he wanted them dead.

But again, I'm loving SSM because of this new take, and making him unlikeable and using tactics like these will only make Peter's return even sweeter. Well, to me at least.

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