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Football Manager 2007


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Holding off patching for a while because of the apparent chairman interference problem it causes, so I'll ask here:

Anyone else having a problem with a glitch where clubs you apply for the manager's job at don't actually appoint anyone?

I started the game unemployed and applied with the USA and Southend, and got the Southend job. I'm two years in, and I've moved to Peterbrough, but I still have an application in at the USA. I also still have applications in for all the other jobs I applied for when trying to leave Southend, some of which have been there for 6 months.

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Here's something that's bugging me at the moment about FM2005: From December onwards I keep getting physio reports telling me a certain member of my starting XI is "in need of a rest". However I know, from past experience, that absolutely NOTHING I do seems to help this for longer than a week. Everything from leaving him out of the squad for a bit to completely removing him from everything (including training) for a month just doesn't work, and so as the season progresses I get more and more people like this until almost all my squad is "in need of a rest" and playing shitly.

So I ask: what in hell actually constitutes as "a rest" to these people?

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Here's something that's bugging me at the moment about FM2005: From December onwards I keep getting physio reports telling me a certain member of my starting XI is "in need of a rest". However I know, from past experience, that absolutely NOTHING I do seems to help this for longer than a week. Everything from leaving him out of the squad for a bit to completely removing him from everything (including training) for a month just doesn't work, and so as the season progresses I get more and more people like this until almost all my squad is "in need of a rest" and playing shitly.

So I ask: what in hell actually constitutes as "a rest" to these people?

Edited by Chasing Lamely
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The Player Interaction thing is only in 2007.

Well. Guess I'll have to buy that one then. ¬_¬

I've found giving them a month off works... if you have the squad for it.

Even though I've brought in all the loans I can, at the moment injuries/suspensions mean that I can't even field the 16 players for a starting XI and subs. So no, I don't really have the squad for it. :P

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Just went out and bought FM2007 for £20 today. :D

...But it's the 1 year anniversary since my girlfriend and I started going out so I can't play it now, lest our relationship become yet another notch on the infamous CM/FM casualty list. ¬_¬ Downloading the patch now, though.

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Just went out and bought FM2007 for £20 today. :D

...But it's the 1 year anniversary since my girlfriend and I started going out so I can't play it now, lest our relationship become yet another notch on the infamous CM/FM casualty list. ¬_¬ Downloading the patch now, though.

Fuck her. FM is worth being single!

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I play it while she sleeeeps... >_>

Picked Chelsea to start off with, just to help me get into the swing of things. Signed Trezeguet and Rio Ferdinand - which apparently wasn't enough for ol' Roman, who went and signed Sagnol for me as well. Eh, I don't mind.

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So, nearly half way through my first season with Tottenham on '07 handheld.

It's a great stripped down version with only a few things I miss (your staff have no names so you can't hire and fire them, you can see other game results and scorers but not ratings, countries not included in the game don't have many signable players) but apart from that it's really enjoyable and back on the text-based matches is loadsa fun and it runs quicker than on the PC.

I've just beaten Newcastle 3-0 at home and have gone 12th. I'm through to the knock out stages of UEFA in second place (behind Valencia) but got knocked out of the league cup away at Chelsea.

I've had a strange season. Early promise by winning all my friendlies then drawing away at Arsenal in the league, followed by two big homes wins set me up but then I won one game in 13 to slip to 17th in the league and it's only been a recent good run (6 wins in 8, one draw and a freak 4-0 away defeat to bottom club Sheff Utd) has recovered me nicely.

I sold Jenas at the start of the season to Chelsea for £18.25 and brought in Etherington for £6.5m, Brazilian international Alex for £2.2m and Jonny Dixon from Wycombe for £60k.

Oh also, they give you just one squad which can hold 36 players at most (no reserves) and the number of stats for each player is down to 17, just like ye olde days.

Still, I can play matches on the bus which makes it all worth it.

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