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Mostly Hot Cross' Risk Revival, superb album, that and just.. assorted shit. Pogues, Thursday, Styles P, and also the WWF Aggression and Forceable Entry CDs. Ice-T's cover of Pimpin' Ain't Easy is awesome. :shifty:

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"A Day To Be Alone" by One Less Reason

I downloaded these guys ages ago and had never played them at all, I forgot where I found out about them so I played them last night, and I fucking love them. They are just amazing, the music and the lyrics. :D They're slowly becoming one of my favourite bands.

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At the moment, "The Driver" by Earth...it's a track off their forthcoming album, and my GOD is it beautiful. Heavy, without being overpowering, desolate, downbeat and just everything the "new" Earth sound is all about, in the best possible way. And "The Bees Made Honey In The Lion's Skull" is a fantastic album title.

And, thanks to Plan B Magazine's Southern Lord sampler, I now have a drone and black metal-a-thon ahead of me; Om, Weedeater, Burning Witch, SunnO))), Wolves In The Throneroom, Glorior Bulli, Tangorodrim, Striborg, Burial Chamber Trio and Boris w/Merzbow. And no, I haven't heard of half of that either. Should make for some quality "walking to the pub" music.

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TSSTB with the Pendulum love, awesome :D (Y)

At the minute I'm gearing myself up for Foals album release 'Antidote', by listening to Balloons a lot. The lack of Hummer will be a shame but Balloons is a fantastic song, so I'm hoping I can get my hands on it early :)

A lot of Los Campesinos too. I expect LC! and Foals to have good 2008's :)

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Thao Nguyen and The Get Down Stay Down - We Brave Bee Stings and All

Nifty indie-folk record. Thao sounds a good deal like Feist meets Jenny Lewis and it's effective for the types of songs on this record. The songs tend to get into that annoying layer of indie where every song just has to be cutesy, but it's not much of a bother here.

Cat Power - Jukebox

And my typical "late to the party" judgment gets me again. I had been passively wanting to listen to this for a month and held back, but now that I have the record, it's downright amazing. Chan Marshall's genius is in her ability to make her covers feel like her own songs, and all of it has a boozy nightclub style to it that most definitely fits the name and the record's tone. Great stuff, and I must seek out tons more of Cat Power in the future.

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"Build & Burn" by The Loved Ones

Like a cross between The Bouncing Souls, Lawrence Arms, early Get Up Kids and Alkaline Trio are The Loved Ones. It's a good record, although it's one I don't see myself revisiting as a whole, all that often. "The Inquirer" is one hell of a track, with an insanely catchy chorus, a definate punk-rock anthem, which just begs to be screamed along to. There's the surprising "Selfish Masquerade", which begins with a piano riff. It's a more of a slower song, which reminds me very much of "Something To Write Home About" era Get Up Kids, which is always a good sign. "The Bridge" has an awesome, classic rock & roll styled verse with an Alkaline Trio inspired chorus. Then there's "Louisiana"....which is just every kind of awesome. Heartland rock, sex, in song form. Those four are easily the best tracks. The rest, while solid, don't hold a candle to them.


"New Lexicon" by Paint It Black

Anything and everything Dan Yemin touches is solid fucking gold. Lifetime, Kid Dynamite, Armalite...all amazing bands. And here he gets to showcase his vocal prowess. We're in a time where punk-rock bands are seemingly either going insanely poppy, pushing the tech-punk boundaries too far and losing the quality of the tunes, or in the case of most hardcore bands, seemingly going TOO brutal. Paint It Black however are just rocking on. It's fast and frantic hardcore, but with occasional bittersweet melodies. There's Yemin's raspy and powerful vocals, which are absolutely killer. It's not too harsh, it's not too catchy, it's not too flash, it just flat out rocks. The bass on here sounds particuarly awesome. The tone is deep and flat, it sounds so menacing. And as most songs begin with a sole bass chugging, it sounds so fucking impressive. Notable tracks include; "White Kids Dying Of Hunger", "Past Tense, Future Perfect", "So Much For Honour Among Thieves" and "New Folk Song". Not sure how I'd rank it against the last two efforts. I'd say it's not as good as "Paradise", but not sure about "CVA". One hell of a record either way. And the front cover is fucking sexy.


"Every Little Secret...(EP)" by This Charming Man

This is an older EP. This is the band that'd go on to become the much pimped (by me and the entire punk-rock community), Gaslight Anthem. There's still the hallmarks of the Springsteen inspired epic anthems that litter their debut album, "Sink Or Swim", however there's a more of an emo vibe here. With the awesome, "Cut The Rope (Before It Hangs Us Both)" reminding me a lot of Brand New's "Seventy Times 7", especially the 'call and response' style screaming chorus. "Kiss Me, I'm A Pirate" is probably the closest track to the Gaslight Anthem sound. The the rousing ending. And the die down/sentimental style of ending, which is synonamous with the tracks on "Sink Or Swim". What's feeling like a recurring theme in this thread, "Sometimes You Eat The Bar (Sometimes The Bar Eats You)" has a VERY strong early Alkaline Trio vibe to it. Both lyrically and stylistically. Given the style of band they are, wearing their influences on their sleeves, it's safe to say, at least this incarnation of the band was heavily Alk3 inspired, with the opening track being called "Bleeder". All of the 6 tracks on here a great. A little rough around the edges. And the slow, closer seems to drag a little bit, but it has the patented Gaslight ending, which is awesome.

Half of what I typed makes no fucking sense, but I'm too tired to do anything about it.

Edited by YI
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