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Going through some Agalloch albums at the moment; Pale Folklore, The Mantle and Ashes Against The Grain for those interested. I still don't have a sure footing on what I like best; folksy black metal Agalloch or prog black metal Agalloch but seeing as I have grown estranged from folk metal over the past six months or so, it will probably end up being settled on the later option.

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Two hours in to Dirty Knobs' "Field Recordings From The Edge Of Hell", ,listening right besides SRN: holy fuck this is intense stuff. Like literally being in a cave full of alien ruins. The weight of the stone above you, the weirdness around you, some unidentifiable THING coming right behind you... It is as much an experience as it is a listen.

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I've had "Endgame" by Rise Against for a couple of weeks, and listened to it through quite a number of times, and I like it a lot. I only enjoyed select songs from their first few albums, but Appeal To Reason and Endgame are fantastic.

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Two hours in to Dirty Knobs' "Field Recordings From The Edge Of Hell", ,listening right besides SRN: holy fuck this is intense stuff. Like literally being in a cave full of alien ruins. The weight of the stone above you, the weirdness around you, some unidentifiable THING coming right behind you... It is as much an experience as it is a listen.

Absolutely mind-boggling stuff. I fear for when we finish with the album; I doubt it will ever be the same listening to it a second time. I just don't want this album to end.

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Matthew Good's newest, "Lights Of Endangered Species" has been on my playlist recently, as has the new release from Oh No, Theodore! however the rest of my listening has been a musical awakening of just about everything that I should've been listening to all along.

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The new Bon Iver album, Bon Iver, Bon Iver, is just amazing. Melancholic, beautiful, thoughtful and all around really amazing. I have never heard any of their stuff before today but holy shit, I need to get For Emma, Forever Ago like, right now!

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A lot of stuff going through the changer at the store today; Bon Iver's new album once again, some Oh Land, protest pop which is actually kind of good, she is active in the States as well if anyone is interested, the DJ Rosa Lux's debut, Monsters, really soothing IDM/club music, very well done, and then Skummy's favorite band ever, Queen because we just got Greatest Hits Boxset home. Man, I know Skummy loves that band. Also had Dark Side Of The Moon up for a spin, always a classic.

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I was listening to Texas today, not that I had much choice, really, they were performing at work, looking up some youtube videos this morning before setting off I read that she has a large gay following, jesus were they ever right, I think there were more hays than last year's gay pride.

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The Dresden Dolls.

It's been quite a while since I've fallen in love with a band this quick.

My wife got me into them, they're pretty good.

And for me, I've been listening to Marilyn Manson lately, his Portrait of an American family album. Fuck off, I dig his music.

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Haha, I think it was Cloudy who said on Facebook that listening to old Manson then listening to his new shit is soooo depressing. His older albums are still pretty dope, but I think he's just trying to extend the shelf life of his career now. Funny how things turn out, his mentor is worlds more popular and successful now, whereas for a little bit, Manson was on top of the world while Trent was basically DOA.

Also, the Dresden Dolls are awesome. Shame about Amanda's solo career, though. Follow her on Twitter, she's always posting naked pictures of herself.

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Yeah, it's true. Funny thing is that Reznor was around before Manson got his big break.

Cloudy's right though, I haven't really heard much of what Manson has done in the last few years but I think he lost a lot of his appeal and fan base with Mechanical Animals, though I do like that album to a certain extent.

Oh, and I've also been listening to this group from France called End of Data. They're an older group, mid-80s or so was when they were active. Good stuff though, I guess it could fall under the synth punk/minimal wave label, it's interesting stuff.

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