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On 20/04/2018 at 17:31, Jericode said:

It's actually really, really good. I've been ignoring MSP for far too long really.

If you're looking to listen to more, there isn't an album of theirs I don't like - well, Know Your Enemy and Gold Against the Soul push it. But in terms of their newer stuff Futurology from 2014 is one of my favourite Manics albums. I still listen to it at least once a month.


Meanwhile, I be listening to: https://disparition.bandcamp.com/album/palm-in-mirror


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I was never really into Marilyn Manson when all of the hype surrounded him in the late 90's, as I was just entering my teenage years and my parents would have fucking died if they had found a Manson album in my room. But the more I listen to his stuff and watch his videos, the more I appreciate him as an artist. He damn near perfectly used the shock factor/controversial nature of his music and presentation to get exactly the reaction he wanted. He also didn't go to the cliched extremes like Howard Stern and those types went to. He also seems like an intelligent dude in interviews, and he's absolutely schooled the likes of Donahue, and O'Reilly in interviews I've watched. 

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I was looking on Wikipedia for information on Timber Timbre - realized that I don't own their first two albums - when I saw that they are listed under Freak Folk. Upon clicking on Freak Folk, I found CocoRosie. The music store I go to has three albums and I have them on hold and going to buy them this weekend. The same thing happened when I saw Laurie Anderson on Jimmy Fallon's late night show. Fell in love immediately.

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