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Having watched the X Factor all the way through, I'm so pleased that Leona won the final last night; and it would appear she's going straight to Number One, as she sold over 50,000 downloads in half an hour (a world record). The song itself is surprisingly good too. I'm also happy Ray failed, because he sucked.

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Guest muddatrucker

Unless these people sing new songs and release them at regular intervals, they're going to be disappeared in a year, the contestants don't seem to realise that they're killed off each year when the new series starts and they're no longer flavour of the month.

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I wanted the rocker dude with the long hair to win. I think that was Ben.

But I was actually, shamefully, watching the first 30mins of the final, and when Leona had finished the song I was like "Yeah... Ray just got owned in ways that haven't been invented yet". Not that he was shit (which he was a bit, let's be honest, and an ugly twat too, and about 10).

She was, it has to be said, awesome.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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I watched the final (hadn't seen ANYthing else) and was behind Leona all the way. How does a 10 year old get to the final anyways (don't worry, I saw how, he was crying like a little bitch and they let him through out of pity)?

I'd say out of all the Poop Idol things, only Will Young and Leona have been worth a shit. They can sing, they look good, they're not dickheads and so on.

I used to only watch the shows through the auditions because they were funny, then just stop. But for the past two years, I just don't watch them. I just learned who the fuck 'Chico' was on the night of this year's final.

And a 'rock' singer in a pop singing contest? LOL. And ITV sure like to milk the final for all it's worth. It felt like I sat there watching it with my family for about five hours. Only to be told what we already knew.

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Guest chatterbox

Leona has no personality, so despite how good of a singer she is, she won't last. That Ray kid was a good performer, may get a deal, but much like Chico, he won't last. Ben won't last either if he does get a deal, however, if some band adopts him as their lead singer it could be good for them all. If the Darkness are still looking for a new singer for example, Ben is just about popular enough to get them some attention for the time being.

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Leona is a cookie-cutter "good girl vocalist" with a boring personality.....and she isn't even good looking enough to detract from her lack of personality.

Ben should have walked it....he didn't have as straight up a good voice as Leona, but he was more stylish and a bit different at least.

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Sadly, the main targer audience of the X-Factor is females and teen girls and mostly they enjoy shitty poppy music singers, so Ben never really had a big chance.

Well, they do stand a chance, as with every competition thats been and gone, the last few people in the contest get signed anyway, release a shit cover of a classic song, make a few quid for the label, then get dropped.

I meant stand a chance in winning it.

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