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The Score - 8.5/10

One of my favorite movies but one I hadn't watched in a while. Really good heist movie and it's got some strong performances from Edward Norton and Robert De Niro. Not the greatest movie but for whatever reason I just really enjoy it.

Also over the past week I got to see both the theatrical and original cut of Paranormal Activity. I prefer the theatrical cut myself but it seems like some of the scenes that were cut from the original really should have been left in as they explain some pieces of dialog in the theatrical version. I hope they include all three endings on the DVD as it doesn't seem like the third one was really seen outside of one showing of the film at a festival. Also it's a shame to know that when it comes out on DVD/Blu-Ray that it won't have the same effect as watching it with people. Just one of those movies like Cloverfield that was so much better inside a theater.

Saw VI - 7.5/10

I'll add this as an edit since I was the last one to post in the thread. Some friends and I went to a midnight showing and it was pretty enjoyable. Some good traps and deaths and just overall good. I'm a sucker for the Saw movies so I probably enjoyed this more than just the average horror fan would. It sets up Saw VII to be quite the interesting film and potential finale to the series.

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Whitest Kids U Know.


It's still pretty bad.

Seriously, I just don't understand at all how this show is funny.

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SAW 2 - 6/10: I'm not a horror fan, but I was forced into watching this one. I had no problem with it; I'm totally fine with gore just not with tension. It was clever in places and pretty gruesome, too. It had Dale from Jericho in, so that was a place. A neat little twist, but, at the end of the day, it was just gore set piece after set piece; which is fine.

The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus - 7/10: Fun little film. I loved the bits ion the Imagniarium and there was some good performances throughout. I liked the plot and, at times, the film looked amazing. But everything outside of the Imaginarium felt dull and dragged which really brough the film done. A fine effort, nonetheless.

Taken - 9/10: Really, really kick ass. Neeson is quality. Not a long running time. A fuck load of guys get killed; oh, and Neeson really is quality. Watch it. It's fun.

Apoolosa - 7/10: I expected a little bit more from this. The acting was top-notch, really quality stuff. And it has a moving final five minutes. But I really disliked the way it was shot. I know it was supposed to looks like a 70's western flick and it was shot like one, but I didn't like it. I'd have loved to see a western where it looks modernnly shot with interesting and unqiue camera angles; but still keeping with the western feel. Again, another fine effort, but it just fell a little flat.

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Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus 8/10. Fantastic I felt, really a nice film and I'm a sucker for a Deal With The Devil plot. I loved the performances (though Jude Law irritated me just on the basis of him being Jude Law), and I was quite impressed with Lily Cole as well. For a model her transition to acting was quite good I thought, I'm interested to see where she goes from here. Christopher Plummer was brilliant, as expected, and while I've never liked to say "I'm a fan of Heath Ledger", because I didn't want to judge his abilities on just The Dark Knight, I was very impressed with him in this and I greatly enjoyed his character. Tom Waits made a brilliant devil as well.

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Glad to hear you liked it, I'll be watching it again to get me in the spirit.

Near Dark 9/10- I do love 80's movies and Bill Paxton and Lance Hendrickson are spectacular.

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Momento 9/10 - Quite confusing, but a really brilliantly done film. Awesome acting and it was always interesting and keeping you on yours toes. Loved it.

Couples Retreat 7.5-8/10 - Suprisingly good. Really enjoyed this one. Liked all the characters, all the actors. Good humour. Just a fun movie.

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Alright I need some help remember the name of this movie I saw a while ago. The movie is based on this guy who is a serial killer and he kills people for a specific body part and there is an investigation following it. They finally find the guy's hideout or whatever and he's taken all the body parts from his victims and sewn them together to create a replica of Jesus. His last victim is supposed to be a son born from someone named Mary at a specific time or a specific date. This has been bothering me for a long time because I can't remember the name of the movie.

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Law Abiding Citizen - 8.5/10

I really didn't expect to see this and actually ended up seeing it by chance but I'm glad I did. Pretty neat film even though it's kind of out there plausibility-wise. Butler is really quite good in his role.

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Battlestar Gallactica: Season 1 -4 - 10/10

I've been watching this for the last few months and I've just finished season four and moved onto the final season. This show is immense. I mean totally, and utterly, amazing. One of the most compelling shows I've ever seen on television. Definitely pick this show up if you can; it's pure quality.

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Been watching Third Watch quite a bit and while it's a bit hit and miss, the underlying stories are really interesting and there's a few REALLY standout episodes that make brilliant TV.

The other two surprising discoveries I've made are Mental - the series set in the psych hospital with the English guy who makes a really likeable lead character......and Boston Legal which is quirky enough with some great characters, to be loads of fun.

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Dead Man's Shoes: 9/10

Am taking a film module at university and this was screened today. Simply unbelievable film from Shane Meadows, who created This Is England. Great performance from Paddy Considine in the lead role - completely off his trolley but you can almost empathise with his situation. Most of it is harrowing stuff, at times it can be incredibly creepy, it's even morbidly funny in bits (especially when the characters are drugged up). If you don't like being unsettled by your cinema, then I wouldn't advise watching this but if you don't mind watching gritty dramas, then this one comes with the highest praise. Only reason it didn't get 10 is that I've a film with pretty much the same ending, which ruined it a little for me.

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