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Iron Man 2 - 6.5/10

And it breaks my "the second superhero movie is always better than the first" rule, which previously was only broken by the Tim Burton Batman movies (I have never seen the Fantastic Four movies so I can't make a call there). Booooo.

Toy Story 3 - 9/10

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I can certainly see Sunnyside being argued as that, and those overtones are pretty prevalent. I'm not sure the argument works the whole way through, though.


The more I think about it, though, the more Lotso's regime does strike me as being a pretty valid communist analogue, though, especially the rant he makes before he gets thrown in the trash bin. God damn it, don't hit my Pretentious University Student triggers!

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Youth In Revolt - 7/10 I thought the pretentious speech patterns and undertones would bother me, but I laughed quite a bit and was really entertained.

40 Inch Chest - FUCK YES!/10 God damnit! I hate that you Brits not only make better music than us, but make excellent movies as well. Sigh...

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She's Out Of My League - 8/10 It looked kind of funny, but I had fears it would be a bit rubbish. But I ended up loving it. My friends, too. It had loads and loads of laugh out load moments and it had a bunch of likeable characters. Go check this one out for a pleasent suprise.

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Green Zone (7.5/10) - It really reminded me of the Bourne series, which isn't really suprising as the director and star are the same. Really enjoyable movie, really sucks that it failed miserably at the box office though.

Kick Ass (8/10) - I didn't enjoy it as much as some people did, but its a real fun movie with a ton of violence. Hit Girl was awesome, Nicholas Cage creeped me out and the lead actor annoyed me way less than I thought he would.

O Brother, Where Art Thou? (8/10) - I don't like the Cohen Brothers movies usually, but this was very good, mainly due to Clooney being awesome and the supporting cast making me laugh. I like movies in time periods that usually get overlooked and this would be a great example of that.

Edited by Hellfire
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I just watched the First 3 episodes of Lie to Me Season 2. Seeing Marc Blucas and James Marsters was fantastic, though Marsters has damn sure aged. Pretty good overall, and while I prefer Mentalist, LTM is still a good watch. 7.5/10

James Marsters


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...Marsters is 2 years younger then my Mum. I now feel awed at how awesome he was in Buffy considering his age at the time.

And is it just me, or does he look much better with Blonde hair?

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Watched Hot Tub Time Machine yesterday, I'd have to give it a 7/10. Not great, but a good and funny light hearted movie.

I agree, it was fun. I'd actually give it a 8 just because of all the 80's stuff that I love.

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Friends. It's funny how every time they start showing it from the start on E4 I appreciate different characters more. Chandler used to be my favourite, but a couple of years ago I realised the awesomeness that is Ross. He's fucking amazing. Way funnier than Chandler as well, especially during the later seasons. He's probably the best thing about them, to be honest. Starting to like Phoebe more as well now.

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Mystery Team - 7/10

Good concept, although as a film, it sputters a bit towards the finish. In fact, it would have been a disaster if not for DONALD FUCKING GLOVER. Glover's ridiculous impressions, boyish charm, and generally amazing nature just always hit. Even with the mountains of crude humor falling down like duds, Glover's pure enthusiasm is just there on screen. Find it and watch it for him, straight up.

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