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My wife is watching The Blind Side and I'm watching it sort of with the other eye on the computer screen. It's pretty disgusting. A nice little racist tale of saintly white folks, evil black people, and one dim black guy who learns how to be whiter.

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Saw Get him to the Greek yesterday. It was brilliant. I knew I'd love it because Russell Brand was the best part of Forgetting Sarah Marshall for me. It's perfect for light watching, just so many laughs and Brand and Hill have amazing chemistry. Diddy steals the limelight in any scene he's in too. Overall, just a great comedy.

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Is Airbender really worse than The Happening? The Happening is the worst movie I've ever seen, which somehow managed to be worse than Lady In The Water, which was previously the worst film I've ever seen.

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Lacks the punch of the first movie. The intensity is there and the scare factor is high, but the plot kinda gets turned on its head, which seems to have pissed a lot of people off, but I didn't mind it until near the end when things got pretty hokey. Still a fun horror flick and worth checking out, but don't expect anything as good as [REC] or Quarantine.

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Finally got round to seeing Gran Torino and The Hurt Locker the other day thanks to that lovely gentleman Baddar sending me a Lovefilm free trial code :wub:

Gran Torino - 8/10. It wasn't quite in "loved it" territory, but great nonetheless

The Hurt Locker - 9/10. Awesome. Every little detail was just done so well. Maybe it took a woman to get the proper emotional side out of war rather than the typical GUNS HUHHHHHHHHHHHH side we see in every other film :shifty:

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Momento a 4? Wow.

Shrek Forever After - 7/10 - Had some cool spots, but doesn't really come close to the awesomness of one. I also remember liking two quite a bit. But it's safe to say the final chapter is a firm improvement on the third.

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You're not alone. I just couldn't get into it. Maybe that had more to do with the fact I was watching it at like 4am after watching Pulp Fiction for the first time and I was pumped from that, but it just did nothing for me. I can see the appeal, but it didn't do it for me.

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Inglourious Basterds

Probably a 4/5 or 8/10 or so. Some good stuff in there and entertaining to watch.

The best parts were definitely the slower paced scenes which had a beautiful timing - the opening scene and the scene in the bar especially. At first they feel that they're going on too long but they're perfect.

Didn't particularly take for the Basterds themselves though. The Jewish lass and the standard German foot soldiers were the most sympathetic. Probably meant to be that way though.

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Funny People - 5/10

I liked my friend's summary of it, that it really should have just been called "People." Like, to be honest I almost want to just split the movie up into two parts and rate the first one like a 7 or a 7.5 out of ten and then the second a 3. It's interesting when it's just about fame and isolation and so on, but then the Leslie Mann subplot shows up and aside from a great supporting turn from Eric Bana it's just awful, awful stuff.

Also the whole "Yo, Teach!" running gag would have been so much funnier if this movie were made ten years ago, when those sitcoms actually existed on network TV (unless it's like. On Saturday afternoons).

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Me and my partner are going through a bunch of "critically acclaimed movies" we haven't seen, so I'll be posting a shit load of reviews of older films.

In The Loop


It felt like the subject matter was more suited for a television show rather than a movie. This makes sense since it's a spin off of British television show In The Thick Of It. It's a good movie that lags a bit; not that it's a long movie, it just feels like the movie dwells a bit. Also, I felt it was in this weird zone where it was too absurd to be real, but not absurd enough to move itself towards being a great parody. With those negatives aside, it's quite funny at times and emphasizes that power isn't always held by people who are visible to the public.

Code Unknown


For anyone who's seen a Michael Haneke movie, you know what you are getting yourself into. The film is uncomfortable and jarring at times, confronting the audience with so many emotions and issues. Code Unknown focuses in on several different characters and how their lives intersect. Issues of class, gender, race, ethnicity, genocide, celebrity, family, reality and domestic abuse are all confronted. Movies tend to boil character's down to one dimensional portrayals - Haneke instead paints a world of complication, intersection and contradiction wherein we live. It's quite amazing, but only if you don't mind scattered narratives, very long-takes with little action, subtitles and a movie where there is no sense of cohesion and resolution at the end of the film.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Lacks the punch of the first movie. The intensity is there and the scare factor is high, but the plot kinda gets turned on its head, which seems to have pissed a lot of people off, but I didn't mind it until near the end when things got pretty hokey. Still a fun horror flick and worth checking out, but don't expect anything as good as [REC] or Quarantine.

I'm guessing you're talking about the Spanish one, right? I really liked it, maybe not as much as the first one but it's definitely a good sequel. Supposedly they're working on a third movie which (according to a TV Show I watched) it's about the virus/disease spreading out of the building. Not sure if it will go through as that were just rumors.

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I watched The Following today to get prepared for Inception. I enjoyed it, but couldn't put my finger on what didn't make me love it. I'm not sure if the movie would be better with improved production quality or not. At the time of its release, I'm sure the plot and ending were quite a surprise but it has been sort of run into the ground recently. I could also see getting more enjoyment from it by watching it again.


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So yeah, just got home from watching Predators. And no matter how much love I have for the Predator universe and the whole theme, I just can't bring myself to like this one. I mean, I went in there knowing nothing of the actual movie except for the fact that Adrien Brody was in it. Danny Trejo popped up on screen, Oleg Taktarov had a huge penis-extension of a minigun, it even had Walton Goggins and Laurence Fishbourne IN A GOOD ROLE! And despite that, all those factors could not even make a decent flick out of this. It had way too many stupid clichés, they apparently found it fun to kill all the interesting characters first (I mean Fishbourne was the most interesting character and what did he get? Ten minutes of screen time before being blasted to smitherines?), and the lame reveal at the end was so obvious. All in all, this was not absolutely brutal but I do so want my money back. Next time you make a lame remake of the original film, at least warn me first so I can bugger off.

God damn it, Adrien Brody does not a convincing Arnold Schwarznegger make. :/

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You do know that the original Predator invented most of those cliches?

I mean, I love the films (less for Predator 2 and AVP2) but come on. Predator isn't supposed to be exactly mind blowingly original. If you really expected the cooler characters to get much screen time or survive, I have to question if you've actually watched the first Predator at any point. The films are pretty much a collection of tough guys, in the jungle, getting picked off until they can finally kill the big bad. Which is what this film was all about.

Was it as good as the first? Of course not. But it wasn't bad at all. Certainly not 'give me my money back' bad. And it's not a remake at all. It's a sequel.

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I guess I just overreacted a bit. I failed to mention that I enjoyed the acting, nothing was wrong in that department. It just... rubbed me the wrong way that it was supposed to be a sequel and they basically just took the plot of the first one and switched a few things out.

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Hey, buddy.

No one was expecting you to be awesome. shifty.gif

But no, yeah, obviously your free to your opinion and so on, I just think that's a bit of a reach to complain about killing characters off in a Predator movie. I'll agree that the Laurence Fishbourne appearance shouldn't have been so hyped as a major part of the movie when he's only in it for 3 minutes, though. They could have done without some characters as well. The Topher Grace bit at the end was awful, I think that's my biggest complaint.

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