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They should have turned off their cell phones and not talked during the feature.

Lovely Molly

Disturbing, incredibly fucked up horror movie. Should keep me from sleeping for the next couple forevers.

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God Bless America

This might be my new favorite movie. Slight exaggeration, but I love, love, loved it.

Yes! It was just so much fun. I thought I might've enjoyed it too much or whatever, but it was just a great way to spend 100 minutes.

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Meh, Eisenberg pretty much never impressed me. I only saw that film because of Woody Harrelson. Point blank.

Speaking of which, today I watched Grosse Pointe Blank. John Cusack playing his usual over-analytic mildly attractive Woody Allen-inspired typecasting, but as a hitman, just clicks with me. Well, that and Minnie Driver. I can't not like films with her in it. She was even my favorite character in t' movie version Andrew Lloyd Weber's "Phantom of t' Opera". It's just all sorts of crazy. Dan Akroyd's role is one of t' ones that's just totally out of left field.

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Eisenberg, Cera and Aaron Johnson all fit into that mould for me really. That being that I never really overly enjoy what they do, but they've never put me off anything. They usually just exist in t' film to make other characters entertaining for me.

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Anyone caught the second Expendables film yet? I really enjoyed it, much more than the first. Having expanded roles for Arnie and John McClane was the best move they made, Arnie steals the scene in every one he's in. "I'll be back!" "Oh no, you've been back enough!" "[sighs] yippee-ki-ay..." being a favourite interaction. Just a balls-to-the-wall action film that doesn't let up. Thought they couldn't top Jet Li axe kicking somes head off? How about

JCVD roundhousing a knife into someones heart?!

Also caught the Keith Lemon film today. Absolutely shocking and validates my opinion that he's only bearable for half an hour every few months. I guess The Inbetweeners movie has kinda opened the door for movies like this though. My girlfriend actually walked out to go shopping in Asda rather than see it through.

Hoping to see Bourne and The Watch over the next few days too.

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Margin Call

Fantastic. I love movies where amazing actors just talk. Plus it was a great inside look into the market collapse.


Kevin Spacey kills it and then Jeremy Irons shows up and shit gets real.

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Lockout. It's mindless fun and good way to kill an hour and a half. Plus it has Lennie James in it. :w00t:

How Guy Pearce isn't a star is beyond me though. I mean, he's had a pretty decent career but he should be headlining bigger stuff.

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That's a tough call, the last segment is almost exactly something I've wanted to see done in horror for years now, but the one in the woods was really slick and original, I also love anything Ti West does, so Second Honeymoon was a lot of fun. Webcam freaked me the fuck out too, even with the really weird twist.

I didn't dislike any of them, so that's a plus.

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I loved the concept of the one in the woods, and the effects were great, but I thought it was the poorest acted of all of them. The last one was just awesome. I was a bit disappointed in the webcam one, as it had the best scares, but sort of didn't pan out as well as the other ones.

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Agreed on all points, but it kinda all added to the charm, I thought. Poorly acted at times, a concept that didn't quite pan out each time, kind of a sleazy vibe throughout, a little confusing at times, some pretty messed up stuff, plenty of scares... don't see enough of that in horror anymore.

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Watched nearly all seven season of Peep Show, with only three episodes to go now. The show is fucking hilarious, easily one of the funniest tv shows I've ever watched and it's outdone IT Crowd for me as my favourite British comedy show. Just incredible, with so many quotable moments. Happy to see a 8th and 9th season are on their way.

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