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Movies I've watched this week:

Dodgeball (Twice) - 8/10 - I love this movie, sue me..

50 First Dates - 7/10 - I've watched it one full time and I caught parts of it a couple other times on HBO...

The Mummy - 6.5/10 - I remember I used to really like this movie, but sitting through it now is pretty hard, especially when it was a lot longer than I remembered it being...and it takes forever to get to the good parts.

European Vacation - 7/10 - Actually my first time seeing this one, which is pretty surprising consider how much I like the others.

Singing in the Rain - 5/10 - Um, yeah I'm not too big on musicals, but I watched this one in class and it was alright, it's a classic of course, but it's just not a movie for this day and time. Since it is a classic I can't give it a horrible rating despite my dislike for musicals. The only musicals I liked have been Little Shop of Horrors (which I actually love), Grease, and actually West Side Story...

Welcome to Mooseport - 4/10 - Meh with a side of blah. I laughed once or twice I guess.

I think that covers everything...I watched the ending of Fifth Element on Sunday, but not enough to say I watched it lol..love the movie though.

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Elektra - 5/10



Coach Carter - 5/10

Haven't been on the internet in the last four days.....haven't even been home for even 15 minutes of those four days.

(So yes, the 2004 movie thing is still happening. Just slower than planned, I do have a girlfriend now.)

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Elektra - 5/10



Coach Carter - 5/10

Haven't been on the internet in the last four days.....haven't even been home for even 15 minutes of those four days.

(So yes, the 2004 movie thing is still happening.  Just slower than planned, I do have a girlfriend now.)

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Enter The Dragon: 8/10, bitch! All of Bruce's films are awesome in my biased view and though everyone has different choice for best Bruce Lee film (most say Return Of The Dragon), Enter The Dragon is favorite. Plus, Williams is the fucking man! "I'll be too busy looking good"...God, I love this film. I've seen it a dozen and some times, but still get excited every time I watch it.

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Career Opportunities - 6/10 or (**1/2) It's nice to see a movie where the really little man (janitors) actually has his day. It's also nice to see Jennifer Connelly pre-brilliant Academy Award winning actress and still being as gorgeous as she is now. It's a pretty decent comedy that isn't too much, but it is a pretty decent ride.

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Stuff I've seen recently...

Blazing Saddles - 6/10 - Eh, one of my friends loves this movie. I didn't think it was too bad. Some of the jokes I probably don't understand, some of this was just strange. It still wasn't that bad though.

Reservoir Dogs - 5/10 - This was NOT quite what I was hoping for. I don't quite understand what the hype was for this. Could have had more violence, and at least a long scene showing what caused everything. The movie was so damn scattered, I don't think I understood what really happened until like 10 minutes later.

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In ascending order of quality!!!


Resident Evil Apocalypse - 5/10

Plot? Fuck plot, shoot stuff! I dunno, I'm probably being too generous to this one, but it's just so ridiculous I can't help but kinda like it. Plus, naked Milla Jovovich will get any movie at least a 4 in my rating scale. The "story" in this movie was all over the place and one character gets developed making everyone else pretty fucking useless. Still, I didn't go in expecting much after the first one, so I'm not too upset about the sequel. Still, imagine if Romero's script would have been the one produced... we'd possibly have the best horror franchise ever on our hands. Oh well, that's pointless to think about now. Rent this if you wanna see things die.


The Punisher (2004) - 6.5/10

My standards are significantly lower than Numbahs, so I'm a little more generous to this movie. Still, that doesn't mean it's not without its share of problems. The most glaring of said problems? Not serious enough. There's a reason it's called comic relief, it's to relieve the audience after lots of serious, dramatic, or violent moments with a little humor to set them at ease. Well, most of the second act in this movie tries way too hard to be funny. This is a movie about a dude whose family gets wiped out in a brutal murder scene and you're wanting me to laugh at his wacky neighbors? Sorry, I want to see him put people in wood chippers. And the fight with Kevin Nash may have been one of the lamest things I've ever seen on film, though it was humorous to see Nash more mobile than he's been in ten years. But hey, that's the bad, and there's some good here too, don't get me wrong. I think Thomas Jane played a good Punisher and the action scenes (minus the one with Big Lazy) were fucking awesome. Gets a very mild thumbs up for me and another one of those I'd recommend you rent instead of buy.


Collateral - 8/10

Ah, there we go! Took me all night, but I got to a good one! I did that on purpose when I watched them cause I knew what to expect from RE and was just barely pleasantly surprised by the Punisher. This movie was really good, not as good as all the hype, but what ever is? It's weird to see Jamie Foxx taking on these serious roles and playing them so well, but he's damn good. Simple enough plot to this one, but it works and keeps you interested. The cops and FBI side plot kinda bored me, I wanted to see more interaction between Vincent and Max. And speaking of Vincent... hot damn Tom Cruise is a bad motherfucker in this movie. Oh yeah, he kicks so much ass, he gets bad motherfucker in bold. If there were an Oscar for bad motherfucker, they'd give it to Tom Cruise and then have to retire the award because he is the baddest of bad motherfuckers in this movie. Good movie, wouldn't throw down money to own it (until it hits the bargain bin), but one I'd rent more than once.

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Wicker Park


-I really enjoyed this movie, and the fact that it managed to get a PG rating with what would most likely otherwise have been an R rated film dazzles me. The acting was superb, and the story, while confusing at first, is an intricately woven series of threads.

(Quick Note: I mentioned that other films like this would get an R rating only because I find this an amazing example of a film that does the same thing as another, but manages to be better than others while still making it suitable for a larger viewing audience.)

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In Good Company - *** (6.5/10)

In Good Company is a rarely found original film that combines convincing characters with charming comedy that is both intriguing at the beginning and rewarding by the end. Directed by Paul Weitz, it stars Dennis Quaid as Dan Foreman, head of ad-sales for a sports magazine until it comes under new ownership, and an up and coming kid half his age named Carter Duryea (Topher Grace) takes over. The plot essentially follows the parralelled issues these two characters are going through, with Dan's mid-life crisis and Carter's mounting feelings of uncertainty and discomfort as well as depression. Scarlett Johansson plays Alex Foreman, Dan's daughter and Carter's eventual love interest, although they play it as more the attraction of two opposites than an archetypal romance. This film is extremely creative, yet maintains a level of realism (most specifically in the office comings and goings) throughout. It features two excellent characters played to a tee by their respective cast members. We see their feelings of insecurity, and best of all the writing allows us to understand why they feel this way. It's also packed with quirky comedic moments that keep the potentially dark film much lighter and "feel good". In Good Company is a good, if not remarkable film. Thumbs up.

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Enemy Of The State: 9.5/10

I've seen it before, but it's still a great film, so many of my favourite names in one film and the last film I genuinely enjoyed of Smith's and my favourite of his too.

The Negotiator next week, my favourite Samuel L. Jackson film ^_^

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Guest Mr McFarlane


<center>Shaun of the Dead - 9/10</center>


<center>Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy - 7.5/10</center>


<center>The Girl Next Door - 3/10</center>

*prepares to be flamed* >_>

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