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Almost Famous - 8/10

Very good movie. Well-written, well-acted, well-directed, the whole deal. I'm not quite certain why this isn't 8.5 (which is my cut-off point for movies that are REALLY good as opposed to just very good, good, sort of good, and so on and so forth), but it isn't. Definitely worth a rental, though.

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Back to the Future - 9/10 or (***1/2) Taking great concepts into filmmaking masterpieces is a true joy in watching films. In Back to the Future, the great concept of time travel, which had been a top piece in 1800s science fiction literature and films like The Terminator, got a reimagining thanks to director Robert Zemeckis and a solid all-star cast. The film’s concept adds a whole new idea to the theory of time travel as well as very charismatic turns in performance by Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. It also is immensely entertaining and very fun to watch without seeming shallow or weak in any way. For all of the reasons, the film is an awesome 80s movie that brings you back and lets you enjoy it.

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Jury Duty - 3.5/10 or (*1/2) It’s at times like these that I wonder why. Why did Pauly Shore turn himself into somebody EVEN more childish than his previous roles? Why did talented people like Stanley Tucci and Abe Vigoda find themselves in this mess? Why did such an unfunny mess get approved by a studio at all? And, last of all, why did I even watch it? All of the answers may never be answered but the point is still no less important, this tripe sucks. One and a half stars.


Wild Wild West - 4.5/10 or (*1/2) In a more stunning surprise of logic, somehow a film directed by the man who made Men In Black, starring the black lead in Men in Black, and co-starring an all-around talent and the steamy curvacious woman form Desperado managed to suck. It may have not had anything to do with the direction at all, but rather the absurd battles and action that prevails. Let’s also not forget one of the suckiest villains in movie history (which is played by the much better than this actor Kenneth Branagh) and some badly done comic scenes and Wild Wild West is just bad. One and a half stars.


Forrest Gump - 9/10 or (***1/2) After watching two weakly done films, I figured I’d treat myself to another one of the best films of 1994 (to add to an amazing list of films including The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, True Lies, Speed, and even Dumb and Dumber). The thing that makes the film amazing is the charismatic and talented performance of Forrest by Tom Hanks, who hasn’t really found himself in a bad or meh film since the 80s film Turner and Hooch and has always made himself a big asset to any emsemble cast. However, an amazing emsemble of talent including Gary Sinise and Robin Wright helps the film immesely. Add in some very solid direction and a story that is dramatic, funny, romantic, dark, and heart-warming and remains interesting on all of those terms and Forrest Gump is a memorable classic for the ages. Three and a half stars.

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Return To The Blue Lagoon: 5/10

I was with someone who wanted to watch it, so... I had to watch it too. Meh.

Mr Deeds: 6/10

Not my favourite Adam Sandler movie.

Million Dollar Baby: 9.5/10

Excellent movie, way better than I had thought it would be.

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Constantine - **1/2 (5/10)

Acclaimed music video director Francis Lawrence's "Constantine", an adaptation of the DC coming book "Hellblazer", is filled with promise. It stars Keanu Reeves, the bankable action star who seems at his best when fighting an unseen evil force. The supporting cast includes Rachel Weisz, Tilda Swinton, Djimon Hounsou and Shia LaBeuof. The special effects are fantastic, and the premise is intriguing. Unfortunately, its director shows his lack of experience as the film runs out of steam after the first act, leaving the rest of the film a confusing, silly mess despite its best intentions. Reeves leads the star studded cast of the film as John Constantine, a once-dead misfit hoping to buy his way into heaven with a series of good deeds and exorcisms. When he meets Weisz's Angela Dodson, a policewoman dealing with the suicide of her sister Isabel, they begin to unravel a mystery with catastrophic implications. While there is plenty to like about this movie, I feel that it's a bit too derivative of another religion themed movie, Dogma. Like Dogma, we see our unlikely heroes teamed with pretty yet hard nosed women and set out to save the world from demons acting away from Satan's control. Like Dogma, we hear the "humans aren't good enough" speech from the eventually revealed villain (interestingly enough, it happens in both movies around the same time our leading lady is seen emerging from a pool of water soaked from head to toe). Unfortunately unlike Dogma, we're supposed to take this movie seriously, and because of some of the inherited silliness, it just doesn't work for me. Constantine is an interesting but ultimately disappointing action thriller. Thumbs down.

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Phantoms : 8/10 - I'm a fan of all Dean Koontz material so this movie was a great surprise to me.

Forrest Gump : 10/10 I'd say this would be onmym list of Top 10 movies ever

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Constanine 3/10

I'd heard promising things, however I went into the movie knowing sod all about what it was about. I left feeling like I still knew sod all about what it was about. Constantine was rescued from hell and yet we never know why. Same for why he decides to help the detective. This movie was a fucking stinker, the only rewarding feature was the special effects which were pretty.

In short if I'm watching a movie I prefer a solid script and characters.

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Analyze That- 5.5/10 It could be better, but it wasn't horrible. The first one was certainley better, but I was entertained to a point in this one. The guy who plays Joey is great, though.


Glory- 9/10 I doubted Matthew Broderick's acting skills before I saw this movie. I like Ferris Bueller, but it didn't need tremendous acting to be good. His acting was great in this one, but Denzel and Freeman steal the show(expectedly). The fact that Freeman didn't get an Oscar until this year is a real shame.


House of the Dead- 1/10 This movie is awful. Just plain awful. This could quite possibly be the worst movie that I've ever seen. It feels like a soft core porno movie. You know, those movies where theres a killer that breaks into someones house, but before they kill them, they have to have sex with them. Yea, it was really, really bad.


Identity- 8.5/10 This movie pleasently surprised me. The people I know that have seen it say it sucks. Well, they obviously don't know good movies because this movie was great. The twist at the end ruled. The only complaint I have is the big bald guy's eyes. What the hell was up with his eyes?

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