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There was a bit at the start of the blackjack bit where he had a King and 9 and the dealer had a 10. He should have split the hand and played both against the dealer >_>

Just realised that one of the massive bodyguards I recognised and thought might have been a wrestler or fighter, was a former NFL player and has been in Brooklyn Nine Nine.

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Saw Home a little while ago, it seriously surprised me. The plot is a little overused, sure, but the investment the film put into developing the two main characters and their relationship really bore amazing fruit. Spending the first hour on them before actually moving with the plot was genius, it really made anything that might affect Tip and Oh and their friendship absolutely important and not to be taken lightly, because it made it very easy to care about both of these misfits. Great film, awesome surprise.

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Next Goal Wins hit me right in the feels. It's about the American Samoa football team and their attempt to qualify for the 2014 World Cup.Even if you don't like football it's still a great story.

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For a film from the 90s, Judge Dredd (1995) sure feels like a film from the 80s. It's not awful, but I can't say I'm a fan.

Oh, I'll say it: Judge Dredd flat out sucked.

I still haven't seen it, but I've heard Dredd, with Karl Urban, is at least 10 times better and more true to the comics. (The helmet and uniform certainly look better)

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Not watching it now because the England match is on, but later I might watch Six String Samurai. Low budget post-apocalyptic film about the death of the King of Vegas (Elvis) and the battle to claim his throne as the king of rock and roll. I love this film. If it had a bigger budget and better actors it could have been amazing, but I still think its a good film. I just love the idea of the film.

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Not watching it now because the England match is on, but later I might watch Six String Samurai. Low budget post-apocalyptic film about the death of the King of Vegas (Elvis) and the battle to claim his throne as the king of rock and roll. I love this film. If it had a bigger budget and better actors it could have been amazing, but I still think its a good film. I just love the idea of the film.

I also like this film because it is like a weird version of Fallout: New Vegas

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It Follows

If you have even a passing interest in horror films, you have to see this.

I'm not big on horror but I appreciate a good one when it comes around. I've heard amazing things about it.

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Rewatched Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2 today. The MCU really flows nicely together, think if I actually did that AMC marathon thing it would be amazing.

So sad nothing more happened with Tim Blake Nelson's Leader, though. That would've been so fun.

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