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Kinda struggling to think anything to say other than that Aubrey Plaza is lovely.


It's amusing to see David Duchovny and Patricia Heaton turn up as these swindlers trying to steal this Dad's business by some unknown method, only to be seen off by this hulking great St Bernard. Infinitely less disturbing than the main villain of the corrupt vet who is stealing animals to use in his experiments. Oh, what's that, some sort of drug test or cosmetics, something shady like that? No, how about some new explosive ammo that you want to test by shooting dogs in the head. I know kids films are often surprisingly dramatic and dark but...what the fuck?!


I don't know whether it's because it's some sort of SNL spin off or what but it feels like this movie has everyone in it. Dan Aykroyd, David Spade, Chris Farley, Sinbad, Michael Richards, Jason Alexander, Phil Hartman, Adam Sandler, Drew Carey, John Lovitz...For as unpleasant as this movie is in terms of the unsettling look of it's protagonists, their general annoyance and the casual racism of having Beldar turn up in a turban, it's actually a shining example of how far diversity and acceptance has come in America and of the quintessential American dream. Here are a pair of literal illegal aliens who turn up with nothing and yet are able to achieve the humble goal of owning a home and raising a family through tireless hard work. And through it all, despite their obvious disfigurements and personality quirks, only one person ever raises an eyebrow to them.

Still don't get how time seemingly jumps like 16-18 years from their baby being born to graduating, unless their species just age like that over the space of a week or something. Nor how that same daughter is clearly dating a 30 year old Chris Farley.

The Warriors

Really like the feel of this one, the creativity in all the differently themed gangs and that woman from Carmen San Diego making these thinly veiled threats over the radio by means of song.

The Animal

At least this one knew enough to keep itself brief at just over 80 minutes but even then it felt like it still padded itself out with lots of musical montages. John C. McGinley is here, which is nice, but I've always been a little confused at the casting of the love interest in this one, whose only apparent qualification is that she was on Survivor. For all the stupid shit in this movie like Rob Schneider sniffing people's asses or trying to hump a goat or a mailbox, it's the dialogue from his black friend that is just horrific. I think he has maybe one or two lines in the whole movie that might be encouragement to Schneider or some other random topic but 95% of it are these rants at 'reverse racism' where he can get away with anything because he's black.

Mystery Men

Ehhhhhhhhhhh. Thought this had promise at first, I kinda like The Blue Raja and The Shoveller, William H Macy as this relative straight man just going around beating the shit out of everyone with a shovel is pretty funny, but Ben Stiller's character is pretty annoying, as are all the other people that come on board. But it least it has ALL THAT GLITTERS IS GOLLLLLLLLLD, ONLY SHOOTING STARS BREAK THE MOUUUUUUUUUUUULD.

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Watching all the Rocky films for the first time, currently on IV.

Rocky and Rocky II, I liked very much. Although if I weren't a wrestling fan I don't think I would appreciate the story arc(s) on the same level.

Then Rocky III was like a cheesier, popcorn-flick version as one would expect. Good fun, and a decent way to run a different arc than the underdog one of the first two.

...I'm not really sure that Rocky IV is even a film. It's basically just a bunch of montage sequences taped together.

But hey, ridiculously silly mid-80s RUSSIA THE EVIL EMPIRE flicks amuse me, so it gets a pass. :shifty:

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Rewatched God's Not Dead, and I walked away with the same impression. The central story was good and affirming, but the rest of what was going on seemed a little bit like they tacked it on to flesh out the film. None of it was pointless, as it all came together at the end, but a few of the stories felt like a stretch to add them in. I typically like Christian films (well, save a few that seem to have questionable theology), but trying to have both an ensemble cast and a central story meant that this one is middle of the road for me.

On the plus side, at least it ended with a concert, and I found out that Colorado has never had a legal dispute over whether Christian student organizations deserve equal funding with other student organizations. Ironically, a lot of the disputes that were listed happened in the so-called "Bible belt". Weird. (When I saw it in theaters, I left when the credits started to roll.)

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Going to see Wild Card tonight, can't imagine it being anything different from the other Statham films I've seen.

Also, how come the UK is literally the last place in the world to get John Wick?

Eurgh, Wild Card was such a disappointment, but the little fight scenes they had were pretty fun.

Finally started the MCU rewatch with Iron Man tonight. Jarring to see just what a bit role Coulson initially was, he didn't even have any action scenes.

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Started season one of The Shield.

I'm enjoying it. It's really good. Favourite thing so far is the arch about Mackeys kid Matthew being diagnosed with Autism.

Much like My favourite thing about the latter seasons of Dexter was his relationship with Harrison.

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Going to see Wild Card tonight, can't imagine it being anything different from the other Statham films I've seen.

Also, how come the UK is literally the last place in the world to get John Wick?

Eurgh, Wild Card was such a disappointment, but the little fight scenes they had were pretty fun.

I actually quite enjoyed it, a bit more substance to the film that the usual Statham ones. The slow-mo fight scene effects were nice.

From the trailers I saw; still going to see John Wick as that looks fun, Get Hard or whatever the Kevin Hart film is looks alright, Mall Cop 2 looks dreadful.

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