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Boogeyman - 5/10

The first fifty minutes or so really creeped me out. I wasn't expecting the Exorcist or anything, but it did a nice job of keeping me tense. Until the last half hour, then it became the lamest movie ever. Four of the five points I gave it here was for the opening scene alone. Don't waste your time because when the ending rolls around, you'll just say, "this is fucking stupid."


The Devil's Rejects - 9/10

But luckily, I saw this yesterday and it makes up for whatever shitty movie I watched tonight. Rob Zombie is fucking brilliant, simple as that. I don't wanna get all Art House kid here, but I just really dug the style of the movie and I can't really complain about much. It's definitely not a movie for everyone, and I can totally understand why someone wouldn't like it, but The Devil's Rejects is the movie I've always wanted to see. Only reason it doesn't get a 10 is for some poor acting here and there, but that's about it. There's certainly nothing else like it out there, simply fucking awesome.

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The Devils Rejects 9/10

I was one of the many that enjoyed House Of A 1000 Corpses for the fun, brutality, and sheer joy it had in creating a "bad" 70's horror film, despite some weak areas and the abyssmyl Dr Death subplot. To say I was awaiting the sequel with bated breath is a bit of an understatement. We finally saw it Sunday and all I can say is "Wow and Damn". Zero nails it pretty much above, but allow me to add that the brutality shown in this film is 100% more graphic and head on than I have seen in any horror film in many a year. This time Zombie TOTALLY got it right, creating a film that works on all cylinders. The acting, some very good and some very bad, all worked quite well, adding to the overall mix and feel of the film, which while feeling very modern and artsy on the one hand also feels very 70'sish in tone, style, and camera work. The last horror film I enjoyed ALMOST this much was Shaun Of The Dead, and Dawn Of The Dead before it, but Devils Rejects blows those two away.

Only MINOR criticism, the ending, which I think was summed up perfectly by the two 20something bald kids two rows in front of me when one of them said

"What a shitty ending to a fucking brutal film."

I agree.

(I blatantly stole the pic above from Zero. Thanks.)


Edited by thegarvincomplex
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Starsky and Hutch - 7/10

Napoleon Dynamite - 7/10

I hope you don't have to deal with the invasion of overquoting this film. It really kills any chance of being entertained by later viewings of it.

Shaun of the Dead - 7/10

Up until the last 30 minutes, this manages to be hilarious and quite aware of when it gets cliche. Then...it gets too emotional for the type of genre it's trying to cater to (the comedy-horror fans). Seriously, it feels like a whole different movie once it gets there (and you'll know when it comes). But it's for the hilarious, witty, and satirical edge in the first hour that I give the 7. It's something I might check out again, just...not for that last 30 minutes. UGH.

I wanted images for these, but it was taking too long. I'll edit it in later if I'm not too busy.

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TGC, I loved the ending to The Devil's Rejects. Without giving anything away, I thought it was really the perfect way to end the movie and I thought it certainly stuck with the brutal tone while being incredibly artistic at the same time. The soundtrack to the movie really helped too, especially at the end.

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Airplane II, 7/10

A decent follow up to the great 'Airplane!' Not as many laughs, but there are still many here. Even though the part goes downhill, the first scene with William Shatner is inspired

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Reservoir Dogs: 10 out of 10


Clerks: 10 out of 10


Mallrats: 10 out of 10

I had an absolutely amazing day of movies. This was the first time that I saw all three of these masterpieces, and I can't believe it took me this long to do so. Mallrats is my absolute new favorite movies, Clerks was amazing and Reservoir Dogs was moving as hell. I am going to look for more movies tomorrow, but Kevin Smith and Quentin Tarintino are two of the greats in my mind now.

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In the last few days I've seen...

Dawn Of The Dead (original): 5/10

I was thoroughly disappointed with this. I dunno, it just didn't clicked for me. I enjoyed the remake a whole lot better than this. I may go against the "old-school" people that prefer their zombies stiff and slow, but honestly, I didn't find them menacing at all. In the remake, however, I found them menacing as hell, because they weren't so easily beaten. In this movie, however, Ken Foree even gets to pick a zombie up and drop him to the floor below like he was a doll. Sorry, I just don't find old school zombies menacing, just a bit retarded, and as such, I was very disappointed with this.

Fantastic Four: 8.5/10

This, however, I did like alot. Sure, it made some changes to the books, but I was already expecting that. But the essential was there, I believe. The relationship between Reed & Sue, with Reed often overlooking her in the name of science, the antics between Ben & Johnny... all there. And in the end, the feeling of family and union between them. I may be in the minority here once again, but I enjoyed the movie very much.

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Descent: 8 out of 10

Holy shit on a fucking shingle. Just got back from seeing this and am still buzzing. Based on that alone I was thinking of giving it a 9 but I reckon once i've calmed down a bit I won't think it was that good but still, damn that was one crazy movie. I also liked it due to the ladies being quite good looking, especially Natalie Mendoza who I now think I love caus she was fucking badass.

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Big Fish - 8/10

This is a great movie, people always told me how good it was - but being a stubborn minded git it didn't seem to have any appeal to me inside my head. However I was mistaken when I finally decided to check it out, this wasn't the movie I thought it was. The larger-than-life tales of Edward Bloom (Ewan McGregor and Albert Finney) shape the story alongside the main issue of the father/son relationship. William Bloom (Edward's son) feels that his father's tales have not allowed him to see him in his true light, and thus not know who his father really is...the result is one brillant movie that while being totally off the chart with unusual moments, also is totally sane in the message being presented. Top movie, highly recommended.


The Football Factory - 7/10

Definatly a must for football fans, as football hooligans are presented in this violent tale of boozing, drugs, sex and gangs. The story really focuses on three characters in particular throughout - Tommy Johnson (Dyer) as a young man who lives for the weekend, and for the fighting that it brings. Billy Bright (Harper) as your typical hardman and Zeberdee (Manookian) as the youth of the trio. The linking of the three generations in the "Headhunters" group which they all are members of creates an interesting relationship within the group. Like the DVD sleeve has on the back - "You'll be laughing or gasping the whole way through" and that's exactly right. This is a very British film, and despite the excessive use of the word "cunt" (yes they managed to overuse it somehow) this is a good movie. Recommended by me to footy fans.

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War of the Worlds: 4/10

I did not like this movie. The machines: Badass. Tom Cruise's acting: Suprisingly badass. Everything else was far too scifi, I found the ending left much to be desired. The movie felt...secretive...they shouldn't have done a remake.

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Les Miserables - 4/10

Before tonight I could hardly imagine the day I would give anything with the name "Les Miserables" attached a failing grade. Even the very worst productions of the Cameron Mackintosh produced musical were still entirely captivating, and almost 150 years after its original publication, the novel ranks as one of my all time favorites. So how could a story that is so well written and provides such a clear picture be so poorly adapted? Well, for starters, the casting is not a great help. There is hardly a cast member who doesn't seem miscast in this film, apart from Uma Thurman's Fantine and perhaps Claire Danes' Cosette. Liam Neeson portrays the devil-becomes-angel Jean Valjean reasonably well, but the character is written with none of the grace and altruism of the original, and at times comes off as, for lack of a better term, a dick. Geoffrey Rush's Javert is not only an upright purveyor of law and order, he is portrayed as a sadistic villain who pursues Valjean without thought of leaving innocent victims in his wake. Anyone who has either read the novel or seen the play knows that both these portrayals are contrary to the ones Victor Hugo initially created, and without the grey area, there's really nothing interesting about this film. It doesn't help that director Bille August marginalizes the political overtones in the story, as well as the entire ABC group save Marius, and instead focuses on teen angst and puppy love, which we could just as easily see in one of the 900 Hilary Duff movies that come out every year. The Barricades get about 5 minutes of mention in a 140 minute movie, and, most shockingly of all, the story does not end with the ultimate redemption of Valjean in the eyes of Marius and Cosette, but rather immediately after Javert's death (which is, by the way, pretty lame). This would be akin to doing The Passion Of the Christ and cutting to the credits the instant Jesus dies. The viewer has to know what happens in the end, although when you consider how badly the filmmaker butchered the rest of the novel, it's probably good that he wasn't given a chance on the finale. Thumbs down; not recommended to even the most devout of Les Miz fans (especially not those fans).

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The Fantastic Four: 6/10

I thought The Thing and Dr. Doom weren't nearly as impressive as they could/should've been.

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Taxi Driver: 9/10

A brilliant film on the study of Evil.

Taxi: 3/10

Laughed once, and that was at the end....after the credits.

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