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I just had one such moment. Me and a housemate have been playing Mario Baseball on the cube for ages now, I'm the baseball fan, he knows very little of the sport but still tends to beat me as there's little by way of real baseball strategy, and the baserunning (one aspect of the sport I'm good at in sim games), leaves a lot to be desired.

Still, I enjoy it, depsite its flaws. Tonight, I was utterly caned, but challenged him to a rematch, which he accepted, mockingly (he likes his trash talk, and chews out his players when they/he screws up, it's quite irritating, but I have no other means of playing the game so I put up with it). Anyways, the first three innings I shut him out, and build a fourrun lead. 4th inning (of a 5 inning game), he ties it all up. Fifth inning, it's still tied. Peach steps up to the plate for him and crushes a curveball deep into centre field using her star swing (so the ball is invisible until it's jsut about to land). Fortunately, I have a good eye for this, and use Mario to make an awesome diving over the shoulder catch to preserve the tie.

So, bottom of the fifth, I'm on two outs, Mario steps up to the plate. Peach is pitching. first pitch: star pitch (invisible again), strike one. I whiff on the second pitch, but the third (another invisible star pitch), I time perfectly and crush it deep into left field for the walk off homer. I only wish I could have a photo of his face when it happened.

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One recent great moment was playing Guitar Hero 2. I was playing Misirlou on expert, and totally NAILED it. Fortunately, one of my friends was sitting there, and actually saw me do it. I was just in a total groove that I haven't been able to get back into with that song. I can play almost everything on experton a normal day, but I was just ON that night. Wish I could back to that again.

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Anytime its 4-1 in Gears of War, and I take out all 4 of them, generally with melees, while they're all within like 20 feet of me. Happens alot actually, its what you get when you mess with a warrior.

Second, while playing Oblivion, I was sent to assassinate and old woman and her 5 children. Killed the 5 children first, then went back to the old woman, who's house was in the mountains. For some reason she decided to attack me, which prompted by horse, special assasin's guild horse that fights for me, to attack her. She ran, the horse followed her and for 15 minutes, it chased her through the mountains attacking her whenever it could. Eventually she ran into some guards, who joined the chase. She got back to her house, went inside and was followed in by the guards, who for some reason killed her. The guards came back out and attacked my horse, knocking it out. They then shifted to attack me, only to have my horse wake up and kill both of them. I :wub: Oblivion

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Pro Evo 4 (I believe), 2 player world cup with my buddy. Playing as England. Got through the groups no problem, no real hard teams. Got Spain in the second round, breezed past them. Slovenia (I think) in the quarters, eased past them. Someone good (I want to say Italy, but I can't really remember) and beat them in injury time, then brings us onto the finals where we played Brazil. Now this was an absolute bastard. 2-0 down with an 20 minutes left. And we somehow comeback and win, 4-2 in normal time. It was amazing. The first was a a scrambled finish by Michael Owen, then Owen got a second with a header from a corner (Both scored by me, I might add :shifty:). At this point we were on the roof, Brazil attacked straight from their kickoff, we win the ball back and make our way into their half. I through pass through to my mate, who's Gerrard, he takes a shot from like 40 yards and scores an absolute screamer!!! It was awesome. 3-2. In about 15 minutes we've turned it around, basically destroying Brazil. I then make it 4-2 in injury time, when a cross runs on too far and PAUL "MOTHERFUCKING" KONCHESKY drives it home from the edge of the area. We win the world cup. Awesome times.

Another one I remember was when we had little leagues basically every day when we were finished college and supposed to be revising for exams. I'm not sure which Pro Evo it was at the time, but I want to say 4 again. Basically, we'd just go to someone's house every day (Basically), about 4 of us (Changed from day to day) and play Pro Evo for hours. Was absolutely hilarious times. But one match that stands out was me getting me arse kicked 7-0 by my mate as Arsenal (I was Villareal)...yeah I got my arse kicked, but it was really fucking hilarious. I had 21 shots...he had 7. I hit the post multiple times, hit the bar multiple times, I forced amazing saves...but I JUST COULDN'T FUCKING SCORE!!! Yes him, with his total combined 7 shots always scored (By the time it reaches 3-0 I just gave up and let him score. :shifty:).

I just remembered another one, from No Mercy, back in the day. It was me and one of my cousins vs. my brother and another cousin in a tag team ladder match (It was at one of those family functions, but we just pissed off). Me and my cousin we Edge and Christian (I as Edge) and we were facing The Rock and Chris Jericho (My brother and other cousin). It was an awesome match that went over half an hour. Christian brought a ring bell into it, but The Rock clotheslines him, and hits the Rock Bottom. At this time Jericho starts to climb the ladder. The Rock grabs the ringbell and knocks his own partner off the ladder......thinking it was Edge. My brother and cousin argue, allowing me (Edge) to sneak into the ring, climb the ladder and win. Was awesome.

Edited by YI
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Listening to some random music on my PC while playing FFVII. I had just reached Rocket Town and was doing the whole, going into space bit, when my PC decided to play... an instrumental version of the Highwind theme song. It was timed rather insanely, since the music isn't tracked to that part of the game IN the game, but it could have easily done so. The big emotional bit when Cid addresses the crew, the inspirational bit when the rocket takes off, it was cool >_>

Beating RAAM on Insane in Gears of War solo, after many, many attempts. I'd also say the times when I've taken out 3 or 4 of the opponents team in multiplayer, but I at least will be honest and say it was lucky >_>

Pulling off the perfect hit in Hitman is always really cool as well.

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Last week playing Pro Ev with my mate Dave, who is a MASSIVE Man United fan, and beating him 2-0 with Arsenal, who he absolutely despises. After the match he just sat there for about 10 minutes, grumbling "A fuckin hate Arsenal." It was awesome.

I always remember a sense of acheivement the very first time me and my brother beat Sonic 2 and got all 7 emeralds. Now it's nothing though. Sonic 3 & Knuckles with all 14 emeralds? That's the good shit.

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I would say the time I beat Deus Ex without the cheats (edit: last time i attempted the game, three years ago, i needed them). Not so much for difficulty, as much as it felt really good to be rewarded with the end after spending X amount of hours and over 100 saves to get there.

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The 6 people who befriended me through Gears alone don't have a problem killing me.

Maybe in future when you play online you should remember you live in a fake country, and should expect a certain degree of lag, hmm? :P

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The best game of Pro Evo (THINK it was Pro Evo 3) I've ever had. Me and my mate Dan were England vs. Saudi Arabia in a world cup group match. 2-0 up at half time, never been troubled, very comfortable. RIGHT at the start of the second half, they make it 2-1. Match goes back to how it was for a while, when they equalise on 75 minutes. On 80, Dan concedes a pentalty, and we're losing 3-2 to Saudi Arabia! We then totally throw everything at them, but they get their entire team behind the ball, and we just can't break through. Eventually, I just think 'sod it', and shoot from about 30 yards with Gerrard, it went through everyone's legs and into the bottom corner on 88 minutes! We we're relieved as fuck because we'd SAVED a point vs. the Saudi's. They attack us from the kick off, and the ball falls to Cole at left back. First time pass to J. Cole on the left wing, who beats two players, and plays it down the line for Rooney who has made a run out to the left flank. Rooney turns a defender, and plays the ball across the box...... to no-one, their keeper comes out for a routine pick-up. We both sighed in frustration, when suddenly, Lampard runs onto screen, their keeper dives out to smother the ball, but Lampard lifts it over him into the open net, and we win 4-3 in injury time! Fucking fantastic match. We cheered like crazy, like we'd just won the whole tournament in the last minute or something, seriosuly, we shouted like motherfuckers, and all we'd done is beat Saudi Arabia.

Oh, and that reminds me of one time played Dan. We'd argued before over who was who, so we decided to both be Brazil. Dan TOTALLY owned me the whole match, really kicked my ass, but only scored once. I scored twice in the last five minutes and won 2-1 in a victory I could NOT have deserved less. He was angry. It was funny.

One of the best anti-climatic moments ever was on the first Max Payne. It was early on, on the train subway level, and I burrst into this room, shot-gun in hand to find four enemies right in front of me. With fantastic reactions, I just aim and shoot, BANG, one dead, BANG, next one dead, BANG, next one dead, I'd just turned to the fourth, when the BACK of my head explodes, and I fall down dead. The camera swings round and there was a fifth bad-guy behind the door, shotgun in his hand. The camera stayed on long enough for the two remaining baddies to just 'look' at each other, like it was a 'holy shit, that was close' look. Priceless, even though I'd died.

Had some great moments on the Smackdown games over the years too. I just can't think of any off hand now!

Edited by Mushiking timmayy
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Anytime its 4-1 in Gears of War, and I take out all 4 of them, generally with melees, while they're all within like 20 feet of me. Happens alot actually, its what you get when you mess with a warrior.

Second, while playing Oblivion, I was sent to assassinate and old woman and her 5 children. Killed the 5 children first, then went back to the old woman, who's house was in the mountains. For some reason she decided to attack me, which prompted by horse, special assasin's guild horse that fights for me, to attack her. She ran, the horse followed her and for 15 minutes, it chased her through the mountains attacking her whenever it could. Eventually she ran into some guards, who joined the chase. She got back to her house, went inside and was followed in by the guards, who for some reason killed her. The guards came back out and attacked my horse, knocking it out. They then shifted to attack me, only to have my horse wake up and kill both of them. I :wub: Oblivion

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Just had an awesome match with my mate on Pro Evo 6, he was Wigan and I was Fulham he scored through Heskey and in stoppage time I brought Radzinski on just for the hell of it, I attempted a long range shot but was holding onto L1 for some reason.

The result? a lobbed goal from outside the box

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Since Kraigy brought up Crackdown I shall mention the time on the demo where Kulex was trying to whore his driving skills. See when you start you drive down this tunnel and if you go fast enough you end up doing a big jump, in the air there is a ring you go through and get points for it. Now Kulex figured he could keep going back, do the jump and get the points. Rinse, repeat.

Only on his 3rd or so time doing it I had him scouted. At the end of the tunnel where you launch out I placed 8 limpet mines. Then when he came tearing through...KA-BOOM! I laughed so hard. Of course a few days later he did the same thing to me as payback.

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I put an assload of cars and other materials blocking the entrance to see what it would be like for Ellis to break through with his own vehicle. Then he took his sweet motherloving time and I decided to place some limpet charges. And then...

Special K-BOOM!

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