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The BVS WWE: 2004-05

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- Chris Jericho (who, as opposed to Orton, I would LOVE to see interview himself) comes out and plays up SummerSlam. He's still scared, but he knows Rhyno should be scared too. SummerSlam could be his last chance to climb the mountain, and he knows that Rhyno will be in the way. Rhyno's music hits... and out comes a midget. Yay, midgets. Jericho interviews the little Rhyno ("Who'd you vote for in 2000?" "GORE!") and pretends to do matador-like moves on him before asking why anyone would fear him. At this point, the real Rhyno clips Jericho and destroys his leg, before simply saying "That's Why" into the mic. Something for everyone.

Now THAT, my friend, is a MONEY SEGMENT.

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First things first:


Jericho: "Welcome to RAW - IS - JERICHO! And welcome to the countdown to glory. At least, it better be glory. You see, all my Jerichoholics out there know that their hero, Y2J, is hanging by a thread -- a ligament. One false move, one too many shots to the leg, and it's back to Dr. Andrews. But that's okay... because as scared as I am, I also know my weakness. And my SummerSlam opponent, Rhyno, knows not only that I fear my career being gone, but that he should feel the same way. I remember that you missed 15 months -- that you were gone for all of 2002 -- because your neck gave out. There's a bullseye on you, and you should fear me! You see, I know you stand alone atop my mountain -- the summit I wish to climb to get the World Heavyweight Championship -- but when the time comes, there can be only one king of the mountain, and I plan to be it! Rhyno, after SummerSlam, I may still fear you, but you will add a new word to your vocabulary -- respect! I will make you--"

Rhyno's music hits, causing Jericho to turn to the entranceway. Instead of Rhyno, though, a midget dressed as Rhyno emerges, doing all of his mannerisms on the way to the ring. The midget climbs the turnbuckle and slaps his chest to the crowd before scaling back down and going face-to... well, before standing in front of Jericho.

Jericho: "Geez, Rhyno, you look bigger on TV. Hey, you know, I'm glad to have you here, because while we know so much about Rhyno, the World Heavyweight Champion, we know almost nothing about Rhyno, the person. If there is a person in there. Tell me, Junior -- since there is a Presidential election coming up in a few months' time... you do follow that stuff, right?"

Mini-Rhyno nods.

Jericho: "Okay, good. So, uh, if you don't mind my asking... who'd you vote for in 2000?"

Mini-Rhyno (imitating Heyman): "GORE! GORE! GORE!"

Jericho: "Ah, yes. Too bad he lost. You know, just like you'll lose in 7 weeks or so. Consider this a campaign, buddy, and you're off to a bad start. But that's okay, you can redeem yourself. Tell me... what kind of movie do you like? What do you look for in a summer film?"

Mini-Rhyno: "GORE! GORE! GORE!"

Jericho: "Ah, a horror fan, I see. Well, rest assured, coming August 15th, a new horror flick will open. It's currently titled 'Rhyno Gets His Ass Kicked By Y2J', but that my be a bit of a mouthful for critics. Not to fear, I've spoken with Ebert and Roeper, and they assure me it'll get two thumbs up. Now, as for you, kid... I wanna know if you have anything to add. And don't say Gore, because we've already established that joke and we need a new one."

Mini-Rhyno: "Fear Me!"

Jericho: "Fear you? Why? Why should I?"

Mini-Rhyno charges, but Jericho sidesteps. This ritual continues as Jericho keeps talking.

Jericho: "OLE! C'mon, Rhyno, c'mon! See the red on my tights? Come right at it! Toro, toro... OLE! All right, kid, one more time, one more... right here, right where it hurts... OLE! Oh, I'm sorry, Rhyno, but it looks like you just can't lay a hand on me. Much like at SummerSlam. In fact, all this time, I was wondering what I was so afraid of? Why should I fear you? You're a little pipsqueak who says nothing, can only do two or three different things, and you have no ability to make anyone scared, let alone your Ayatollah of Ro--"

At this point, Jericho is clipped from behind by the real Rhyno as the midget leaves. Rhyno picks Jericho's leg up and wraps it around his neck in a Stretch Muffler move before dropping to a seated position. Jericho screams in pain and shouts about how his leg may be gone as Rhyno picks up the mic Jericho dropped.

Real Rhyno: "That's why!"

Rhyno's music plays as he walks off.


And now...


- The SmarKDown! Rant for July 01 / 04, taped June 29.

- So, it appears that Amy Dumas has officially put the Mama back in Mamacita with the arrival of her new son. Given the father, I'd ask if he was put in a green diaper with a mask on his face -- most likely to keep him from watching his mother's wrestling matches and either (1) crying or (2) emulating them in later life. One can only hope he takes more after Greg than Amy. One question: will the silicone interfere with feeding time?

- From Fayetteville, NC.

- Your hosts are Michael Cole and Jim Cornette.

- Kurt Angle heads out and talks about being robbed at the Bash. He should've won for figuring out how to eliminate Undertaker. In fact, he should take Undertaker's place at Vengeance! Scott Colt (using the Four Horsemen theme from 1999, complete with stampeding and steel guitars) interrupts and says that Kurt screwed HIM out of HIS title shot. Kurt laughs, then claims Colt doesn't belong on SmackDown! at all. And to prove it...

- Opening match: Kurt Angle v. Scott Colt. Angle attacks as the ref enters the ring and tosses Colt into the post, but a blind charge misses. Colt chops away and scores a monkey flip, then hits a charging Angle with an armdrag into an armbar. Angle makes the ropes as Colt keeps the pressure on, but Angle reverses a whip into an overhead suplex. Colt lands on his feet, however, and superkicks Angle, who bails. Colt baseball slides Angle on the outside, but once there is sent into the STEEL steps. Back in, Angle gets the rolling Germans for two. Angle kicks Colt's leg out of his leg, then slaps on a single-leg crab. Colt makes the ropes. Angle tries a dragon screw, but Colt nails an enzuigiri and springboard legdrop for two. Angle tries to dropkick Colt's leg, but Colt leaps up and crashes on a diving Angle for two. Colt gets a back suplex on Angle for two. Angle goes low and kicks the leg, then tries a small package for two, kicking off a pinfall reversal sequence that ends with Angle bridging out and getting a Rude Awakening for two. Angle tries the crossface chickenwing, but Colt bridges back for two to cause a break. Colt sends Angle chest-first to the corner and nails another back suplex, this time trying to chain it on Angle-style, but Angle elbows out and reverses to a German suplex try, but Colt lands on his feet and dropkicks Angle for two. Angle trips Colt and puts on an Indian deathlock as we go to break. We return with Colt in the ropes as Angle gets a shinbreaker for two. He tries a spinning toehold, but Colt kicks him off and gets a belly-to-belly of his own. To the top, but Angle follows with a Pop-Up, but Colt catches him and tries a Pedigree, but Angle backdrops him to the mat, but Colt hangs on and sunset flips Angle off for two. Wicked. Angle charges Colt, who catches him in a double underhook backbreaker (called the Colt 45 by Cornette) for two with Angle's foot on the ropes. Colt tries a spinkick, but Angle catches it with the Angle Lock. Colt crawls over and makes the ropes. Colt limps up, but grabs the ropes to avoid an Angle Slam, rolling Angle up for two. Colt tries a slam, but Angle gets the Savage/Steamboat reversal plus a handful of tights for the pin at 16:54. I bet if they knew Colt was really capable of this, they'd have saved this match for Vengeance. A star is totally born. **** Paul Heyman comes out as Angle runs off from Colt and leads the arena in a standing O, then offers his services to Colt, who accepts. Not that Cabana needs a mouthpiece, but I'm sure he appreciates the rub.

- WWE Tag Team Titles: Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio v. Matt Hardy and Bubba Rogers. MATT FACTS: Matt doesn't like Mexico, and Matt is drug-free. Subtlety, eh? Rey (who obviously saw them) gets royally pissed and dives onto both MFers on the outset. You know, I just realized that the champs were good friends of Konnan's on-screen in WCW, a fact which I can guarantee they'll never bring up. In the ring, Kidman dropkicks Bubba and hits the rana for two. Matt is knocked off the apron as Rey Drops the Dime on Bubba, getting Kidman two. Matt attacks Kidman from behind, allowing Bubba a chance to get a fistdrop and bring Matt in. Yodelling legdrop gets two as Kidman is YOUR face-in-peril. Northern Lights suplex by Matt gets two. Bossman in with the straddle and sliding punch, and a DDT gets two. Matt and Bubba do the Rocket Launcher for two. Matt gets a slam and fistdrop, then a flip splash for two. Bubba enters and gets really stupid, allowing YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN! Hot tag Rey, who nails Matt with a flying jalapeno and headscissors armbar. Bubba breaks it up and gets a Samoan Drop, allowing Matt two. Bubba flees, but Kidman backflips onto him as Rey gets the 6-1-9, but misses the West Coast Pop. Bubba catches Rey in a Bossman Slam, but Kidman enters with a springboard legdrop to break. Matt is tossed to the outside, where Konnan appears and chases him to the back, and it's a dragonrana and Shooting Star Press to retain at 8:55. Stop the show now, folks, because it's clearly all downhill from there. *** Konnan chases Matt to the parking lot, where Shannon Moore and Evan Karagias start a beating as Matt races to catch up with Lita in the hospital or something.

- Rob Van Dam and Ultimo Dragon v. Nathan Jones and Jamie Noble. Man, talk about a no-nonsense show here. It's almost like a PPV. Almost. Anyway, we see clips of the RVD/Ultimo match from the Bash to show how awesome they were as a team, although Noble is no Charlie Haas. Jonesy might be better than Bossman, but it's not worth the scientific instruments needed to measure the level of difference in talent. Ultimo starts with Noble and goes Arm-Dragon. Noble tries a dropkick, but Ultimo catches him and flings him into Jones, as Nidia and Shannon Ward attempt to keep the peace. RVD barrels over the top to take out Jones and the women as Noble reverses an Ultimo DDT into a Mollyesque suplex for two. Jones proceeds to punch out RVD repeatedly as Noble gets a backbreaker on Ultimo. Jones tags in and grabs a headlock and punches away. Big boot gets two. Noble in with a bodypress for two. Jones returns and gets a right cross, into the K-1 KO try, but RVD grabs him in a German suplex to save the match. Ultimo gets a ropeflip moonsault on Jones, hot tag RVD. RVD kicks away at Jones, who is staggered. Noble is sent packing via a spinkick, then RVD returns to Jones, but gets punched in the mouth in midair. Jones sets up for the Punt, but RVD was faking and catches for the stepover enzuigiri. Ultimo returns for an Asai DDT try, but Jones spikes him to the ground and Noble slaps on a figure-four. The ref is dealing with RVD and Jones (who are now landing punches and kicks on the outside), so Tajiri makes his grand return and mists Noble... for the DQ at 10:29. Whoops. **1/2

- Backstage, RVD and Jones are being separated as Roddy Piper walks in. He knew these two were tough fighters, and he wanted to give them a chance to prove it. With that in mind, he's putting the two against each other... in a kickboxing match? Interesting. He even has a special referee planned, but won't say who. Piper basically promises a brutal bloody fight. Bizarre choice for the match between the two, but we'll see if it works better than their No Way Out styles clash.

- Hurricane and Steve Rizzono v. World's Greatest Tag Team. Pre-match vignette has Hurricane trying to cheer Rizzono up, only to be met by a moper. Rizzono has less charisma than Stephanie. How scary is that? ANYway, Hurricane takes them both to start but the double-team absolutely crushes him. Rizzono does his best but Shelton disposes of him without trying. Back to Hurricane, as Haas gets a German suplex for two. WGTT with the leapfrog choke, and Shelton adds a superkick for two. Hurricane escapes the Doomsday Device with a Victory Roll on Haas for two, then knocks down both WGTT members. False tag to Rizzono, who actually gets some token jobber offense before being escorted out as WGTT hit the Star-Spangled Blaster for two. Haas gets a belly-to-belly for two as Shelton slugs out Rizzono. Hurricane escapes an overhead suplex and hits Eye of the Hurricane. Rizzono gets the tag... and runs straight into a superkick for the pin at 4:53. I sense Rizzono's in over his head. *3/4

- Rey Misterio confronts Mike Barton backstage and tells him that he's mixing with the wrong guys. Barton isn't worried -- he provides his own security. But an offhand comment by Rey that six will be a crowd when Brock returns gets Barton wondering if he's right.

- Meanwhile, the Maximos say they want to keep the title with the Latino community and offer to soften up Taker. Eddie says he doesn't need their help, but Joel won't listen and heads to the ring anyway.

- Joel Maximo v. Undertaker. Speaking of in over his head, there's this match. Joel blitzes Taker and gets no-sold as a result. Taker with a big boot to Joel, who bails to the outside. Taker pounds on Jose as Joel scampers to the top and nails a pescado on Taker. Back in, Joel gets a spinkick and Lionsault for two. Taker clotheslines Joel out, stomping him on the outside. Jose trips Taker back in the ring, and Joel gets an enzuigiri. Moonsault combo gets two, two, and two. Taker with some clubberin and a try at OLD SCHOOL, but he trips into the Tree of Woe. Joel baseball slides him, twice, for two. The Joel with a camel clutch, but Taker stands up and flattens him for two. Joel bails, and Taker follows but punches the post by mistake. Back in, Joel does the Greco-Roman knuckle-lock (as Jesse Ventura would call it), but Taker uses his other hand to choke slam him. Tombstone finishes at 7:12. Well, they tried. **

- The RTC comes out for the finale, declaring it a travesty that Edge has the SummerSlam shot. Steven proclaims that Edge will forfeit (or even throw) the match with Bull at Vengeance in order to escape his punishment. Edge interrupts, saying he EARNED that shot at the Bash. Steven says champions must defend their shot every time, so why not challengers? (Don't you hate when the heels are right?) Anyway, Edge says the match at Vengeance will be for said SummerSlam spot... provided he doesn't win tonight. And oh yeah, he has backup. But sadly, so does Bull, as we cut to the back where Eddie's locker is blocked by an RTC-approved forklift. Oh well, I guess it's our...

- Main event, 3-on-1 handicap match: Edge v. Right to Censor. Well, this oughta be quick, considering we're almost out of time. Not that I disapprove of the allotment to Angle/Colt or the tag match, mind you. It's a massive beatdown to start, with Bull and Henry getting a double spinebuster as Morley delivers a standing splash. Morley does the running kneesmashes and Russian legsweep, and Bull comes in with a powerslam for two. Bull with the body-vice gutbuster. Henry enters but misses the splash. Edge spears Henry down and applies the Sharpshooter, but Morley DDTs Edge and gets two. Bull flies in with the springboard lariat, but Edge ducks and Morley gets it. Edgecution, but a Steven Kick floors Edge. Moral High Ground, big fat splash, and flying legdrop mean it's for the shot at 5:03. *

The Bottom Line:

Man, that first hour is about as good as you're going to get from free television, but after Tajiri's return it was all downhill. Still, I got my allotment of high-quality wrestling, and with 6 matches set for Vengeance of wildly disparate quality, I'd say things are par for the course.

Question is, shouldn't they do better?


July 3, 2004


- Issues between Matt Hardy and Hurricane appear to be patching up since the arrival of Lita's son. It appears that having a baby around will mellow anyone out.

- Brian Adams announced on his website that the WWE is negotiating with him for a tryout match on a RAW of a future date.

- The street fight at Vengeance is to experiment with the possibility of making Edge a heel. The theory is that they'll be able to see if he can handle being the more aggressive type, and the street fight atmosphere allows it to happen within context.

- Rob Van Dam was said to be the man behind the idea of a kickboxing match at Vengeance. He feels it can work, given his own martial arts background and the Jones character's reliance on striking.

- The morale of the two shows is somewhat high. RAW is boosted by the gates they are getting at house shows headlined by Jericho/HHH v. Rhyno/Christian, in addition to the news about locker member Lita. SmackDown!, meanwhile, is coming off a critically accepted Great American Bash and heading to Vengeance, and the general feeling is that charisma and talent are being rewarded (such as with Scott Colt).

- Speaking of Colt, it appears that he will be added to Vengeance in some way.

- Brian James (Road Dogg) will take the next week or two off to film a guest appearance in the season 5 premiere of the WB network's "Andromeda". No word as to what role he will play. (Note: this did indeed come from EWRevenge.com, and I found it so funny I'm including it.)

- There is talk that, if the wrestling boom lasts and ticket demand is high enough, the WWE might move WrestleMania XXI to the Rose Bowl and show it in the early afternoon. Dodger Stadium, the next possible choice, would most likely be booked due to the opening weekend of Major League Baseball, although officials have not ruled out the Home Depot Center (home of the US National Soccer team) as another alternative site. Staples Center officials have reported high demand for the 21,000 seats available. Home Depot Center would likely seat 35,000, while Dodger Stadium would get 55,000 and the Rose Bowl well over 100,000 -- if they sold out.

- James Storm was backstage this weekend during the WWE's Canadian tour. He was a special invitee of Sting and Konnan, former NWATNA workers.


July 5, 2004


We're in the Great White North for this week, so tune in to SpikeTV to catch the first of two WWE programs from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada!

Last week, Sting claimed he had backup in his fight with Evolution. It was a big mistake -- maybe -- as Eric Bischoff immediately put Sting and his new friend in a 3-on-2 handicap match against Evolution! We knew Bischoff was one to give Evolution favors, but has he underestimated the Stinger and his friend? And who is this guy, anyway? Find out when we do!

Winnipeg has produced some great people and events, but perhaps the best thing to come out of Winnipeg is Y2J himself! What will Chris Jericho do in his hometown, with all his friends and family watching on? Will he rise to the occasion or be decimated by Rhyno?

Last week, Alexis Laree used the "Hometown Backing" to get a pinfall over Jazz in a six-woman tag match. This week, it's going to be a one-on-one encounter, as the two Divas square off for the Women's Championship! Can lightning strike twice, or will Jazz fare better on neutral ground?

All this and more -- including an update on Christian -- tonight at 9 / 8 Central, LIVE on SpikeTV! Tune in to the First Network for Men and find out all the details!

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The Bash was awesome Dukes....then again I am a HUGE Lethal Lottery mark.

Raw and Smackdown were good as well.....Poor Joey Matthews : (

and add me to the "Please Not Luger" kick for Sting's partner.

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Guest y2gudge

After reading this weeks shows I do have to say I enjoy Virch just that little bit more than the full write-ups. However, I would offer the suggestion that any angles/promos (like Jericho's on Raw) that you feel we have to read then maybe adding them would be a good idea.

I'm thinking for Sting's partner...Vampiro...and I don't know why... :huh:


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" - Christian v. Booker T. Booker gets the headlock and shoulderblock, but the kneedrop misses and Christian gets a suplex and armbar. The crowd begins chanting "Creepy Bastard" as JR concurs. Christian looks around in confusion, allowing Booker to break the hold and chop away. Christian rolls outside as the crowd switches to "Christian sucks". He yells at them to shut up, but that only makes them louder as he returns and locks up again. Booker gets a suplex and pounds away, but Christian fights it off and works over Booker in the corner, noticeably distracted as JR hammers home what a Bad Person Christian is while DDP tries to call the match. Christian gets the Rear Naked Stretch for two as the crowd goes back to "creepy bastard", although this one may have had some prompting. Christian nearly throws another tantrum before rolling outside... and walking out at 4:42? WTF? DDP follows him backstage, trying to figure out what happened, but Christian blows him off. Molly sees this and wants to follow, but Tracy and Alexis hold her back and make her go to the ring for her match. Christian walks right out the building. Match was basically an excuse for the angle. DUD

- So we're outside, as Coachman catches up with Christian, who looks like he just got dumped. Christian says he went too far with Molly and he knows it, and that he figured the fanbase would just forget it and move on. Well, given the WWE fanbase, that might have been a safe assumption. But no, he's ruined. No one cares about him. He can't even show his face in public without people telling him how cruel he was. Coach tries to ask if it's professional to walk out, and Christian shoots back "Is it professional to be a pariah?" Christian is literally crying at this point as he ponders retirement to escape the pain. He drives off, leaving a confused Coach to ask the cameraman "What now?" "

I say it's a ploy to lower Molly's guard, then Christian gets his heat back by beating the crap outta her with a tire iron.

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hmmmm... let's keep the hybrid action going here...


- The SmarK RAW Rant for 05 Jul / 04.

- Live from Winnipeg, MB.

- Your hosts are JR and DDP.

- We open with a picture of Lita holding little Jeffrey David. Awwwwwwww.

(And we're giving you the next segment.)

We start the countdown at 10 as the crowd goes along. After the counter hits zero and the video begins, we hit the split screen of the arena and the outside. A midsize car with Manitoba tags reading "RAWISY2J" pulls up. As expected, Chris Jericho gets out of the car. He walks from the car to the doors of the arena. As his music plays, a pair of kids come up to him with pen and paper. He autographs for each one before continuing.

We switch to a live shot of the Winnipeg Arena, as Chris Jericho emerges from one of the entryways to the crowd. He walks down the stairs, slapping/shaking the hand of everyone on both sides of him. As he approaches ringside, he stops and delivers a kiss to a woman whom JR identifies as his wife. He steps over the railing and into the ringside area. He walks up the stairs and plants his foot as he always does before stepping into the ring. In the ring, he takes the mic from a returning Lillian Garcia and waits as his music stops. The crowd is letting loose a huge "Y2J" chant.

Jericho begins to speak, but can't. The "Y2J" chants pick up again. He looks around, a smile on his face. He sits back and allows it all to wash over him. The camera sees a series of 13 signs next to each other. "R" "A" "W" "I" "S" "J" "E" "R" "I" "C" "H" "O" "Eh?", they read. Jericho heads back outside and sits on the guardrail, chanting along with the fans for a few seconds as Page laughs. Finally, Jericho gets into the ring and ends the silliness.

Jericho: "WELCOME - TO - RAW - IS - JERICHO! And welcome to WINNIPEG - is - Jericho! Thank you all, every single last one of you, who have followed me and have helped me through these stages of my career. I cannot express at all the feeling I have about being here, and knowing that this is part of the road to SummerSlam, where YOUR HOMETOWN HERO will fulfill his destiny and complete his comeback!"

Raucous cheer. More Y2J chants. In fact, the crowd has been buzzing nonstop.

Jericho: "To be honest, I don't think I would be here today without two people whose love and support I have counted on from the very beginning. My wife Jessica... and my little boy. Hey Junior! Daddy's on TV! But also, when I was down in Birmingham, Alabama, working and working and working on that blown-out calf muscle, you the fans -- MY PEOPLE, MY FRIENDS -- kept me going! I knew, because you made me believe, that some day I was going to be a star again! Some day I would be champion again! And at SummerSlam, thanks to all of you, and in front of you, my fellow Canadian countrymen, IT - WILL - HAPPEN!"

The crowd cheers louder than ever... until "I'm Back" hits and the crowd turns on a dime to boo Eric Bischoff.

Bischoff: "Well, well, well. If it isn't the guy I was told would never amount to anything by my bosses at WCW. Congratulations, Chris. You apparently ARE something. But what you are, in my mind, is a dead man walking! You see, Chris..."

An "asshole" chant starts.

Bischoff: "You see, Chris, you talk about fulfilling your destiny? Well, it will be my pleasure to see you and everyone else realize that you won't even be the top story here on RAW. I guarantee you, right now, that when August 15 comes and goes, Chris Jericho will not be the reason people remember the show. Unless, it's because it will be on that night that my World Heavyweight Champion Rhyno DESTROYS YOU once and for all!"

Massive booing.

Jericho: "Destroys me? That little runt? I mean, I guess he could, but what's to keep him from destroying... say, you?"

Bischoff: "No, no, no -- I'm not the one he's facing. I'm gonna be in the huge Inter-Promotional Brawl, remember? But since you're so certain that you're going to win, it wouldn't matter what odds I stack against you, would it?"

Jericho: "Do your worst, Bischoff. It won't stop me from getting to Toronto and realizing MY dream!"

Bischoff: "Oh, that's where you're wrong. You see, I know exactly how to shatter your dreams. By shattering your leg. Tonight, In That Very Ring, I will see you, Chris Jericho, be retired at the hands of the two sickest men I know. You see, just because Evolution is busy destroying Sting and giving his friend a cold welcome doesn't mean I don't have bullets to fire at ya. And I'm bringing out the two highest caliber bullets just for you tonight! I'm putting you in a handicap match against Kane and Rhyno! Good luck, Chris... not with winning, but with leaving the ring under your own power."

"I'm Back" plays as Bischoff smiles his most evil grin. Jericho wipes his brow as he stands in the ring, his thunder clearly having been stolen.

(Segment Rating: 100 for a Jericho promo. Booyah.)

- (recaps segment)... I don't see how this'll do any good -- Jericho jobs in his hometown or you destroy one of your two monsters -- but at least you have my attention.

- Maven and Booker T v. Test and Lance Storm. Good pop for the Canadians. Dawn Marie officially welcomes Storm into the fold, as he's ditched the EVIL~! gimmick to become another wrestler. With Hurricane having moved, there was no need for it anyway. It's a donnybrook to start, and the Canadians (who are being cheered) clean house. Maven hits the DROPKICK OF DOOM to Test, but Test no-sells and lariats Maven. Americans bail and Storm baseball slides both of them. Dawn Marie adds a ballshot on Booker for fun. In the ring, Booker ducks a Test blind charge, but gets hit with a pumphandle slam. Maven returns and bodypresses Test, but Test catches him and tosses him onto Booker. Storm in with a superkick for Booker for two. Maven trips Storm and Booker rolls him up for two before getting a clothesline and kneedrop for two as Storm is YOUR Canuck-in-peril. Maven with a German suplex for two. Booker gets a leg lariat and Spinaroonie, but Storm avoids the Axe Kick and gets a tiger suplex for the Double KO. Hot tag Test, who destroys Maven to a huge pop. Booker gets sent to the outside, Test follows, and Maven tries rolling up Storm, who reverses to the Maple Leaf for the tapout at 6:44. Need more Storm. *1/2

- RNN, as he promises to rid the world of Sting and his "type". He further declares his hatred of Canada and states that "apparently you guys haven't bought your 1998 calendars yet". For the record, Orton may be the most over heel in Canada, and he is definitely achieving HBK in 1998 levels here. His guest is Alexis Laree, who is ready to face Jazz tonight. She knows last week wasn't a fluke, and that she can do it again. Orton points out that last week she had her fans behind her, and that this week she has nothing. Orton continues insisting Jazz will win, even going so far as to say he bet on it. Laree is insulted that someone would bet against her and goes to leave... fool... RKO by Orton as it appears his bet is going to cash in. Why are they bothering? Orton is already crazy over as a heel in Canada, and in the US Christian/Molly pretty much set the bar as far as male-on-female violence.

- World Tag Team Titles: Nick Mondo and Tommy Dreamer v. Christopher Nowinski and Rodney Mack. Huge brawl to start, duh, and the faces clean house, with Mondo diving on them with a plancha. In the ring, Mondo tries for a DDT on Nowinski but gets it blocked. Nowinski with a suplex and rollup for two. Nowinski gets a belly-to-belly and facebuster for two. Mack in, and the duo hit a double elbowsmash for two. Mack gets a powerslam, but misses the elbowdrop. Nowinski stops the hot tag and gets a gutwrench slam and DDT for two. Mack tries the Blackout, but Mondo runs up the turnbuckle and reverses to a pinning combo for two. Mondo with a spinkick to Mack, hot tag Dreamer. Nowinski cuts Mondo off on the outside while Dreamer gets a DDT for two. Okay, enough of the DDT already. Anyhow, Nowinski with a full nelson slam on Dreamer, but Mondo gets M.Bison on HIM, so Mack tosses Mondo over the top and gets two on Dreamer. Mack whips Dreamer but gets kicked as he puts his head down, Dreamer Driver, goodnight at 7:05. Good match when Nowinski and Mondo were in. *3/4 Nowinski takes the mic and declares he's not done in his quest for more gold, and in fact he knows just what to do next.

- Evolution is out, and Randy Orton talks about how Sting has just what he wants -- no distractions, no baiting and switching, no nothing. Everyone's here, and they're here to destroy him. Sting counters that the only thing Orton destroys is the ratings. I love shoot comments that aren't meant to be shoot comments. And you can all breathe a sigh of relief, as the WWE decides to go the safe route and bring in someone who hasn't been called Sting's friend until just now -- yes, folks, I think they're finally taking NWATNA seriously because...

- Handicap match: Evolution v. Sting and Chris Harris. No James Storm, though, as it appears the WWE split up the NWA's biggest tag team just to screw them over. Michael Shane looks like he's about to pass out, as he runs to the floor while Sting and Harris take over on Orton and Batista. Stinger Splashes by both men, and they whip the foes together. Shane returns with a clothesline to Sting, but Harris gets a dropkick and armdrag on Shane. Evolution bails, so Harris goes up top and dives onto all three. In the ring, Sting punches away at Batista, sending him across the ring and nailing a clothesline. Shane superkicks Sting down, though, and Batista gets two. MAIN EVENT SPINEBUSTER gets two. Orton in with Play of the Day for two. Orton goes to the leg, stomping on Sting's knee as the crowd chants for Bret. Wow. Shane enters with an elbowdrop to the knee as Orton yells "work the leg, work it". Shane with a legbar on Sting, who makes the ropes. Batista enters and gets a Russian legsweep. Orton demands to be tagged in... and gets an elbowdrop off the second turnbuckle for two. BLASPHEMY! Orton tags in Batista, who gets a shinbreaker and pounds the back of the knee with fists. Shane goes up top, hitting the Picture Perfect Elbow for two, then tries a figure-four. Sting kicks Shane off, but Orton tags in, only to get hit with a big right and a Deathdrop for the double KO. Shane in, but hot tag Harris, who goes to town. Lariat for Shane (with 360 sell -- I see gymnastics runs in the family), spear for Batista, but Orton jumps in with the RKO. Shane gets two. Shane tries a corner whip but eats boot, and Sting jumps in as it all breaks down. Demon Bomb on Sting gets two, Harris saves. Shane tries the superkick to Sting but hits Orton and Harris gets two. Batista is sent out of the ring, and the faces get the Death Sentence on Orton for two. Catatonic to Shane for two, Orton saves. Orton with a top-rope RKO to Sting, but Harris shoves Sting aside and Orton crashes. Sting chases Orton to the back, stopping to spear down Batista on the way, and Harris ties Shane up in the Sharpshooter for the submission at 15:21. Welcome to RAW, indeed. *3/4

- Backstage, Christian is despondent. He confides in Chynna that he feels like he'll never win again. Chynna "expresses" her "emotion", and "comforts" Christian, saying she has an idea. They go to Bischoff's office together.

- Back in the ring, Jazz finds out Alexis Laree has been told not to wrestle tonight and wins by forfeit.

- Backstage, Chynna asks to be added to the main event, but Bischoff thinks it's overkill. Nonetheless, he offers Jericho an out: it's Rhyno, Kane, Christian, and Chynna against Jericho and anyone he can round up on short notice, up to three. Oh, and it's now an elimination match, because there's no chance Jericho will find anyone. Famous last words.

- Backstage, Sting sees Orton drive off and yanks aside Coachman. He tells Coach that Orton can't run forever, and it has to end. He says he wants Orton in the ring, one-on-one, at SummerSlam, and that Harris will be an enforcer at ringside. Given the usual Sting formula, I think we can all pencil in a heel turn by August 15th.

- Main event, elimination rules. Rhyno, Kane, Christian, and Chynna Doll v. Chris Jericho. Oops, and Molly Holly. Um, and Shawn Michaels. Okay, and Triple H. Boy, does Eric ever feel stupid now, eh? Everyone pairs off to start, as Jericho sends Rhyno over the top and Shawn nails Christian with a flying jalapeno. Molly gets tossed by the hair by Kane, while HHH manhandles Chynna. Residual feelings, maybe? The match settles down somewhat when the HHH and Chynna leave, but Rhyno and Kane help triple-team Hunter. Molly goes up top with a plancha to save, but that's not enough. Shawn adds a tope con hilo, which helps for a few moments before Christian gets a pescado. Jericho tops it all off with a tope suicida. Back in, Chynna gets a press slam on Molly, but she gets arrogant and tries a second one. Molly slides down her back and scores a German suplex, and the Molly-Go-Round finishes at 5:19. Yeah, that's right. Kane runs over Molly and goes up top with the clothesline. He picks Molly up at two. Molly is on the wrong end of a Burning Hammer to finish her off at 7:11. Shawn jumps in and punches away, getting a back elbow on Kane. Kane sits up, so Jericho dropkicks Kane and Shawn gets two. Kane catches Shawn in a powerslam, and Christian enters as the crowd immediately gets on his case. Christian with the Rear Naked Stretch for two, and in comes Rhyno. Rhyno pounds away on Shawn, and a one-armed slam gets two. Shawn eats Kane's boot, and Christian dives off with a bodypress to send Shawn off to church at 10:24. HHH gets a quick KICK WHAM, but no PEDIGREE as Christian wiggles out and whips HHH into a GOAR GOAR GOAR as Rhyno finishes him at 11:03. So it's Jericho 1-on-3 as we take a break. We return with Kane standing over Jericho and setting off his pyro, causing Rhyno and Christian to jump off the apron. This is crucial, as Kane bends over to get Jericho and gets rolled up for the pin at 13:28 before anyone can get to him. Kane is pissed off and boots down Jericho, allowing Christian two. The refs tell Kane to leave, but he shoves the ref aside and Tombstones Jericho. Kane adds a chairshot for fun as the ref revives and calls Christian out for outside interference at 16:00, causing the crowd to chant "na na na na" at him as Christian throws a tantrum. All the stalling allows Jericho to recover, though, so when Rhyno nonchalantly covers, it only gets two. Rhyno tosses Jericho into the corner, but the GOAR GOAR GOAR misses. Jericho rolls Rhyno up for the shocking comeback win at 17:44 as the crowd goes nuts. Rhyno is pissed off, but Shawn and Molly return and protect Jericho. Christopher Nowinski takes this opportunity to appear from nowhere and give Molly a Double Arm DDT. Rhyno attacks Jericho and punches him down, but Jericho reverses a whip and Rhyno charges straight into Sweet Chin Music. Molly gets up just as Bischoff sends Evolution to the ring, and the six people brawl until Nowinski turns the tide. Sting and Chris Harris come back to clean house, and everyone leaves but Jericho and Batista. Jericho whoops all sorts of ass, with a suplex, facebuster, and Lionsault before sending Batista to the back. Jericho and his wife celebrate in the ring, end of show. *1/2

The Bottom Line:

Definitely the Y2J show this week, as it was all about the guy getting a title shot in his hometown. Not that I disapprove or anything, but having Jericho get a surprise pin on Rhyno does nothing more than show he has a fighting chance. The REAL story is Sting's backup Chris Harris' debut, and it'll be interesting to see if his turn does indeed make Jericho the second-biggest story of SummerSlam.



July 08, 2004


The city so nice it's worth visiting twice -- we're back in Winnipeg for the last SmackDown! before Vengeance!

Team Angle has taken on many forms, and tonight is no exception. Kurt Angle, Eric Angle, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, and Mike Barton will provide stiff competition in the main event, and it helps that their opponents are not united. Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio are ready to soften up Haas and Benjamin for Vengeance, but the other three are divided by the WWE Heavyweight Title -- Eddie Guerrero, Edge, and the Undertaker!

Scott Colt made a huge impact last week, taking Kurt Angle to the limit. This week, he gets another challenge in the form of a tag team specialist -- Jose Maximo! Joel had almost no luck against the Undertaker one week ago, so it's up to Jose to make things right within the family!

In an interesting decision, Roddy Piper made the match at Vengeance between Nathan Jones and Rob Van Dam a kickboxing match! He inferred that he had a special referee for the match, and he has promised to make that referee known tonight! Who does he have in mind? Will he change his mind? Does anyone really know if he has a mind?

All this and more -- including a complete PPV rundown -- tonight at 8/7 Central! Be sure to Smack Your TV on UPN!

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Pretty good RAW overall, and it's nice to see Jericho's promos are being rewarded with a title run.

I think Piper will appoint himself the referee for the kickboxing match, and the loser will have to give up wrestling, kickboxing, girl chasing... heck, they'll have to give up Tiddly-Winks!

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Guest y2gudge

That looked to be a good Hometown Hero-esque Raw with Jericho coming off as "Unique" in EWR terms (if not already so) and some good build-up for Summerslam. None of us saw Harris coming but I wait to see what you do with him before commenting further, plus Nowinski so needs the IC Strap at SS.


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I just read through the entire thing, and I have to say this is one of my favourites. You capture Scott Keith's style PERFECTLY, and I'm gonna say I prefer that to the regular write ups, although the regular one is still very good.

I do think you could be booking yourself into a corner with the Molly/Christian stuff though, because where is she going to go after this feud ends? I do like it though :D

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Pretty good RAW overall, and it's nice to see Jericho's promos are being rewarded with a title run.

I think Piper will appoint himself the referee for the kickboxing match, and the loser will have to give up wrestling, kickboxing, girl chasing... heck, they'll have to give up Tiddly-Winks!

Well, Jericho's not champion yet. But he is being rewarded with a main event run, so we're getting there.

And yes, if Piper were ref, I'm certain Tiddly-Winks would be on the line. But alas... well, read on.


- The SmarKDown! Rant for July 08 / 04, taped July 06.

- Back in Winnipeg.

- Your hosts are Michael Cole and James E.

- Opening match: Konnan and Ron Killings v. Shannon Moore and Evan Karagias. Konnan's pre-match promo is a decently funny double-meaning shot at Matt Hardy. "You're chances of winning are up in smoke!" There was more, but the Canadians got most of it censored. Anyway, faces clean house to start, as 3 Count bounce around like pinballs and generally bump into each other. They head outside, and Killings nails a tope con hilo on both men, then KONNAN of all people with a tope suicida as the camera shows Evan with the "my life is flashing before my eyes" face. Well, Konnan was a luchadore, so he can still do it occasionally, but he's lucky to have cleared the middle rope with his gut. Dude, Slim-Fast. Back in, Konnan whips Moore into Evan, then gets an avalanche on both as Evan falls on Moore's crotch. Killings picks Evan up and DDTs him back where he landed before as Moore is in severe pain. Killings tries a sunset flip on Moore, but Evan holds Moore up, so Konnan uses the EYEPOKE OF DOOM on Evan as Killings completes the flip for two. Moore goes low on Killings and decides to mock Hurricane with a chokeslam try (complete with thumbs-up) as the announcers speculate on a message being sent. Killings stares at him before reversing to one of his own for two, as Evan tries the big elbow and hits Moore by mistake. Konnan with a release German suplex on Evan, and both men hit Stunners (with dramatic overselling) for the pins at 5:03. Decent comedy match. 3/4*

- Matt Hardy chastises his followers for letting him down and promises to show them what a real champion does at Vengeance. He orders all of them to be on the lookout for possible ways to make things better tonight.

- Kickboxing exhibition: Rob Van Dam v. Mark Henry. Rules are the same as for Vengeance: 5 3-minute rounds. Of course, we don't need to know that, because RVD opens with a flurry of kicks and ends with a roundhouse at 2:31 of Round 1. Just a squash. DUD Nathan Jones hits the ring and blasts RVD with a non-kickboxing-approved chair.

- Paul Heyman is backstage with his charges. Colt demands a match with Kurt Angle at Vengeance, but Heyman says he's "not ready yet". Heyman knows that Team Angle will attack at any time. "How do you know that?" "I started Team Angle!" Heyman says he can get the other three in a match together, but he needs an extra body since Ultimo is busy. Ultimo stops and offers to go twice, and Heyman's worries are over. And now Colt will prove himself with...

- Scott Colt v. Jose Maximo. Jose has Joel, Colt has Tajiri. Heyman heads to ringside to do commentary, and he and Cornette once again bring the hatred. Jose and Colt get a cruiserweight parity sequence, as Jose heads to the outside and talks to Joel. Joel hops onto the apron, allowing Jose to get a low blow and try a suplex, but Colt floats over and hits a German, followed by a leglock as Jose scrambles to the ropes. Jose tries a lockup and gets schooled with some amateur holds, into a front-facelock and stalling suplex as we take a break. Coming back, backbreaker gets two. Slingshot legdrop gets two. Joel trips Colt, so Tajiri mists him and they brawl to the back as Jose rolls up Colt for two. Colt misses a dropkick and Jose goes low, then drags Colt to the ringpost and crotches him. Ouch. Back in the ring, moonsault sequence gets two, two, and two. Jose tries a Tornado DDT, but gets it turned into a Northern Lights suplex for two. Colt with a hammerlock slam and elbowdrop for two. Jose gets sent in, but the flying jalapeno try misses as Colt catches him with a flapjack. Damn! Colt stomps the back, then gets a suplex for two after a Dynamite Kid floatover. Jose tries a basement dropkick for two. Jose goes up top, but Colt follows with a superplex for two. Colt 45 finishes at 13:08. Way too long for Jose as a single -- he had no clue what to do for the last 5 minutes. **1/2

- And yes, that's Roddy Piper coming out to fulfill his mission of confusing the hell out of us. Piper promises that Vengeance will be "better than ever" and that every match "could be a main event match on that other program", and so every wrestling match will go until it ends -- no time limit draws. Also, we need a special referee for RVD/Jones, and he's turning to the man who is the single most respected official he knows... Mills Lane. I'll allow it! Lane promises to call the match as he sees it, and says the best man will win the fight. He reminds the crowd that he officiated a Piper match once, which causes Piper to shoot him a dirty look. I do, too -- I really didn't want to be reminded of that alleged boxing match he had. Anyway, Piper gets Lane to swear an oath to be an impartial official, filled with silly throwaway lines that only Piper can bring. Decent.

- Bull Buchanan v. Hurricane. Oh, joy, rematch. Hurricane dives out at Bull to start, as both men brawl on the floor. Bull sends Hurricane in and delivers a military press to him. Elbowdrop gets two. Hurricane fights off a chinlock with a jawbreaker, then the Sugar Smack gets two. To the top, but Bull steals Kurt Angle's Pop-Up Superplex. Wow, I knew he could reach the top in one shot, but that was... anyway, it gets two. Bull with a powerslam for two. Hurricane reverses a gutwrench into the Hurricane-rana, and a Shining Wizard gets two. I appreciate wanting to make a good match, but Bull is about to have a shot at the main event at SummerSlam -- put him over. And indeed, Bull catches Hurricane with a big boot to take over. Body-vice gutbuster gets two. Springboard lariat and flying legdrop soon finish at 7:01. I'm actually looking forward to seeing if Bull can bring it at Vengeance -- how scary is that? **1/4

- Kurt Angle rallies the troops and guarantees both teams will win at Vengeance. He calls Scott Colt a "wannabe" and says that Heyman has bitten off more than he can chew -- "and from looking at him, that says a lot." Oh, TAG.

- And now, to the tune of "Meant to Live" by Switchfoot, it's YOUR Vengeance rundown:

* WWE Heavyweight Title: Eddie Guerrero v. Undertaker

* Street Fight: Edge v. Bull Buchanan

* WWE United States Title: Matt Hardy v. Konnan

* Kurt Angle, Eric Angle, and Mike Barton v. Ultimo Dragon, Tajiri, and Scott Colt

* WWE Tag Team Titles: Filthy Animals v. World's Greatest Tag Team

* Kickboxing rules: Rob Van Dam v. Nathan Jones

* WWE Cruiserweight Title: Ultimo Dragon v. Ron Killings v. Jamie Noble

- Well, with the promise that every match will get boatloads of time, there's a very good chance that matches will break the **** barrier all around. Undertaker is hit-or-miss, and the Deadman gimmick will hold him back, but the six-man, Cruiser, and Tag matches should make this show a thumbs-up without a second thoughts.

- Main event: Team Angle v. Billy Kidman, Rey Misterio, Edge, Eddie Guerrero, and Undertaker. Pre-match, Kidman invites everyone to their anniversary celebration on the Heat prior to Vengeance. Kidman ushers Torrie away from Taker during entrances. The heels play keepaway with Barton's boxing gloves in an attempt to use them. Eddie gets pissed off and tackles down Kurt, and a huge melee erupts. Triple stereo ranas by the champs on WGTT and Kurt, while Edge spears down Barton and Taker boots Eric. The Angles get a double back suplex on Eddie, while Kidman is ejected on a crossbody attempt by Barton. Rey Drops the Dime on Shelton, while Kidman pulls Haas outside and throws him into the guardrail. Back in, Eddie dropkicks Kurt while Taker tries a chokeslam on Barton, but Eric saves. Taker with a double clothesline to Eric and Barton, and the heels bail, setting up a glorious spot: Kidman opens the bidding with a tope suicida, Rey follows with a springboard senton, Edge comes in with a pescado, Eddie adds a slingshot plancha, and Taker finishes with the DEAD GUY OUTTA CONTROL no-hands plancha to everyone, getting all nine pins. We take a break to catch our breath, and when we return, Kidman has decided to start playing Ricky Morton 2K4 (as we note he slammed himself into a turnbuckle during the break). Kurt with an overhead suplex for two. Eric gets a belly-to-belly into a Barton fistdrop for two. WGTT do the leapfrog choke, and Haas gets a German suplex for two. Shelton nails the Dragon Whip for two. Barton enters and nails a discus punch for two. Shelton with a diving clothesline for two. All five heels take turns nailing a corner charge, and Eric covers for two. Team Angle then goes full-on KDX as Kurt has a camel clutch, Eric has a Boston crab, and Haas does a baseball slide into Kidman's face. It gets Barton two. Haas with an atomic drop for two. WGTT do the Doomsday Device for two. Barton then makes the one mistake, as he hasn't been around long enough to know that YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN! Eric runs in as Kidman recovers and tries a moonsault, but that doesn't work either. Both men charge Kidman, who pulls down the ropes and sends them flying out. Kurt enters, but Taker gets the tag. SOUPBONES FOR EVERYONE! Barton and Taker slug it out, and Taker actually reels a little before Eddie catches Barton in a headscissors and El Paso Lasso. It's BONZO GONZO ALONZO as Kidman tries a sunset flip in on Haas, who holds the ropes and drops for two before Rey gets the 6-1-9 to reverse for two. Rey with the West Coast Hop on Eric for two. Edge gets the Edgecution on Barton, Shelton saves. Kurt puts the Ankle Lock on Kidman, Eddie saves. The ref starts to try to clear the ring, allowing Bull Buchanan to enter and nail the springboard lariat to Edge. Edge recovers and sends Bull packing, but walks into a TKO by Barton for the pin at 19:43. Whew. **1/4

The Bottom Line:

Hard sell for the show, as the multi-man tag at the end showed that a bunch of people means a good match, usually. Meanwhile, the bizarre fixation with people like Nathan Jones and Bull Buchanan continues, although with Eddie on top, all is good. Still, I'd say Eddie, Edge, and RVD should have a wager backstage to see who can carry their slug to the best moment of the night.

The winner? Eddie by cheating, of course.


No prediction contest, per se. I'm saving my strength for SummerSlam. Vengeance will be up this weekend.


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I've been reading this for a while, and I have to comment: I'm really enjoying this. I'll admit that I skim the "proper" write-ups and mostly read for Virch, but the whole thing is pretty well done.

The booking seems to have solidified, though I don't like a Nathan Jones push, period. And Bull, well, he's Bull I guess. Only Bull I've ever really liked is on Night Court. But I do have to say, you portray the characters well. And though I'm sure you're used to people saying this, Virch is DEAD-ON with how Keith used to do it. Lately it doesn't seem like he's putting as much into his rants (probably cause he's tired keeping his new GF happy, heh) but you've got the style. And I've been reading him for a while and am a fan, so that's a compliment.

And I have a question: If Piper HAD been the referee for the Kick Boxing match, would they have had to keep Bob Orton around if they lost? ;)

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And I have a question: If Piper HAD been the referee for the Kick Boxing match, would they have had to keep Bob Orton around if they lost? ;)

Yup, these are my readers.


FBI logo. One World Leader.

A black screen. The words "One Year Ago" appear on it. We see first pictures of Vengeance and SummerSlam 2003, as World's Greatest Tag Team and Kidman/Misterio have a pair of showstealers. Cole and Tazz talk about the close nature of the bouts and the unprecedented action. We go back to black, then return with pictures from SummerSlam and No Mercy 2003, featuring Eddie Guerrero and Undertaker's two memorable clashes. Shots show Taker and Eddie going all over the place at SummerSlam, and the two fighting inside a cage at No Mercy. We go back to black, then see the caption "Times Change" on the screen. We see footage of Kidman and Rey celebrating at WrestleMania, WGTT re-uniting with Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero making Angle tap out, and Undertaker bringing the lights back as the Dead Man. The black screen now has the caption "But Do Things Stay the Same..." as we see the motion graphics of both matches, followed by "...Or Will There Be...".


VENGEANCE IS A DISH BEST SERVED COLD BUT PYRO IS A SPECTACLE SERVED FLAMING HOT as we gear up for another PPV extravaganza. Signs in the crowd: "Edge is #1" "And that's no BULL".

Cole: "Never before has a Pay-Per-View been so aptly named, as two matches feature people who have waited a full year to even the score! Welcome to Hartford, CT! Welcome to Vengeance! Good evening, everyone, I'm Michael Cole alongside James E. Cornette, and Corny, we have seven blockbuster matches to get to over the course of tonight's broadcast!"

Cornette: "That's right, Michael Cole, and I personally guarantee ya that you will see something for everyone tonight, as we have a Street Fight, a six-man, four title matches, a kickboxing match... we got it all!"

"Ch-Check It Out" plays as Konnan emerges from the back, getting cheered all the way. He hop-steps his way into the ring, wearing his usual street attire with an old-school Hartford Whalers throwback hockey jersey of Andrew Cassels. He takes the mic from Tony Chimel.

Konnan: "Yo yo yo, let me speak on dis. ODELAY! ARRIBA LA RAZA! Yo you hear dat Mattitood talkin bout bein' da evolution of wrestling V-1, but you gotta remember that me and da Dogg and da Troot be the first and last evolution V-4-Life! But more than that, Hartford, 3 Live Kru every day, every way, be BOWDY BOWDY and--"

The crowd finishes, just in time for the TitanTron to show the browser search load up 10%, then 30%, then 70%, then 100%. This takes us to the entrance of Matt Hardy (with all of Mattitude), holding up the V-1 hand signal as we find out that Matt turns the other cheek, and Matt will SmackDown His Vote. Matt is wearing a Carolina Hurricanes jersey over his usual attire (Arturs Irbe) as the announcers tell the public that the Hartford and Carolina franchises are one and the same. Matt enters the ring and takes off his jersey, throwing it into the crowd. He hands Mike Chioda the US Title and prepares.

WWE United States Title match: Matt Hardy Version 1.0 (champion) vs. Konnan (challenger)

Matt backs Konnan into the corner and swings, but misses. Konnan reverses and punches away on Matt, sending him across the ring and following up with a rolling lariat. Matt staggers out of the corner into Konnan's facejam. Konnan covers, but only gets two. Konnan sends Matt into the ropes, but misses a clothesline on the first try. He comes back with an elbowsmash to floor Matt, then drops an elbow and covers. It gets two.

Konnan picks Matt up, but Matt gets a low blow and a Northern Lights suplex. He holds the cover for two. Matt picks Konnan up and sends him into the ropes, shooting a dropkick on Konnan, who tumbles to the outside. Matt distracts the referee while Moore and Evan stomp on Konnan. Moore throws him back in, and Matt covers. It gets two. Matt picks Konnan up and throws him into the ropes, but Matt puts his head down and Konnan gets a kneelift. Matt spins around, so Konnan gets a release German suplex.

Matt pulls himself up by the ropes, but Konnan charges him and bumps him out of the ring. Mattitude surround their leader and help him up, so Konnan goes to the top and throws himself onto all four men. He picks Matt out of the pile and tosses him into the nearest ringpost before returning him to the ring, which allows Bubba to toss Konnan into the same post. Konnan rolls back in to yell at Bubba, but this allows Matt a rollup. It gets two. Matt kicks Konnan in the gut and yells, but Konnan trips Matt with a double-leg takedown and slingshots him out of the ring -- and, fortuitously, onto the rest of Mattitude.

Matt returns to the ring apron, but Konnan slugs it out with him there. Matt doubles Konnan over and sunset flips in, but Konnan sits down to block. Of course, at two, Evan shoves Konnan over so that Matt can complete the sunset flip. It's still just two. Matt knocks Konnan over with the Side Effect before climbing to the top rope. He hollers, but the legdrop misses.

Konnan bounces up and gets a swinging neckbreaker (sort of), covering. It gets two, but that's because Moore puts Matt's foot on the ropes. Konnan rolls his eyes and drags Matt to the center of the ring, attempting the Tequila Sunrise. Matt blocks it and gets up, causing both men to charge for a double clothesline. Bubba gets on the apron as Moore and Evan enter the ring and pick Konnan up.

However, Road Dogg dashes in and clotheslines both men down, pounding on each in turn and hitting a double shaky legged kneedrop. The referee tries to clear the debris, allowing Bubba to toss the US Title belt in to Matt, who blasts Konnan with it. Matt covers, and that last bit of cheating is enough to keep the belt.

WINNER and STILL WWE United States Champion: Matt Hardy (11:02)

Cole: "And Matt Hardy is still the US champion by any means necessary!"

Cornette: "That's right, Michael Cole, you hit the nail on the head. When you're the champ, you gotta remain the champ, and there's a certain amount of leeway you gotta expect. Heck, didn't Eddie Guerrero make a career out of cheating as US champ?"

Cole: "Yes, he did."

Experience World Wrestling Entertainment LIVE! Tomorrow, it's RAW in Manchester, NH. Tuesday, SmackDown! heads to Providence, RI. One week from tomorrow, RAW goes to our nation's capital, and next Tuesday, it's off to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. And don't forget, August 15, the brands collide as SummerSlam emanates from the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario!

We are backstage with Billy Kidman, Rey Misterio, and Torrie Wilson, surrounded by gift boxes of all shapes and sizes.

Rey: "Man, I can't believe how lucky you guys are. An anniversary party before the show! Wow!"

Kidman: "Yeah, it's great. How did... I'm shocked people remember!"

Torrie: "Well... they may have heard me talk about it."

Kidman: "Who did you tell?"

Torrie: "Billy, girls talk. It's what we do. I told my fellow divas."

Kidman looks at Rey as they smile.

Rey: "Word travels fast."

Kidman: "Especially in the Divas' locker room. Oh well, no biggie. I just hope my gift matches these."

Torrie: "What is your gift?"

Kidman: "Not now, honey. After the show, okay?"

They kiss. Kidman walks off.

Torrie: "He doesn't have one, does he?"

Rey: "Probably."

Back to ringside.

Cole: "Well, folks, as we discussed during the pre-show, today is indeed Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson's first anniversary, and it looks like the SmackDown! crew has gone all-out to make the couple's day."

Cornette: "Maybe so, Michael Cole, but I know of a couple of guys who wanna spoil it for those two, and that's Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin, who later tonight will face the tag champs in a rematch of their two great encounters one year ago."

"Ch-Check It Out" plays again. Ron Killings jives to the ring, playing to the crowd, as the introductions begin. He enters the ring and salutes the crowd by holding up three fingers on each hand, Horsemen-style. Rockabilly music follows as Jamie Noble and Nidia come to ringside. Noble enters the ring and immediately gets into a shoving match with Killings, forcing Jack Doan to separate the two. As he does, the Japanese music plays and Paul Heyman leads Ultimo Dragon to the ring. Ultimo pauses on the rampway and bows, setting off spurts of fire on either side. He enters the ring and salutes the crowd as Heyman removes Ultimo's Cruiserweight title and hands it to Doan. Doan holds it aloft as the bell rings.

WWE Cruiserweight Title match: Ultimo Dragon (champion) vs. Ron Killings (challenger) vs. Jamie Noble (challenger)

Noble gets in Ultimo's face and yells at him, but this allows Killings to try a rollup on Noble. Noble rolls through with it and gets a front chancery into a vertical suplex. Ultimo grabs Noble in a German suplex, holding it, but only getting one. Killings charges both men, but Ultimo ducks and the challengers collide. Noble falls into the ropes, where Killings and Ultimo hit a double dropkick to send him to the outside. Ultimo whips Killings against the ropes, scoring with a spinkick on the way out. Ultimo tries a Lionsault, but Killings gets his knees up.

Killings pounds on Ultimo's back, then sends him into a corner and charges in with a clothesline. Killings mounts the turnbuckle and does the ten-punch countalong, but at seven, Noble returns and gets a back suplex on Killings. Noble charges Ultimo, who ducks and sends Noble into the corner. Ultimo hits a series of karate thrusts on Noble in the corner, but Killings grabs Ultimo from behind in a dragon sleeper. That merely allows Noble to charge and strike Killings in the head with a modified Shining Wizard.

Ultimo pulls himself up and climbs to the top rope, but Noble meets him there and tries for a superplex. Ultimo fights it, allowing Killings to come from behind and put Noble in the electric chair position. Ultimo turns around goes for the Stack Asai DDT, but Killings throws Noble forward to complete the electric chair as Ultimo falls on his face. Killings covers Noble, but only gets two. Killings picks Noble up and sends him into the ropes, but Ultimo trips Noble in a drop toehold and tries for an STF. Killings runs the ropes and dropkicks Ultimo to break it. Noble thanks him with a dropkick to the leg and a DDT on the bent-over Killings.

Noble tries a single-leg crab on Killings, but Ultimo knocks Noble over to break. Ultimo throws Noble into the ropes and bounces off the opposite ropes, hitting a moonsault press on Noble and holding the cover. It gets two before Killings saves. Killings picks Ultimo up and goes for a short clothesline, but Ultimo ducks underneath it and gets a German suplex on Killings, holding it for two before Noble splashes Ultimo's open chest to break.

Noble picks Killings up and re-applies the legbar, and while the referee checks on Killings, Nidia drops Ultimo throat-first on the top rope. Ultimo staggers backwards, knocking over Noble and causing a crash into the referee. Ultimo picks Noble up from behind and tries a rolling reverse cradle with a bridge, but with no ref. Killings goes up top and waits as Ultimo breaks the move. Killings dives off and catches Ultimo with a flying sunset flip, causing Ultimo to fall over in a pinning predicament.

With no ref (still), Paul Heyman enters the ring as Ultimo kicks out and drops his full weight on Killings' leg. Noble tosses Heyman out of the ring, then begins kicking away at Killings' leg before Ultimo grabs Noble and tosses him to the outside, onto Heyman and Nidia. As those three get up, Ultimo climbs to the apron and Asais the pile. As everyone gets up, Killings hits a springboard plancha onto everyone, but holds his knee on the landing.

Back in the ring, Noble tosses Ultimo into the ropes, where he collides with Killings, who was just getting up. Noble rolls Ultimo up but can only get two. Killings slowly returns to the ring and bashes Ultimo and Noble's heads together before hitting a Stunner on Ultimo. He covers, but Noble breaks at two. Noble kicks Killings in the leg from behind before taking him down and applying a figure-four to Killings. Ultimo slowly gets up and tries to clear the cobwebs, but Killings taps out before Ultimo can react.

WINNER and NEW WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Jamie Noble (14:55)

No time for celebration, though, as Team Angle's music hits and Kurt Angle, Eric Angle, and Mike Barton charge the ring. Eric tosses Killings over the top rope, while Barton gives Noble a TKO. Scott Colt and Tajiri aren't far behind, and they charge the ring as Jack Doan shrugs and calls for the bell.

Kurt Angle, Eric Angle, and Mike Barton vs. Ultimo Dragon, Scott Colt, and Tajiri

Unfortunately, Kurt is ready and knocks both Tajiri and Colt off the apron before they can enter the ring, making Ultimo the legal man. Eric gets a belly-to-belly on Ultimo as Barton bounces off the ropes and drops a gloved fist (Doan is getting Kurt to leave). Eric covers as the referee turns around, but Ultimo shoots the shoulder up at two.

Eric backs Ultimo into the corner and chops him twice before sending him to the opposite corner, which Ultimo runs into chest-first. Eric tags Barton in, who pounds on Ultimo in the corner as Ultimo slumps down. Barton takes a few steps backwards before charging in and nailing a knee to Ultimo's face. Barton covers, but it's only two.

Barton picks Ultimo up and hits a punch to the gut, following it up with a powerbomb try. Ultimo fights at the top of the powerbomb, but Eric climbs the ropes and dives onto Ultimo, allowing Barton to complete the powerbomb with the momentum. The referee tells Eric to leave, so Colt rushes in and grabs Barton's head with an inverted DDT. This causes the ref to tell Colt to leave, so Kurt returns and Angle Slams Ultimo. Ultimo crawls to the ropes after the referee restores order, while Barton tags in Kurt.

Kurt stands behind Ultimo as he pulls himself up. Kurt grabs Ultimo in a German suplex. He hangs on, gets up, and hits a second. He hangs on again, getting a release German suplex on Ultimo. Kurt twirls before picking Ultimo up and delivering an overhead suplex. He heads to the Heyman corner and slugs Colt, who charges in. The referee restrains Colt, so Eric enters and the brothers get a double suplex on Ultimo.

Eric stays in the ring and applies an abdominal stretch to Ultimo. The referee checks Ultimo, allowing Eric to get Barton's assistance. Tajiri races across the ring and jumps onto the apron next to Barton, doing a fake spew of mist. Barton instinctively covers his eyes, letting go of Eric and allowing Ultimo to hiptoss him. The referee tells Tajiri to go back, so he does so but through the ring, taking time to nail a roundhouse on Eric. Ultimo slowly crawls to his corner, but Kurt dives in (illegally) and pulls Ultimo back.

As the ref admonishes Kurt, Eric picks Ultimo up as Barton runs the ropes. The two get a Hart Attack clothesline, ending with Eric on top as Team Angle clears. Doan turns around and counts, but it's only two due to the delay. Eric tags in Kurt and sets Ultimo on the top rope. Kurt charges for the Pop-Up Superplex, but Ultimo gets a shotei on Kurt to knock him back. Ultimo stands up, turns around, and dives off, hitting an Asai DDT off the top rope.

Both men are down as Doan counts. At 6, Kurt sits up and reaches for the ropes. At 9, Ultimo is on his knees, breaking the count. Kurt stands up and staggers over to tag in Barton, who charges across the ring, but can't stop Ultimo from making the tag to Colt.

Colt vaults over the top rope and hits a crossbody on Barton. He picks Barton up and sends him into the ropes, getting a snap suplex on the rebound. Eric charges, but Colt kicks him in the gut and nails a DDT. Kurt is still slumped in the corner, so Tajiri charges him and hooks him in the Tarantula. Doan tries to break it while Colt gets a slingshot legdrop on Barton, so Eric drops an axhandle on Colt's back. Eric and Barton send Colt into the ropes, hoping for a double backdrop, but Colt scores a double DDT.

Tajiri pounds on Eric as Colt backs Barton into the corner. Colt and Tajiri whip Eric and Barton together, which causes Doan to tell Tajiri to take a hike. Kurt sneaks in and delivers the Angle Slam to Colt before leaving. Barton crawls on top, but Colt kicks out at two. Barton picks Colt up for the TKO, but Colt lands on his feet and German suplexes Barton, holding the bridge. It gets two before Barton kicks out. Colt clotheslines Barton out of the ring, so Eric enters and gets a back suplex on Colt.

Kurt tags Eric, making Kurt the legal man (somehow). Kurt pulls the straps down and applies the Ankle Lock to Colt, but while Doan checks Colt, Tajiri enters and sprays Kurt with the green mist for real. Kurt staggers around the ring, and Colt rolls him up from behind, holding him down long enough for the upset.

WINNERS: Ultimo Dragon, Tajiri, and Scott Colt (17:15)

Cole: "What an upset! Scott Colt, the youngster, scores the victory over the former WWE Champion Kurt Angle! This is unbelievable!"

Cornette: "Darn right it's unbelievable! How could Paul Heyman condone that kind of cheating by Tajiri? Oh, of course, he's Heyman. He has no ethics whatsoever!"

Cole: "Sure, after all that Team Angle did, you focus on that."

Cornette: "What did they do?"

We interrupt this banter for a video interlude.

Voiceover: "It started just after WrestleMania..."

Orton: "Are you going to give it up?"

Voiceover: "It's taken many forms..."

HBK: "Show some respect!"

Voiceover: "It has involved many men..."

JR: "Michael Shane has screwed his uncle!"

DDP: "This Chris Harris kid is here to stay!"

Voiceover: "But one thing remains..."

Sting: "I'll teach you respect."

Orton: "You were, and I am."

Voiceover: "The leader of Evolution against the long-time legend. Randy Orton. Sting. WWE SummerSlam! August 15th, live on Pay-Per-View. Call your cable operator or satellite provider to order."

Back to ringside.

Cole: "Well, Corny, SummerSlam is in 5 weeks time, and at the end of the night we will know which two men will face off for the WWE Title in Toronto."

Cornette: "That's right, Michael Cole, but before we get there, we gotta get through tonight, and tonight has just become more important. This next match is one that's a year in the waiting."

Cole: "It sure is. It was one year ago at Vengeance that these four had a show-stealing tag title match. Then at SummerSlam, they met again in a ladder match that many people feel changed the dynamic of the match in the way the TLC format did. While they crossed paths at WrestleMania XX, it isn't until now that they meet, one more time."

"Medal" starts up as Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin head to the ring. The crowd chants "You Suck" at them, but they remain oblivious as they jog around ringside and enter the ring, awaiting their opponents. The silhouette of Rey's mask appears on the TitanTron, just before Rey himself vaults through the stage and into the arena. He carries the tag title belt over his shoulder as he walks part of the way down the aisle. Billy Kidman's music plays as he walks to the ring, Torrie Wilson on his arm. The two kiss at the top of the stage before Kidman charges the ring. Rey starts his run in such a way that he enters at the same time Kidman does. The two men pose with the belts before handing them to Brian Hebner.

WWE Tag Team Title match: Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio (champions) vs. World's Greatest Tag Team (challengers)

Haas locks up with Rey to start, backing him into a corner and offering a clean break before sucker-punching him. Haas chops Rey, sending him into the opposite corner, where Rey goes with the momentum and blasts Shelton. Rey turns and gets a rana on Haas. Shelton enters the ring, but Rey dropkicks Shelton into Haas. Kidman then enters from behind and delivers a headscissors to Shelton, sending him outside.

Kidman and Rey get a front-and-back dropkick on Haas, then bounce off opposite ropes and get stereo legdrops. Rey covers, but it's for one before Haas kicks out. Hebner asks Kidman to leave, so he does so by heading to the apron and backflipping onto Shelton. Back in the ring, Rey tries an armdrag on Haas, but Haas catches Rey's arm and reverses to the Rear Naked Stretch. Haas covers, but gets two. Shelton tags in, and Haas whips Rey into the ropes for Shelton to hit an elbowsmash.

Shelton drops a knee on the prone Rey, then grabs a front chancery. Rey works his way to his feet, but Shelton picks his leg up and gets a fisherman's suplex, holding it as the ref counts two. Shelton instantly picks Rey up and gets a belly-to-belly suplex on him. Shelton walks over and tags in Haas, who climbs to the top rope. Shelton sends Rey into the ropes and tries for a drop toehold, but Rey steps over it and fires back with a handspring elbow on the standing Shelton.

Haas, though, nails a diving clothesline to Rey as Shelton leaves. Haas gets an Oklahoma roll on Rey, and the referee counts two. Haas sends Rey into the WGTT corner and tags in Shelton. Haas positions Rey for the leapfrog choke, but as Shelton bounces off the ropes, Rey uses the top rope to get a headscissors and send Haas flying out. He returns by jumping onto the top rope and hitting a Thesz Press on Shelton.

Rey climbs over and tags in Kidman, who opens up on Shelton in the corner with a ten-punch countalong, punctuated by a monkey flip. Kidman scores a running DDT on Shelton, then gets a returning Haas with a clothesline. Kidman bounces off the ropes and gets a bodypress on both men. Kidman picks Shelton up and tries for the Kid Krusher, but Haas attacks from behind and shoves Kidman into the corner.

Shelton grabs a rebounding Kidman in a German suplex, holding the bridge as Hebner counts two. Shelton stands Kidman up and whips him into the ropes, getting a back body drop on the way out. Haas tags in, holding Kidman for a tiger suplex as Shelton superkicks Kidman. Haas completes the move, and the pinfall gets two before Kidman wiggles out. Haas backs Kidman into the ropes and sends him into a neutral corner.

Haas charges in with a clothesline, following up with a brainbuster. Haas covers, but it's only for two. Shelton tags in, going to the top rope. Haas slams Kidman down, and Shelton dives off with the 450 splash. He holds the cover, but Rey saves at two. Hebner asks Rey to leave, so Shelton calls Haas in. Haas and Shelton hit a spike piledriver (which Cole points out is illegal in the WWE) on Kidman. Shelton stares at Kidman's twitching body before nonchalantly tagging Haas in.

Haas picks Kidman up and tries for an Angle Slam, but Kidman reverses course midway through and bulldogs Haas. Kidman is still essentially dead, though, so when Haas gets the tag, Shelton is able to cut Kidman off. Shelton picks Kidman up in a Doctor Bomb, as Kidman is too out of it to reverse. Shelton holds the cover, getting two before Rey dropkicks the back of Shelton's head to break. Kidman pulls himself up by the ropes as Shelton charges, and Kidman yanks the top rope down in time to send Shelton over it and out.

Kidman manages to somersault over and tag in Rey, who opens up on Haas. Rey sends Haas into the ropes and nails a headscissors before being told by Hebner (who was busy counting out Shelton) that he's not legal. As Rey protests, Shelton re-enters the ring with the tag belt. He swings and nails Kidman in the head with the belt. Shelton hands the belt to Haas, who leaves with it, holding it up high on the apron as Hebner counts.

But Hebner sees Haas holding the belt and stops the count, certain of what happened. After a mild protest, Shelton tags Haas in. Haas atomic drops Kidman into a superkick from Shelton as Kidman falls flat on his back. Haas flips over in a bridge, but he can only hold it for two before Kidman bridges out on his own and turns it into a lockup, then a suplex. Haas tags in Shelton, who again cuts off Kidman.

Shelton smirks, then picks Kidman up in a powerbomb. Kidman tries to reverse, but Shelton jumps backwards and Kidman falls flat on his face. Shelton tags Haas in, and the two get a double whip on Kidman. Kidman, however, fires back with a double clothesline on his opponents. With both men dazed, Kidman crawls over to Rey. Shelton grabs his foot as Kidman gets up, so Kidman lands an enzuigiri on Shelton. Haas charges, but Kidman trips him out of the ring. Finally, Kidman tags in Rey for real.

Rey pounds on Shelton, sending him into the ropes and getting an armdrag and dropkick on the way out as Shelton rolls out to Haas. Rey runs the ropes and scores a somersault plancha on both challengers before throwing Shelton back in. Rey gets a springboard legdrop on Shelton and covers, but Haas saves at two. Haas picks Rey up and whips him into the corner, but Kidman pulls Rey out of the way of a charging Haas. Kidman then climbs to the top and gets a Diamond Dust on Haas while Rey 6-1-9s Shelton in the gut on the opposite side of the ring.

Shelton staggers backwards into a Kid Krusher from Kidman, who covers. It only gets two before Shelton gets his arm up. Kidman argues with the ref, allowing Haas to roll Kidman up with the feet on the ropes, but this time Rey saves at two. Haas tosses Kidman over the top, but Kidman lands on the apron and stands up. Kidman nails Haas in the gut with a shoulder thrust and dives over the top with a sunset flip.

Haas tries to fight it off, but can't. Kidman gets two before Shelton flips Haas on top. That gets two before Rey reverses it back. THAT only gets two as well. Shelton runs over Rey with a clothesline, turning him inside out. He climbs to the top rope as Kidman disposes of Haas. Rey is quickly up, though, and he and Kidman do the Hop-Up Rana on a surprised Shelton. Rey hooks both legs, and that's FINALLY enough to end the match.

WINNERS and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio (27:00)

Cole: "What a performance! I think we know who the real world's greatest tag team is now!"

Cornette: "Hey, I'll admit, I gotta give them their dues, they won this match in the end, and..."


The Angle Brothers and Mike Barton have charged the ring, initiating a 5-on-2 pounding on the tag champs. Stereo Angle Slams by the Angles, the Star-Spangled Blaster on Kidman, and a TKO on Rey end the slaughter. As Team Angle leave the ring, Torrie enters, in a panic over Kidman. Officials check on the tag champs as we head to the back...

...where Roddy Piper is waiting, watching on a monitor. He shakes his head at the developments and makes a few notes. He is heard mumbling, "They'll pay," as he writes ideas down.

Back in the ring, Kidman and Rey are being helped to their feet as the crowd gives a standing ovation. Torrie and a few road agents help the two to the back as we fade to black.

BACKLASH is available on DVD now! See a bizarre tag title match! Watch Rhyno claim his first ever World Title reign! See Chris Benoit win in his hometown! Special extras include the RNN appearance of Shawn Michaels in Calgary that has to be seen to be believed! Get it at stores NOW!

Mills Lane is standing in the ring, being introduced by Tony Chimel. He receives a warm reception from the Hartford crowd. Chimel explains the rules of the next match: 5 rounds, three minutes each. Lane will decide the winner if need be. Three knockdowns consitute an automatic TKO, and a knockdown must be followed by a standing 8 count.

The didgeridoo plays as Nathan Jones appears from backstage. He is led to the ring by Shannon Ward, who holds Nathan's gloves and headgear. She laughs all the way to the ring before setting up the stool in Nathan's corner as Nathan sits on it. She helps put on his gear while "One of a Kind" plays, as Rob Van Dam appears, already in full gear. He points to himself on cue, then stops and looks to the entrance. His music stops.

"All Grown Up" starts up as the crowd lets out a cheer. Stephanie McMahon returns, looking... thinner than before. She's lost some weight, particularly in the chest, apparently. Cole and Cornette play up how much like her younger self she looks like as she and RVD head to the ring. Steph rubs down RVD's shoulders in the corner before the ladies exit. Mills Lane calls both men to the center of the ring, explains the rules, and punctuates it with his trademark "LET'S GET IT ON!!!".

Kickboxing match: Rob Van Dam vs. Nathan Jones


The two men circle each other. RVD tries a high kick, but Nathan avoids it. Nathan heads in with a left hook that RVD blocks. Nathan tries to corner RVD, but RVD slips out and nails a kick to Nathan's arm. Nathan replies with a right cross that connects, allowing Nathan a chance to pummel RVD's gut with body blows. RVD eventually blocks Nathan's shots and returns with a right uppercut. Nathan backs off, allowing RVD a chance to charge in with a right hook that finds the mark over Nathan's eye. Nathan staggers, but replies with a boot of his own and a roundhouse right that nearly knock RVD down. RVD is dazed, but he blocks Nathan's uppercut and replies with one of his own as the bell rings.


RVD comes out firing with kicks to Nathan's head, staggering the big man before a left cross puts him down for a standing 8 count. Nathan comes out swinging, hitting RVD with a flurry of straight punches in the corner. RVD goes into a clinch to avoid the shots, and Lane separates the two. They circle each other before RVD tries a left jab that Nathan blocks and counters with a left body blow. Nathan tries to follow up with an uppercut, but RVD dodges and scores a roundhouse kick that knocks Nathan down for another standing 8 count. Nathan hesitates, so RVD charges with his fist cocked. Nathan nails a kick to the ribs and a series of punches, but RVD is still on his feet as the bell rings to end the second round.


Nathan (who is cut over his left eye) picks up where he left off, pounding RVD with right hands until RVD topples over. RVD is back up, though, and answers the 8 count. RVD circles Nathan and fires a few kicks into the air before Nathan forces a clinch. RVD back up and hits punch to the midsection. He tries a thrust kick, but Nathan catches it. Lane orders Nathan to drop the foot, which he does before landing a right hook that nearly floors RVD a second time. RVD replies with a hook of his own, and both men start punching it out. RVD ducks a right jab by Nathan and gets a kick to Nathan's outstretched arm. RVD tries an uppercut, but Nathan blocks and the two enter a clinch as the bell sounds to end the round.


RVD charges in with a superkick that floors Nathan immediately. Nathan gets a standing 8 count as Ward screams at Steph. Nathan returns to the fight and tries a kick to the face, but RVD ducks. Nathan avoids a counterkick, but RVD hits an uppercut that bruises Nathan's jaw. Nathan fires back with a one-two combo that staggers RVD, but his haymaker follow-up misses. Both men go into a defensive stance, trying to block each other's punches and counterpunch, but unable to get an opening. Nathan breaks the defense and taunts RVD, who misses with a wild left jab before taking a left to the jaw that nearly knocks him over. RVD goes to the gut in reply, but Nathan dodges RVD's roundhouse kick as the bell rings.


Both men circle as both women shriek encouragement. Nathan tries a straight boot, but RVD blocks and tries to get inside on Nathan. Nathan keeps him at bay with wild swings, but RVD ducks under one and unleashes a series of shots to the gut. Both men attack with a fervor as the crowd gets louder and neither man will fall. RVD tries a clinch to avoid more shots, but Nathan punches RVD's sides as Lane breaks. Nathan charges RVD, who blocks Nathan's haymaker and the two are going at it again in a huge flurry. With about 15 seconds left, Nathan forces his way in on RVD and nails a furious right uppercut that floors RVD and sends his headgear out of the ring. Lane counts, but RVD is saved by the final bell.

Cole: "Now it comes down to who had the better fight!"

Cornette: "Why? Nathan Jones should be the winner. That round's five seconds longer, and he wins by KO!"

Cole: "But he didn't, and now it depends on Mills Lane."

Lane reports to Tony Chimel before helping RVD up. He stands between RVD and Nathan, holding one arm of each boxer, as Chimel announces.

Chimel: "Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. It is the decision of official Mills Lane to award this match on points to the...

WINNER: Rob Van Dam!"

Lane raises RVD's arm, but Nathan instantly turns and cold-cocks Lane with a single right cross. Nathan charges RVD with a kick, but RVD catches it and nails the stepover enzuigiri. RVD bounds up to the top rope and dives off with the Five-Star Frog Splash. Stephanie and RVD celebrate as Shannon Ward administers to Nathan with a toy doctor's kit.

Cornette: "I can't believe it. What a show-off RVD is! He won the match -- somehow -- and this is how he displays sportsmanship?"

Cole: "What about Nathan Jones? Mills Lane may need to go to the hospital after that!"

Cornette: "He should go anyway and get his vision checked!"

Okay, enough talk. Let's have an ad.

Chris Jericho on voiceover: "It's been one full year since I felt the worst I ever have. It's been one year since I felt my leg give out in Grand Rapids. All the blood, sweat, and tears it took to come back from that moment that stole 9 months of my life will be worth it if I can complete the comeback. The World Title is in my grasp. All that's left is to seize the day."

Announcer: "Chris Jericho goes for the World Heavyweight Title against Rhyno! It's WWE SummerSlam! Live on August 15th on Pay-Per-View!"

The sirens go off as Bull Buchanan marches to the ring. He enters the ring and holds his hands up high as the announcers recap the rivalry in this match. Bull waits for his opponent, and doesn't have long to wait, as "Never Gonna Stop" plays and Edge emerges from the back. He removes his shades and trenchcoat in the aisle and storms the ring.

Street Fight for a shot at the WWE Title at SummerSlam, everyone banned from ringside: Edge vs. Bull Buchanan

Edge slugs away at Bull, backing him into the corner and continuing the punching. He sends Bull across the ring, but Bull bounces up to the top rope and clotheslines Edge down. Bull stomps on Edge and picks him up, getting a scoop slam. Bull chokes Edge down as the ref looks on. Bull raises his arm in mock innocence before picking Edge up and powerslamming him. He covers for two.

Bull sends Edge into the ropes and tries for an elbowsmash, but Edge ducks and scores a spear on the way back. He punches away at Bull before rolling outside. Edge shoves the timekeeper aside and grabs his chair. Edge returns to the ring, but gets the chair booted into his face by Bull. Bull grabs the chair and smashes Edge with it before covering. The cover gets two. Bull picks Edge up and tosses him out of the ring. Bull follows, chair in hand, and swings at Edge. Edge dodges it and begins pounding on Bull before sending him into the stairs.

Edge grabs the chair and clocks Bull with it, trying a cover on the outside that doesn't count. Edge gets up and throws Bull into the ring before looking under the ring and producing a shovel. He returns to the ring as Bull gets up. Edge swings, but Bull steps aside and grabs the shovel away. Edge boots Bull to get him to drop the shovel, then tries a DDT, but Bull lifts Edge up and drops him face-first. Bull picks Edge up and sets him up in the corner. Bull grabs the shovel and beans Edge over the head with it.

Bull tosses the shovel aside and picks Edge up in a military press, throwing him over the top rope and (conveniently) onto the chair. Bull heads to the outside and grabs the stairs, charging Edge. Edge ducks a shot with the stairs and grabs the chair, slamming it into the stairs and toppling Bull. Edge yanks the stairs away and picks Bull up, but Bull goes with a low blow and drops Edge throat-first on the guardrail.

Bull begins to pull the mats away before picking Edge up again. Bull picks Edge up and plants him with a powerbomb on the concrete. Bull enters the ring and holds his hands up before returning to the outside and tossing Edge in. Bull then looks under the ring and produces a table. He re-enters the ring, setting the table up in the center of the ring. Bull picks Edge up next to the table and tries a second powerbomb. Edge, however, picks up the shovel on the way up and swings it at Bull, causing Bull to fall to the mat.

Edge slowly recovers and covers Bull, but it only gets two. Edge goes to the top rope as Bull gets to his feet and connects on Bull with a missile dropkick. Edge rolls outside, grabbing the chair. He returns and sets the chair under Bull's head. Edge then rolls outside to get a second chair, but as he returns, Bull is up with the first chair in his hands. The two men swing wildly with their chairs, each blocking the other, before Edge goes to the gut and DDTs Bull on the chairs both men dropped.

Edge climbs the table in the center of the ring and dives off with a legdrop, but Bull moves and Edge crashes on the chairs. Both men slowly get up, and Edge trips Bull before applying his twisted Sharpshooter. Bull grabs a chair nearby and manages to nail Edge in the leg with it, breaking the hold. Both men get up, and Bull tries a spinebuster, but Edge turns it into HHH's facebuster. With Bull dazed, Edge goes back to the top rope, but Bull jumps up after him and holds him there. Bull joins Edge up top and superplexes him through the aforementioned table, which had been standing there the whole time.

Bull, though, lands on a chair, and both men are down. Bull is the first up, and he rolls on top. The ref only gets to two before Edge thrusts his shoulder up. Bull goes to the turnbuckle and removes the pad before returning to Edge. Bull picks Edge up over his head and walks to the turnbuckle, but Edge slides down and shoves Bull into the exposed bolt before rolling Bull up. He can only get two. Both men are up, and Bull boots down Edge. Bull signals for the finish, going to the top rope.

He waits and dives, but the flying legdrop misses for him, too. Edge is up fast and tries the Edgecution DDT, but it's too close to the ropes and Bull gets to them at two. Edge shakes his head and tries to pick Bull up, but Bull has the shovel in his hands and nails Edge between the legs with it. Bull picks Edge up for the body vice, but Edge keeps going and turns it into a sunset flip as the referee counts Bull down for the three.

WINNER: Edge (18:04)

Cole: "There it is! Edge makes it official -- he's going to fight for the WWE Heavyweight Title in his home town of Toronto! What a thrill it's going to be for the young superstar!"

Cornette: "But hey, Michael Cole, ya gotta give credit to Bull -- he went the distance, and he nearly fought his way into the main event! This guy is a credit, Michael Cole, and it's a shame he's with the RTC!"

We get the motion graphics for the main event.

Cole: "Folks, there's only one match left, and it's for the WWE Heavyweight Title! Eddie Guerrero and the Undertaker! Will it be like their two memorable matches of a year ago?"

A montage of highlights from Eddie/Taker I and II plays to the tune of "Meant to Live". Space constraints keep me from writing it out, sorry.

Cole: "You ready, Corny?"

Cornette: "Am I ever, Michael!"

Cole: "Then let's go."

The lights go out as the funeral dirge plays. On the final gong, lightning strikes the stage, causing a wall of fire. Undertaker emerges from the back, alone, stalking his way to the ring. He stands on the steps and brings the lights back into the arena. He enters the ring and removes his hat and trenchcoat. VIVA GUERRERO begins the music of the WWE Champion, who walks out from the back, belt around his waist. He rolls into the ring as the crowd begins chanting for both men. Tim White takes the belt from Eddie and holds it aloft.

WWE Heavyweight Title match: Eddie Guerrero (champion) vs. Undertaker (challenger)

Eddie slugs Taker, who stares at him. Eddie runs the ropes and tackles Taker down, adding punches to the face, but when he pops up, Taker sits up. Eddie charges, but Taker steps aside and Eddie hits the buckle. Taker slugs away at Eddie, tossing him into the opposite corner and charging in with a clothesline. Taker tosses Eddie into the ropes, but Eddie ducks the flying clothesline.

Eddie picks Taker up and gets a brainbuster on him, covering quickly. It gets two. Taker is up as Eddie bounces off the ropes, and Taker catches Eddie around the throat. Eddie kicks Taker's leg to block, then clotheslines Taker out of the ring. Taker lands on his feet, putting him in position to catch Eddie's dive over the top. Eddie puts Taker back in the ring and climbs to the apron.

Eddie delivers a slingshot senton to Taker and covers. It gets two. Eddie tries to whip Taker into the ropes, but Taker reverses and hits Eddie with the boot on the return. Taker pounds away on Eddie on the ground before picking him up for a powerslam. Taker covers for two. Taker picks Eddie up and sends him into the ropes, catching him in a sidewalk slam. Taker covers again, and it's still two. Taker picks Eddie up and tries another big boot, but Eddie catches it and yanks Taker to the ground.

Eddie puts on the El Paso Lasso as Taker tries to fight the hold. Taker uses his long arms to make the ropes. Eddie continues dropkicking the knee as Taker limps up. Eddie fakes a legsweep, getting Taker off-balance and allowing himself to grab Taker in a vertical suplex. Eddie rolls through with the move and scores a second vertical suplex. Eddie rolls through again and manages to lift Taker up in a third vertical suplex. Eddie covers, but it's only two.

Eddie charges Taker and clips him from behind as Taker hits the mat. Eddie drops a pair of elbows on Taker's legs before heading to the ropes and getting a springboard splash. Eddie covers, but only gets two. Eddie picks Taker up and hits a brainbuster on him before heading to the top rope. Eddie slaps his chest, but as he dives, Taker sits up and Eddie's frog splash hits nothing.

Taker gets up and stands over Eddie, signalling the chokeslam and favoring his leg. Taker grabs Eddie and lifts him high, but his leg gives out and he can't get the chokeslam in full. Taker is up first and grabs Eddie, heading to the top rope. Taker walks to the center of the ring, but Eddie pulls his hand away and Taker loses his balance, crotching himself. Eddie jumps up and gets a headscissors on Taker, sending him to the outside. Eddie joins him on the outside, clearing off the Spanish table.

Taker sits up on the outside and stands behind Eddie as Eddie finishes prepping the table. Eddie turns around and is immediately caught in a goozle. Taker lifts him up and chokeslams him through the Spanish table. Taker grabs Eddie and brings him back into the ring. He gives the cut-throat sign before picking Eddie up.

He positions Eddie for a Tombstone, but Eddie kicks and flails until he reverses it. Eddie tries a Tombstone, but Taker arches his back and reverses it right back. Eddie counters this by dropping out the back and getting an inverted DDT on Taker. Eddie goes straight to the top as Taker sits up. Taker stands and stares at Eddie, who flies off and, in mid-air, hooks the reverse Crossface.

Taker fights it, then stands up with Eddie still holding the move. Eddie lets go of the arm and drops Taker into a small package, this time getting the three-count.

WINNER and STILL WWE Heavyweight Champion: Eddie Guerrero (14:22)

Eddie holds the title aloft as Taker stands behind him. Eddie turns around and sees Taker. Eddie steps back a few steps, uncertain what's about to happen. Taker stares at Eddie before dropping to one knee and saluting in Eddie's direction as the crowd cheers. Taker exits the ring as Eddie celebrates.

Cole: "What a show of talent by both men! And what a show of respect! The Undertaker lost, but he gave Eddie Guerrero his props! Eddie Guerrero -- tonight -- was the better man on a night where everyone performed at 100%! Eddie Guerrero will face Edge at SummerSlam! But tonight, he conquered the Dead Man -- The Undertaker's first loss in months! Eddie Guerrero is #1, and Edge is on his heels! Tune in to SmackDown as we head to SummerSlam! For James E. Cornette, this is Michael Cole saying, goodnight, everyone!"


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Great PPV, I thought the tag team title match was classic, and SS is shaping up nicely. I think the card will end up something like Orton/Sting, Eddie/Edge, Jericho/Rhyno, Colt/Angle, Team Angle/Misterio, Nowinski/Molly and Kidman and Nathan Jones will probably have a rematch with RVD

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I like Vengence. I personally enjoyed the Previews for Summerslam and the intro the most. But I like buildup and comedy lines :P All the matches were good though alot of roll-ups this ppv. At least two in the major matches. Especially for a Main Event. Kinda weak but that's alright. Still a good PPV The Kap Says!
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Vengeance is yet another kick ass show in a run of them.

Tag Title match was great, as is the whole Colt thing.

Most definitly looking forward to Summer Slam now.

BTW - Did Ron Killings get hurt??

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- The SmarK Rant for Vengeance, July 11 / 04.

- Live from Hartford, CT.

- Your hosts are Michael Cole and Jim Cornette.

- Opening match, WWE United States Title: Matt Hardy v. Konnan. Konnan has a Hartford Whalers jersey to suck up to the crowd, so Matt one-ups him with a Carolina Hurricanes jersey. Awesome cheap heat AND an inside joke. MATT FACTS~!: Matt turns the other cheek, and Matt will SmackDown his vote. They're doing THAT campaign again? Konnan opens fire in the match, with a rolling clothesline and carpet-muncher getting two. Elbows get two. Matt with a Northern Lights for two. Dropkick sends Konnan outside, where team Mattitude beats him down. This is begging for an elimination match at SummerSlam. Back in, it gets two. Konnan recovers with a kneelift and release German suplex, then sends Matt out of the ring using his weight advantage. Mattitude form a nice landing area, so Konnan gets a pescado for the hell of it! LUCHA KONN... oh, right. Anyway, Konnan sends Matt to the STEEL post, so Bubba sends Konnan there as well. In the ring, Matt gets a rollup for two. Matt tries the Twist of Fate, but Konnan tosses Matt to the outside, where Mattitude scramble to catch him. Funny bit. Matt sunset flips back in, but Konnan sits down for two, reversed by Evan for two. Is Eddie Guerrero giving lessons to Matt Hardy? Side Effect, but the yodelling legdrop misses. Konnan gets a bad swinging neckbreaker (about the only quasi-blown spot all night) for two as Moore puts Matt's foot on the ropes. Tequlia Sunrise is stopped, but a double clothesline means a Double KO. Bubba talks about the minutiae of law enforcement with the referee as 3 Count enter the ring, but Road Dogg does a run-in all the way from the set of Andromeda to take them out. In the chaos, Matt pegs Konnan with the belt for the pin at 11:02, continuing the feud. CHEAT TO WIN~! This is noteworthy for being a good 11 minute length... and being the SHORTEST match of the night! What is this, New Japan? **

- WWE Cruiserweight Title: Ultimo Dragon v. Ron Killings v. Jamie Noble. Cornette turns on the hatred almost immediately for Heyman, like it's a Pavolvian reaction along the lines of anything the ECW mutants did in the bingo hall. Killings tries to roll Noble up, but Noble suplexes Killings. Ultimo with a German suplex for one. Killings and Noble collide, and Noble bails. Ultimo with a spinkick, but the Lionsault hits the knees. Killings goes CLUBBERIN', scoring a corner clothesline and trying the countalong before Noble recovers and gets a back suplex on Killings. Ultimo goes karate crazy on Noble, but Killings grabs a dragon sleeper on Ultimo (!). Noble breaks it up with a knee to Killings' head (!!). A series of moves and reversals in the corner ends with Killings nailing Noble with an electric chair drop for two. Ultimo with an STF on Noble, but Killings dropkicks Ultimo to break. Noble with a basement dropkick, DDT, and half-crab on Killings, so Ultimo tackles down Noble. Ultimo with a moonsault press on Noble, Killings saves. Ultimo reverses a short lariat to a German suplex on Killings, Noble saves. Nidia gets involved, causing Ultimo to bump the ref. Ultimo cradles Noble, no ref. Killings gets a Cactus Jack smash on Ultimo, still no ref. Heyman gets involved and tossed by Noble, and CUE THE TRAINWRECK which ends with Killings diving onto everyone and buggering up his knee some more. Faces collide, getting Noble two. Killings with KICK WHAM STUNNER on Ultimo for two. Noble pulls Killings off and figure-fours him for the submission and the title at 14:55. Vaguely disappointing, but understandable since Ultimo is conserving his strength. **1/2 And speaking of, Team Angle hits the ring and we go straight to...

- Team Angle v. Dangerous Alliance 2K4. Yes, Michael Cole calls them that. Kurt keeps Ultimo in the ring as he jumps STRAIGHT into mask-in-peril. Okay, let's see who wins tonight -- Ultimo or Kidman. Barton uses his gloved first, getting Eric two. Chops and a Bret Hart bump give Eric the edge, and he brings in Barton. Barton punches Ultimo down and gets a kneesmash for two. Barton tries a powerbomb, Ultimo resists, and Eric helps complete the move, setting off a chain of interference as Colt gets an inverted DDT on barton and Kurt gives the Angle Slam to Ultimo. Kurt then tags himself in and hits the rolling Germans and an overhead suplex. He goads Colt into the ring for fun, allowing Eric to enter as Ultimo gets hit with a double suplex. Kurt is taking perverse glee out of Ultimo's suffering (story-wise). Abdominal stretch by Eric, with Barton's help. Tajiri has seen enough and runs over to Barton... and PRETENDS to mist him, which is enough to get Barton to let go and allow Ultimo the hiptoss. Brilliant. Tajiri kicks Eric on the way back, but Kurt stops the hot tag. Eric and Barton deliver a Hart Attack, and after Kurt leaves the ring, it gets two. Team Angle has no one but themselves to blame there. The Angles go for the Pop-Up Superplex, but Ultimo knocks Kurt off and gets the Super Asai DDT for a looooong Double KO. Crowd is TOTALLY into this. Tag Barton, hot tag Colt. Springboard crossbody and suplex for Barton, DDT for Eric, and Tajiri decides to add a Tarantula to Kurt for the hell of it. Colt with the slingshot legdrop, but Eric breaks. Colt takes over on both Eric and Barton, and Tajiri enters to make the heels collide. Kurt gets an Angle Slam on Colt, and Barton crawls over for two. Colt slips out of a TKO and gets a German suplex for two. Colt sends Barton packing, so Eric back suplexes Colt. Kurt tags in (although Eric wasn't legal to begin with) and applies an Ankle Lock, but Tajiri hits the GREEN MIST OF BLINDING AGONY and Colt pulls out what all indy fans know to be his third-string finisher -- the rollup -- for the pin at 17:15. Can a 17-minute match be too SHORT? ***1/2

- WWE Tag Team Titles: Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio v. World's Greatest Tag Team. Pre-match vignettes establish that Kidman and Torrie were thrown a surprise anniversary party backstage today. Haas sucker-punches Rey to start, but Rey nails Shelton out of a whip and ranas Haas. Rey dropkicks the heels together, and Kidman enters to send Shelton out. Dual dropkick and dual legdrop on Haas gets one. Kidman nails the Shooting Star Plancha on Shelton because he can. Haas stops an armdrag and takes over, however, getting Christian's Rear Naked Stretch thingy for two. Shelton enters as Rey is YOUR midget-in-peril. Elbow, kneedrop, and fisherman's suplex get two. Belly-to-belly by Shelton, but Rey avoids a drop toehold and gets a handspring elbow. Haas dives off the top to stop Rey, however, getting two. Leapfrog choke time, but Rey ranas Haas out of the ring in a cool reversal, then Drops the Dime on Shelton to bring in Kidman. Ten punches and monkey flip for Shelton, then a running DDT. Double bodypress and Kid Krusher try, but Haas shoves Kidman into the corner and Shelton German suplexes him as Kidman revs up the Iizuka scale and tries to top Ultimo. It gets two. Back body drop by Shelton. WGTT get the Star-Spangled Blaster (TIGER SUPLEX variant!) for two. Corner clothesline and brainbuster by Haas gets two. Shelton enters with the 450 for two as Rey saves. Spike piledriver (behind the ref's back), but WGTT stall too much. Haas decides for an exclamation point with an Angle Slam, but Kidman turns it around to a bulldog for a Double KO. Shelton cuts off the hot tag, though, and a gutwrench bomb gets two. Cornette is RIGHT ON THE BALL as he notes that Kidman can't do his standard reversal from the gutwrench position. Shelton charges but flies outside, and Brian Hebner counts Shelton to the point where he doesn't see Rey get the tag. As Rey protests, Shelton clocks Kidman with the tag belt, but the ref stops the count when he sees Haas celebrating with the belt too soon. WGTT do the atomic drop / superkick / bridge combo for two, but Kidman bridges out (!!) and gets a suplex. Shelton cuts off the hot tag again, though. Then Shelton tries a powerbomb, but YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KI... well, I'll be damned, Shelton anticipated that and moved. How's that for continuity? Kidman, though, knocks down both WGTT members off a double-team try. Shelton cuts him off, but Kidman gets an enzuigiri. Haas cuts him off, but Kidman sends him out of the ring. Shelton tries again, but Kidman gets to Rey anyway. HUGE HOUSE OF FIRE! WGTT bail, so Rey gets a somersault plancha on both men! Springboard legdrop to Shelton, but Haas saves. Blind charge misses, and Kidman with a DIAMOND DUST out of nowhere on Haas! 6-1-9 to Shelton! Kid Krusher by Kidman... gets two. Crowd is shocked. Haas with a Flair Pin, but Rey saves. Whew. Kidman flies over the top, but lands on the apron. Sunset flip in by Kidman on Haas gets two, reversed by Shelton for two, reversed by Rey for two before the kickout! Crowd is absolutely ballistic now. Shelton climbs to the top, trying to catch an unsuspecting Kidman, but Rey warns Kidman and the two do the Hop-Up Rana on a surprised Shelton for the pin at 27:00! I've thought this through several times, and I just can't justify anything less than the best. This, folks, was a tag match worthy of RnR v. Midnights. ***** Team Angle storms the ring and adds the exclamation point by destroying the champs with a Horsemen-esque beatdown. Crowd is ready to riot, and Angle is crazy over as a heel now. And when Brock comes back -- hoo boy.

- Kickboxing match: Nathan Jones v. Rob Van Dam. Mills Lane is YOUR special referee. Nathan Jones is as always accompanied by Shannon Ward, so RVD re-introduces Stephanie McMahon (who has definitely had some of her HHH work reversed) as his cornerperson. I don't know who to pity more. So it's five rounds of three minutes each, with a one-minute rest period in between, which is a neat way to get Jones to go 20 minutes, that's for sure.

- Round 1: Both men have a feeling-out process that ends when RVD kicks Jones in the arm. Jones opens the bidding with a stomach combo, but RVD gets an uppercut and works on the area over Jones's left eye. Jones nearly floors RVD with a boot, and the two trade uppercuts as time ends. I score that round to Jones, so he's up 10-9.

- Round 2: RVD knocks Jones down almost immediately. Jones is pissed off and goes to town on RVD, who clinches up to stop it. RVD dodges an uppercut, and Jones is down again. Jones tries to avoid the crucial third knockdown by going on the offensive, but RVD stays on his feet. Well, Jones was the aggressor, but he went down twice, so 10-8 to RVD and 19-18 overall. Ward makes sure to blade Jones during rounds while the camera's on Steph and RVD.

- Round 3: Jones scores the elusive knockdown of RVD almost right away. RVD keeps Jones at bay with high kicks, but Jones catches one. Jones with a brutally strong hook, but RVD gets one right back, and a slugfest erupts. RVD kicks the arm, but can do no more for the round. That was about even outside of the knockdown, so call it 10-9 to Jones and 28-28 total.

- Round 4: RVD floors Jones with a kick right away. RVD uppercuts a returning Jones, but Jones fires back and the two try not to punch themselves dead. Jones nearly levels RVD with a left, but RVD stays up and kicks away as time expires. Another bland round, but RVD wins due to the knockdown 10-9 to go up 38-37.

- Round 5: The women try to outscream each other as RVD gets inside and pummels Jones. Jones staggers in the ropes and fires back, and the two go into a heavyweight punch-out bit. Into the clinch to stall for time, and Lane breaks before the two exchange shots that would kill someone if this were real. Nathan ends the round with a monster shot that in any other universe would kill a man, but RVD is saved by the bell. Even round up until the thunder-shot, so call it 10-9 to Jones and a 47-47 draw. But Mills Lane doesn't see it that way, and he awards the decision to RVD. Jones takes exception by FLOORING Lane with a beauty of a suckerpunch, but RVD with the stepover enzuigiri and Five-Star on Jones to make the save. I don't rate kickboxing matches, really, but this was pretty interesting.

- I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the Jericho promo for SummerSlam here. Awesome, and it's clear who's winning but no one cares.

- Street Fight: Bull Buchanan v. Edge. Speaking of clear-cut winners, the question isn't who wins but whether we can forget who's going to win during the match. Edge charges the ring and goes to town, but Bull gets the rebound lariat and a slam. To the choking, and a powerslam gets two. Edge spears Bull down, punching away, before heading outside and introducing our first weapon -- a chair -- into the match. Bull boots the chair into Edge, then gets a chairshot for two. To the outside, where a second chairshot misses and Edge sends Bull into the STEEL steps. Edge pastes Bull, but it's not a Hardcore match so the cover outside the ring is meaningless. Edge returns the action to the ring, this time with a shovel. Bull intercepts the shovel, but Edge kicks it away and tries the Edgecution, but Bull counters that by picking Edge up and dropping him. Bull cracks the shovel over Edge's head, then tosses him over the top and onto the chair. Outside, Bull charges with the stairs, but Edge cracks the chair on them as Bull goes TIMBERRRRRRRRRR. Edge tries to keep it up, but Bull goes low and throws him into the guardrail by the throat. Bull pulls the mats away and drops Edge with a powerbomb on the concrete, but he's not done. He tosses Edge in, then brings a table in, and decides he'll powerbomb Edge through the table for the ultimate insult. However, Edge steals a spot from X-7 and cracks Bull in midair with the shovel for two. Missile dropkick by Edge to keep Bull down, and Edge tries to set up the one-man Conchairto. He takes too long, of course, and Bull picks up the chair under his head and both men have chairs. A duel breaks out, and Edge wins with a shot to the gut and a DDT onto both chairs. Legdrop off the table misses, but Bull is too weak to do anything. Edge with the Edgelock, but Bull breaks with a chair to the leg. Bull tries a MAIN EVENT SPINEBUSTER, but Edge USES THE KNEE~! to counter it out of nowhere. Edge tries to go back up, but Bull gets the Pop-Up Superplex through the table, landing on a chair for the double KO as the crowd is nervous. Bull crawls over for two. Bull removes a turnbuckle pad and threatens Snake Eyes into the bolt, but Edge slips out, shoves Bull into the bolt, and rolls him up for... two. Bull with the big boot, but the (top rope) legdrop misses. Edgecution gets two before Bull gets to the ropes to break. Well, it's only no-DQ. Bull goes between the legs with the shovel and tries the body-vice, but Edge goes with the flow and slides down in a cradle for the pin to go to SummerSlam at 18:04. Bull is not ready to go 20 minutes, but he gave it a shot and the result was passable. The lack of drama hurt the match, though. Had the shot at SummerSlam not been on the line, this would've probably felt better. **

- Main event, WWE Heavyweight Title: Eddie Guerrero v. Undertaker. Huge staredown as both men have a fan following. Taker no-sells some punches and a tackle as Eddie gets nervous. Eddie misses a charge and Taker slugs away with soupbones and a clothesline. Leaping clothesline misses and Eddie gets a brainbuster for two. Taker tries a chokeslam, but Eddie kicks to stop and sends Taker out. Eddie follows with a plancha and slingshot senton for two. Big boot by Taker, and some ground-pound leads to a powerslam for two. Sidewalk slam gets two. Another boot is caught, and Eddie with the El Paso Lasso. Taker makes the ropes, but the damage is done. Eddie works the leg, faking a legsweep to get Taker in position for the rolling verticals for two. Neato. Eddie with a clip and a pair of elbowdrops to the leg before getting a springboard splash for two. Cornette gets over Eddie's gameplan well: work the leg, but stick and move in doing so. A second brainbuster and Eddie tries the frog splash, but Taker sits up to block. Taker tries a chokeslam, but the leg gives out and it's not at the full effect. ROPEWALK OF DOOM also fails when Taker can't keep balance. Eddie ranas Taker to the outside and preps the Spanish table. Taker catches Eddie doing so and chokeslams him through said table before returning to the ring. A Tombstone reversal sequence ends with Eddie getting an inverted DDT on Taker. Eddie dives at a standing Taker with the reverse Crossface, but Taker stands up, so Eddie changes to a small package for the pin at 14:22. Lot of fluke pins tonight, which is the only real problem. Not as good as their brawl a year ago, and in fact this REALLY exposed Taker's weaknesses. ** Taker salutes Eddie as we go off the air.

The Bottom Line:

I critique because I love, and with all seven matches breaking the 10-minute mark and the ** barrier, there was literally nothing bad going on tonight. The tag matches are must-see, and even the kickboxing was a unique experiment. This show really did have something for everyone: workrate freaks, sports-entertainment fanboys, garbage fans, and McMahons.

Thumbs unhesitantly up.



July 12, 2004

Manchester, New Hampshire, and the Verizon Wireless Arena hosts another LIVE edition of RAW tonight! Tune in to SpikeTV and TSN to catch all the action!

After Chris Jericho won an elimination match, Eric Bischoff was furious. He had a plan, and he let himself get talked out of it. No more, says Eric. Tonight, Jericho WILL go against Rhyno and Kane in a handicap match! Can Y2J hope to survive?

It should have happened last week, but Randy Orton prevented it. So instead, we will have the match this week. Jazz, the Women's Champion, will go one-on-one with the woman who pinned her two weeks ago, Alexis Laree! Who will win the fight, and more importantly, has Laree recovered from the attack by Randy Orton?

At that same show two weeks ago, Joey Matthews suffered a sickening injury. As a result, the anticipated match with Nick Mondo has been called off. But Mondo and Dreamer came for a fight, and a fight they'll get when they step into the ring against Christian and Chynna Doll! Can the tag champs retain against their toughest challenge yet?

All this and more -- including a visit with Christopher Nowinski at his old stomping grounds -- tonight LIVE at 9 / 8 Central! Be sure to tune in and Escape the Rules tonight!

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