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Queen's Blood (Final Fantasy Thread)


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I'd always thought UK English said Mar-Kee? As in, Mar-Kee De Sade, Mar-Kwiss De Sade just sounds absurd.

That's because the 'Marquis de Sade' was French. As if the 'de' in the middle wasn't enough of a clue. :P Try the Marquis (or Marquess, as the spellings interchange throughout history) of Salisbury for an English example.

You may continue with FF12 now. >_>

Edited by stokeriño
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A moogle just said "Oh Noes", which means this may well be the best game ever.

Incidentally, this is the first Final Fantasy game in which I can remember actually enjoying battling...as much as I like the random battles and turn-based system in the older games, most of the time it became a chore to get through every dungeon, whereas in this it's more HAHA HACK SLASH KILL EVERYTHING, HAHA....OH SH-- because there's the occassional monster far more powerful than I am. FUCK IT'S A T-REX. Love it.

So, yeah, I know I'm way behind, having only just used the Aerodrome for the first time, but fuck it, I've only had this a weekend.

Marc Bolan is a terrific boss.

I'd always thought UK English said Mar-Kee? As in, Mar-Kee De Sade, Mar-Kwiss De Sade just sounds absurd.

Oh, and back to FFXII if we may, I was in the Estersands or one of the similar desert bits around there, and randomly came across one of those lizardmen things killing some monsters...I couldn't interact with him or anything he was just there, killing stuff. What's that all about?

Not much really, but if you're lucky enough to come across someone like that early on, then it's good news, as they'll help you with potions and what-not. It's a piss poor attempt to say "hey, you're not the only one who fights", as you only ever see them once every blue moon, but it's still pretty ace.

To go on what Benji said about not having enough experience of the game to say what bosses he enjoyed in FFXII; I'll do it for him...

Gilgamesh is fantastic, both visually, comically and badassery, he's just all round cool. Cid's second fight is awesome, especially when he summons his esper which is all kinds of brilliant, and the only esper I trully care for a lot in the game. The Seer's a dickhead, but a brilliant one at that. The Mandragoras are vicious little bastards, regardless of level, but are still wonderful to fight. Any and every wyrm in the game needs a mention too, especially Hell Wyrm and Elder Wyrm. My only gripe with the bosses of FFXII is many use the same character models as some of the enemies, which takes away some of the lure of them; but some of them remain beautiful.

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Guest strongarm85

I always seem to F'up getting the Braham Passage Key. I rented XII and beat it when it first came out, and now that its a greatest hit and I was able to basically pick it up for free ($20 gift Certificate covered the whole cost minues 27 cents on tax) I've been taking my time and doing everything and enjoying a lot of the side quests, and I do love me some side quests.

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I just spent like half an hour going through a temple in FFIII to be killed by a giant rat. This games so damn frustrating.

I ordered FFXII yesterday. How long is this game? I've seen 120 hours mentioned but is that incomplete? I'll never finish it if its that long.

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You bastards 'made' me buy FF12 again.

Wankers :shifty:

You've wasted 20-30 odd quid twice ¬_¬

Honestly, I just can't get into XII properly, I thought I had it last time but it just doesn't interest me, as of a week or two ago it officially became the first Final Fantasy game I haven't bothered completing within the first year of purchase.

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Its only about £10 now.

I've never actually got round to finishing an FF game yet, I got my ass handed to me on X and Tactics and I'm still playing III (which I'm in love with) I just kinda hope I see an ending to a FF game for once.

And is £15 for VII worth it? I won't be getting it now because having 3 FF's on the go would make my odds of finishing even less, but, ummm yeah.

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Its only about £10 now.

I've never actually got round to finishing an FF game yet, I got my ass handed to me on X and Tactics and I'm still playing III (which I'm in love with) I just kinda hope I see an ending to a FF game for once.

And is £15 for VII worth it? I won't be getting it now because having 3 FF's on the go would make my odds of finishing even less, but, ummm yeah.

without a doubt. VII is the quintessential Final Fantasy game, and I don't know a single person who has a bad thing to say about it.

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I know people who say bad things, but whenever most people do so, it tends to be more out of annoyance that it's almost always touted as the best game ever and ten years on still wins accolades in fan polls, which to me is actually a commentary on just how damned good the game is. I'll say it now and always, FFIX is my favourite FF game, but FFVII is the best.

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Oh yeah, there are those, but that's pointless bashing for the sake of it, as to me the game is crisper and plays more smooth than any other game in existence, the story is sublime, its more beautiful than any other game (by that I mean the scenery and architecture of it, not the graphics so much), the music is fantastic and the story just hits the nail on the head, ties everything up before the credits but still gives a ending you need to think about to truly understand.

That, and its got Knights of the Round.

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I hold a special place for it because it was the first proper RPG I ever played, but I can see where/how people may not like it.

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Oh yeah, there are those, but that's pointless bashing for the sake of it, as to me the game is crisper and plays more smooth than any other game in existence, the story is sublime, its more beautiful than any other game (by that I mean the scenery and architecture of it, not the graphics so much), the music is fantastic and the story just hits the nail on the head, ties everything up before the credits but still gives a ending you need to think about to truly understand.

That, and its got Knights of the Round.

Agreed, I hate all the sequels, if only for the fact the stuff that WASN'T tied up by the game were good in the sense you could fit it all together in your mind, making a better all round game. Overall, it's easilly the most well done game ever for me, just the right amount of story/battle ratio, which I don't think any game (including non-Final Fantasy) except IX and X have got right since, and in 11 years, that's an impressive feat.

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So the basic outline of all the detailed description on why I should get it is OMGZ FF7 IS DA BOMB

Well thats reassurance that I'll be spending my money well. I'll probably get it when I beat/give up on XII. Which I'm still waiting for.

Thanks for persuading me (I was just hesitant because paying that price for a PS1 game is a little much, but if its as good as you all say I should then I will I guess .)

Edited by Mattman
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Guest strongarm85

Oh yeah, Final Fantasy VII is deffinatly nice little gem to pick up. If you can find it though, pick up the PC version. You'll need a patch to run it on XP and Vista, but I can help you out with that. The best reason I can think of to get it on PC is because its very easy to mod the game to import new characters models for PCs and NPCs alike, as well as doing things like increasing the resolution to 1280 so that the scenery is more refined and less grainy.

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