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THE RESULTS: EWB's 100 Favourite Bands


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Ye gods, that's a horrible selection. I'll say Green Day isn't a shit band solely because they voiced themselves in the Simpsons Movie (and that WAS a funny scene), and the White Stripes are the White Stripes (:wub: meg), but I have never seen the appeal of Blur (or Oasis, come to think of it), hate Modest Mouse and hate the Arctic Monkeys on principle.

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Blur, Arctic Monkeys and The White Stripes get two thumbs up from me. Actually, the first two get three thumbs up. Modest Mouse are a bit on and off for me, and Green Day are shit but I'd take them over a lot of the other stuff on this list. A really solid five, and I'm glad Blur was relatively high. I would've preferred a Top 10 place but I wasn't exactly expecting it.

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I probably shouldn't have the right to talk, seeing as I didn't vote for this. But the fact that Weezer, Green Day, Arctic Monkeys AND Kanye West are ahead of Pink Floyd and pretty much every other band leaves me questioning this list's credibility. Zeppelin's all the way at the back of the list while frickin' Justin Timberleke is at 51? I can only imagine at this point that Dylan, Petty, CCR, and The Eagles will be shoved aside for Rihanna, Soulja Boys or whatever ridiculous artists there are in the industry today.

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Jesus christ. Get over it.

a) It's a list of favourite's. It doesn't really have any credbility beyond being a list of bands people like.

b) Justin Timberlake, whether people like him or not, deserves far more respect as a musician than a lot of people are willingly to give him credit. Not even taking into account the records N Sync smashed with No Strings Attached, Timberlake has proved to be the biggest force in pop music. The guy's singles have been critically acclaimed and FutureSex/LoveSounds was lauded by some critics as one of the best CD's of 2006. He has had 8 top 20 hits with two CD's. He had 3 singles in a row hit number one. These days, the guy is definitely just as relevant as Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd is.

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I don't like the Arctic Monkeys because i don't like them. As in, though the music i admit is not bad at all, the members of the band have very few redeeming qualities to their cunt-like-ness.

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