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THE RESULTS: EWB's 100 Favourite Bands


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Guest tiarnantman

Someone answer my question, did Evanescence get good when I wasn't looking?

Also my friend's girlfriend does look oddly like Bjork. I mean, he said it himself but I've only JUST seen the resemblance

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I think I need to re-check the other thread. I'm sure Maiden got around the 60 point mark if my maths is right?

EDIT: Did a quick search and all I can find is 1st, 2nd and 4th which would be 10, 9 and 7 points right? 26 x 3 = 78.

Unless I blatantly missed another guy's vote somewhere?

Edited by Dragon-F'n-Force!
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-35-. SOUNDGARDEN (80pt: 8-7-3-2)


-34-. SYSTEM OF A DOWN (80pt: 9-9-1-1)

Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks that guy looks like Baldrick? My mate Carl looks like the drummer as well. True story.


-33-. BEN FOLDS (FIVE) (84pt: 8-6-5-2)


-32-. MOTLEY CRUE (84pt: 10-4-4-3)


-31-. ARCADE FIRE (85pt: 8-3-2-2-2)

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I saw they had "10", does that mean that they got voted as #10 once? Because I remember I put them at the top of my list, I thought that was #1, not #10. :(

I think the numbers in brackets represent points, not positions.

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What the hell, I only remember seeing two other people besides myself vote for Floyd, so I wasn't expecting them to crack the top 100.

Looks like I was wrong.

1: Pink Floyd (#26)

2: The Beatles

3: Led Zeppelin (#79)

4: Queen

5: The Who (#56)

6: David Bowie (#46)

7: Meat Loaf

8: Guns N' Roses

9: Nirvana

10: Syd Barrett

If I were to go back and make changes, I'd probably make King Crimson, George Harrison, or Roger Waters my #10 spot instead. But no big deal. I'm not expecting any of them or Syd to make the list. Same with Meat Loaf.

Beatles, Queen, Nirvana, and GNR though I'd be shocked to not see on the list.

Edited by Rashid
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Soundgarden were largely the soundtrack to my childhood, so even though I rarely listen to them nowadays, I've got a soft spot a mile wide for them, and I shan't complain of them being on a list such as this.

System Of A Down are a band who I never got in to...I can see the appeal, and they keep me interested more than most modern metal bands, but I'd never go out of my way to listen to them.

Barely know any Ben Folds stuff, but what I do is fantastic...Brick, in particular, was a personal favourite of mine for quite some time. I don't like some of his more "comedic" stuff, because he can be a great songwriter when he's not being "funny", but I don't find him too amusing when he is.

Motley Crue...an ex of mine absolutely adores them, and I prefer them to most bands of their ilk, but mostly they're just naff '80s metal, and I could do perfectly well without them. Sorry Nerf, but they ain't my thing at all. That said, "Girls Girls Girls" and "Dr. Feelgood" are staple parts of my DJ sets.

The Arcade Fire are wonderful, but I never listen to them all much. I'm not sure why this is the case.

All I know of Strung Out is that (if I remember correctly), they did a shonky "punk" version of "Bark At The Moon" a while back. If that is the case, then I've been in no way inspired to check out any of their other material.

Stone Sour are dreadful. At some point someone thought it would be a good idea to make nu-metal blander still, and they were the result. Hey, remember Slipknot? Rememeber that, as awful as they were, they prided themselves on being brutal and uncompromising? Now how about we take their singer and make him sound like he's in Nickelback? Et voila.

I can't even be bothered articulating displeasure over Jimmy Eat World.

Rage Against The Machine are tremendously over-rated, but good all the same. Bloody good band, but not OMGz amazing, just damn good at what they do...most of the time. They do have a habit of using very similar riffs, and shouting the title of their songs a lot, rather than coming up with lyrics, despite De La Rocha having proven his ability to do so umpteen times.

Pink Floyd...meh. Piper At The Gates Of Dawn is one of my all-time favourite albums, and bits and pieces of A Saucerful Of Secrets, Wish You Were Here and Dark Side Of The Moon are good, but for the most part, without Syd as their guiding light they become wanky pseudo-intellectual stadium prog, and utterly dull in the process. So I'm split on this one....on one side you've got "Arnold Layne", "Bike" and "See Emily Play", but then on the other hand I'd have to put up with "The Wall", which I wouldn't wish on anyone.

And for the record, I'm fairly certain I've never said "this band shouldn't be on the list" or "why is this band on the list?", I've simply offered my opinions on each band listed, and I don't see how we could be expected to offer any other discussion than that, and this is a discussion forum after all. And besides, I distinctly remember Fitzy insulting my music taste on several occassions, so why am I not equally entitled to an opinion?

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Stone Sour are dreadful. At some point someone thought it would be a good idea to make nu-metal blander still, and they were the result. Hey, remember Slipknot? Rememeber that, as awful as they were, they prided themselves on being brutal and uncompromising? Now how about we take their singer and make him sound like he's in Nickelback? Et voila.
Edited by Fitzy
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All I know of Strung Out is that (if I remember correctly), they did a shonky "punk" version of "Bark At The Moon" a while back. If that is the case, then I've been in no way inspired to check out any of their other material.
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:rolleyes: That is one of the dumbest things I've ever read from you. Care to even begin to explain how they even remotely sound like Nickelback?

... well, he said the singer sounds like Nickelback's singer, which is decidedly different from saying that the two bands sound alike (I wouldn't know the answer to that one, nor would I care all that strongly either way). And he really sort of does, though his voice is not as deep (as opposed to Chad Kroeger, who sounds a bit like a singing moose).

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