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Eurovision...The Long, Two Month Wait for AWESOMENESS Starts Here...


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So, the UK just picked Andy Abraham, quite deservedly, to be our representative. Can't wait to see him come in the bottom three - albeit, if it somehow gets to the final, Dustin the Turkey (the Irish entry) will surely be the actual dead last. You have to YouTube it to believe it.

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Thou shalt not mock Dustin, he's an institution in Ireland. It's better than whatever X-Factor reject the UK sends.

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Clearly this is a sign that Ireland don't want to win it. Come on guys; he's a turkey. And as much as Dustin was the puppet of my childhood; I came along a little too late for Zig and Zag (who were originally on The Den on RTE before going joining the Big Breakfast) this is just a gimmick as RTE can't afford to host the Eurovision anymore.

Our joyous success of the 90's nearly bankrupted Irealnd's only TV channel, so recently we have sighed away from actually trying to compete and instead sending young musicians or Brian Kennedy. <_<

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Clearly this is a sign that Ireland don't want to win it. Come on guys; he's a turkey. And as much as Dustin was the puppet of my childhood; I came along a little too late for Zig and Zag (who were originally on The Den on RTE before going joining the Big Breakfast) this is just a gimmick as RTE can't afford to host the Eurovision anymore.

Our joyous success of the 90's nearly bankrupted Irealnd's only TV channel, so recently we have sighed away from actually trying to compete and instead sending young musicians or Brian Kennedy. <_<

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Teräsbetoni ftw!

I second that. I mean, come on, they're a heavy metal band whose name translates to something like 'Reinforced Concrete'.

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Clearly this is a sign that Ireland don't want to win it. Come on guys; he's a turkey. And as much as Dustin was the puppet of my childhood; I came along a little too late for Zig and Zag (who were originally on The Den on RTE before going joining the Big Breakfast) this is just a gimmick as RTE can't afford to host the Eurovision anymore.

Our joyous success of the 90's nearly bankrupted Irealnd's only TV channel, so recently we have sighed away from actually trying to compete and instead sending young musicians or Brian Kennedy. <_<

But we, the people voted him in, RTE could've put 5 bland people, but they gave us Dustin and he won.

I bet we'll do better than previous years.

Yeah, you might finish one of the bottom this year!

Honestly, I cant even see you getting past the semi-finals, it's an f'n turkey. Even some of the live crowd at the qualifiers didnt like it and they were all Irish.

We won't get anywhere either, but then again, our only friend is Ireland. I wouldnt mind this eastern block shit if they actually put out good songs.

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Have any of you EVER watched Eurovision? Seriously?

Anyone betting against Dustin the Turkey is a complete lunatic :P He'll walk it.

As much as I'd like to see Teräsbetoni 'do a Lordi', I think the fact that the lyrics are in Finnish will screw them over. Awesome band, but they don't have the gimmickry of Lordi.

English translation, btw:

May there be wind and storms

and warmth in the home

It is manhood and honor

to do one’s duty

The world though cold

Has a place for warmth

The field calls for heroes

and not for the fearful

Where the men ride

There the sheep do not rove

Where the men ride

The wolves do howl

Huh – hah – huh – hah

May before us will be destroyed

and behind us will be the glow of love

Man has his duty

to remember his courage

No one can avoid pain

and meander along the eddies of life

The fields call for heroes

and not the fearful

Where the men ride

There the sheep do not rove

Where the men ride

The wolves do howl

Where the men, the men ride

Where the men, the men ride

Where the men ride

There the sheep do not rove

Where the men ride

The wolves do howl

Where the men ride

There the sheep do not rove

Where the men ride

The wolves do howl

Where the men hah – huh – hah

Where the men hah – huh – hah

They're a Finnish Manowar. I love 'em. Is it bad that Eurovision has now introduced me to two awesome bands that I genuinely like? :shifty:

As for the winner though, gotta go with Latvia:


In fact, the more I listen to it, the more Latvia are going to win.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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...this is just a gimmick as RTE can't afford to host the Eurovision anymore.

Our joyous success of the 90's nearly bankrupted Irealnd's only TV channel, so recently we have sighed away from actually trying to compete and instead sending young musicians or Brian Kennedy. <_<

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I think you can enter aslong as you don't have a current recording deal, much like programmes such as X-Factor.

And I can actually see the UK doing not badly. The last two times we haven't done atrociously, we've had ex-reality TV contestants with distinctly average songs. Jessica Garlick (Pop Idol) finished joint 3rd and James Fox (Fame Academy) finished 16th. Whilst not exactly setting the show alight with JF, it's a lot more respectable than Jemini and Scooch.

That said I am disappointed Andy Abraham had to stoop this low, since his two albums of soul covers are REALLY good and he has a lovely voice.

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That mental Romanian bint should have won. She was Eurovision as fuck.

Captain Jack bloke was a bit of a weird choice of judge, in my opinion...I know he can sing, and he's judged stuff before apparently, and he's a lovely bloke, but...he's not European. That should be a prerequisite, surely? But then when you've got tipsy Terry Wogan, it doesn't matter.

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