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Series Four premiere details confirmed.

We're delighted to officially announce that Series Four of Doctor Who will commence with Partners In Crime at 6.20pm on Saturday 05 April 2008, BBC One.

Tell all your friends, cancel any prior engagements and settle down for what promises to be the most spectacular series of Doctor Who yet!

As always, Doctor Who Confidential will be going behind-the-scenes with the cast and crew, starting at 7.10pm on BBC Three.

Partners In Crime will be repeated on Sunday 06 April at 8pm on BBC Three. Doctor Who Confidential follows at 8.45pm.

As always, we'll be supporting the show with extensive online coverage, both in the run up to and immediately after each episode.

With the return of the Sontarans (kind of yay), the Ood (super yay) and Daleks (again, yawn) as well as FOUR companions this season, (Rose, Jack, Martha and Donna) it looks to be an action packed season, I'm just hoping they have the scripts to match the manpower they've got coming. I'm praying the Ood return in a decent way and I PRAY it's Davros making the BIG return this season.

Edited by Benji Talent
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My girlfriend has been a massive Dr Who fan all her life, meaning I will be seeing every single episode without fail (we've actually just spent the last week re-watching series 3 - wahey). On the subject of the daleks, is it really necessary to have them every week? It seems to me that the old fans will watch for the nostalgia even if there are no daleks, and as a newer fan, I can't say I'm all that fussed about them to be honest. Every time the "last ever dalek!" returns, every time it's billed as an unstoppable killing machine, every time The Doctor beats them.

I do like some Ood though.

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I AM HYPED (Cue joke about me hating most of series three >_>)

It's Doctor FUCKING Who, and has Ood, Billie, Jack and anoher Steven Moffat episode. FUCK. YES.

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Bwahaha, best season opener of the new series, that was a wonderful follow-up, perfect change of pace to the depressing Torchwood last night, The Doctor's moment of "I just want a mate" was so sweet (and an obvious but well delivered joke afterwards). Loved the Adipose, I doubt they'll ever get a follow up, but they're so adorable they deserve some adoration.

The bit with Rose had me screaming "OH MY GOD ROSE!" before she turned around. Five star episode, it was great and whimsical :D

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Bah, I missed it. I was down for a 9-5 at work, so I would have been home in time to see it, but stupidly agreed to swap shifts with someone, then about five minutes later, I remembered Dr. Who! Will catch it on BBC3 tomorrow, I'm HYPED AS FUCK for this.

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I better be able to watch this tomorrow. I swear if my flatmates lay claim to the living room again tomorrow I will chop them up into little pieces with a rusty bread knife. Looks good. Anyone know if it'll be on Virgin OD?

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Just watch it on iPlayer. It'll be there tomorrow probably.

The episode was great. When I heard Catherine Tate was going to be in it, I thought it was going to be a terrible idea because she would annoy me. But she was very good in it, and I like her. Great comedy opening with the two nearly bumping into each other for twenty minutes, and the little Adipose are adorable! I want one!

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I thought they were quite harsh really. People are losing weight, small cute creatures are being formed, wheres the harm? Stupid galactic law. Most none evil enemy ever, and she fell to a squishy death. Boo Doctor Who, you smell!

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That was great stuff. At first I thought the Apisodes were a random 'silly' (in the best possible sense of the word) villain, but when Sarah Lancashire had the sonic pen, I thought she was the rani and marked a little.... Alas it wasn't to be. Still, a very fun episode, liked The Doctor and Donna not meeting for a while, the Rose touch was well done, and The Doctor and Donna's silent reunion was fucking HILARIOUS. Very good stuff.

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That was great stuff. At first I thought the Apisodes were a random 'silly' (in the best possible sense of the word) villain, but when Sarah Lancashire had the sonic pen, I thought she was the rani and marked a little.... Alas it wasn't to be. Still, a very fun episode, liked The Doctor and Donna not meeting for a while, the Rose touch was well done, and The Doctor and Donna's silent reunion was fucking HILARIOUS. Very good stuff.

:o Me too!

That episode was awesome.

"Get your new pet, and lose the pounds! Apisode"


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Nice opener i thought nothing out there but something to bring in a new companion (although i'd like to see a companionless episode one day) the next story looks rather intreaging to me although i do feel that since the 60's Dr Who have seriously fucked the historic stories because most B&W historics were 99.9% accurate in the detail (like The Roman's, The Aztecs, Marco Polo, Gunfighters, ect) where as now they just put some aliens in a historic period (like in The Unquiet Dead & The Shakespeare Code) and The Fires Of Pompii seems to be much of the same.

I am rather interested about the episoded named The Doctor's Daughter it sounds rather interesting

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I'm glad I'm not the only that found myself shouting "THE RANI!" at the TV. The Adipose were cute, but only when you didn't stop to think what they actually were.

Not sure about Donna yet - at times I was genuinely impressed by her, but whenever they threw in a "comedy" moment for her, like the bags at the end or their silent reunion, it seemed that they were making her "be" Catherine Tate far too much...which I guess is inevitable, but irritating as I'd rather be impressed by her and find myself thinking of her as "Donna" not being annoyed by her and thinking of her as Catherine Tate. Rose at the end was a nice touch.

I did love the bit of The Doctor getting excited at a discovery in the TARDIS, and starting to go off on one of his pseudo-science explanations, only to realise that there was no one there to listen to it. I really like how the last two series have put a, usually fairly subtle, emphasis on the loneliness of the Doctor's life.

I'm quite looking forward to the next one, if only because it's closer to being an off-Earth episode - the problem with so much being set on present day Earth is really beginning to show, as it's much harder to assume ignorance on the part of the populace or anything like that - by now, The Doctor's done so much, and the Earth's faced so many catastrophes, people would cease to be shocked by alien invasions and strange goings on, and that doesn't really help storylines when The Doctor needs to be fairly incognito most of the time and Torchwood need to be a mostly secret organisation.

The Doctor's Daughter is an intriguing concept, no idea what to expect from that.

Also, CANNOT WAIT for potential Davros. Especially with Richard Dawkins appearing in the same episode. Only problem is that Davies has basically said that EVERYONE will be involved in the final episode - The Doctor, Martha, Donna Rose, Captain Jack, Sarah Jane, etc., and I really don't want another case of Crowded TARDIS Syndrome, The Doctor is at his best with two accomplices - the female assistant to direct his technobabble at, and a male accomplice in case a "good guy" character needs to use a gun at any point, because obviously The Doctor doesn't use them.

Edited by Skummy
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