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The "I shouldn't have bought it..." thread


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Halo 3 - Got sucked into the hype, had a lot of work to do the week I bought it and have completely forgot about it. Hasn't even been opened yet because I have literally no interest in playing it, but I don't want to trade it in and get $5 for a game I paid $60 for. Maybe someday I'll give a shit.

Enter the Matrix - Need I say more?

And a bunch of shitty XBLA games that I thought would be fun. Always get the demo first, kids!

Or wait a few years and sell it to some nerdy Halo fanboy for megabucks.
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N64: Battle for Naboo: I was hoping for more brilliance like the original Rogue Squadron. It was nothing like as good. Not bad, but compared to my then favourite game of all time it just didn't measure up.

N64: The World Is Not Enough: It was Bond, it was N64... It wasn't GoldenEye 2. Remains to this day the only game I've bought and taken back within 24 hours.

N64: South Park: South Park meets GoldeneEye... No. It really wasn't. I believe I got about ten minutes enjoyment out of this game, in a multi-player blast with some friends. Given I bought the game and the N64 expansion pack when that was a week's wages for me... I later traded the game for Rogue Squadron. The expansion pack I kept to play Perfect Dark. Speaking of...

XBox 360: Perfect Dark Zero: This one was a no-brainer. The sequel to one of my favourite games of all-time, some of the programming of which was done by one of my best friends, who was even more into the original (and GoldenEye) than I was... Apparently he didn't do any of the important bits. I think I played it twice before I put it away, and have never felt any desire to load it back up again.

XBox 360: CrackDown: I should love this game. I really should. And maybe I haven't given it enough of a chance. But almost a year after buying it, I don't think I've played more than three hours. I think my issue with modern action games is that they're so obsessed with getting it to look great and have realistic physics that they're just not fun. Maybe I just need to man up and hit more bad guys with cars but really, if you're going to make a GTA clone, work out what it was about GTA that made it so good.

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Agreed, it was a fun game that I wish I got to play more, and will buy once I get my money from the government. I first bought it just for the beta to Halo 3 multiplayer, but it was a lot of fun and especially so for showing to friends and watching to see what they would do with all of the super-hyped up physics and strengths.

As for me, I think it was either a Smackdown vs. RAW game, or some other horrible game I can't remember. I honestly cannot remember though, probably was a good 4-5 years ago.

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I don't regret buying Crackdown. I didn't even need it for the Halo 3 Beta, I already had an invite from Bungie so it wasn't necessary (which I of course rubbed in heavily when Crackdown didn't work). It was a damn fun game. Spearing people to buses, then driving said bus at 100mph across the gameworld as one of your buddies tries to blow you up in various ways is awesome. And an SUV that can drive up skyscrapers with the correct application of timing? Beyond awesome. I got a lot of play out of it, and bought the DLC for it. I guess it depends who you play it with.

Recently, Spore is on my regret list. So much promise...so little enjoyment. I've tried playing it again when I was uber-bored and it made me watch the Star Wars trilogy instead...back to back...and I mean Episodes 1-3.

And Zero...I think we all know why you've never uncased Halo 3. *fondles his plasma grenades* :pervert:

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Not sure how much of a sacred cow this might be on this board but...

Wrestling Spirit and whichever TEW came out after the original one. I could never get into either of those game whereas I STILL play EWR to this day. I just think there's way too much going on in both of those games and I always had more fun just staying out of the loop and simulation to see who people would book as champions or who would sign where. Call me old fashioned, but I just miss the emails from Mr. McMahon saying he didn't really click with Shawn Michaels, why don't you try putting me in a program with Rikishi instead?

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I regret buying my DS. I bought it out of interest and cos I had some spare money / trade in goods to buy it with.

I forgot that I don't like Mario, animals, Pokemon or being told how to train my brain.

Fortunately due to staff discount I got it for 65 quid and five months later traded it in for 60 quid. Brilliant.

All I played on it was Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!, Lost In Blue 2 and Trauma Centre.

I bought Settlers for the wife's DS though. I might try it out sometime.

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Enter the Matrix - Need I say more?

No. :(

Damn, talk about a game that was all hype full of nothing but bugs. I forget how many times I died on the damn sewer level...

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Going back a few years I bought MDK on the PS1 and it sucked. I bought Rainbow Six on the PS1 and it REALLY sucked. I was so disappointed. You basically had three men in your team but you couldn't really move them around to take up positions and work together or anything so it was basically just having thee lives in a standard shoot'em up. Boo. The action was okay but the lack of squad based combat was disappointing after the PC version.

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If I see a good game for cheap in a sale or whatever I'll usually buy it because I think "oh no, I'll never see it at this price again! Or maybe I'll never see it again at all!". And then I never have time to play the thing or I'll play about 1 level and get distracted by something else. But I won't trade it in because I'll probably never get another chance to buy it, and I'll get less for it than I paid for it without really having played it. So it's not so much that the games I shouldn't have bought suck, but more that I've just never had the time to play them.

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Oblivion - A played this a bit and never touched the story because I couldn't do it first. Thankfully it has plenty of sidequests to do. RPG's are troublesome for me though since i'm never sure how to build my character, mine turned out horrid on this so I haven't touched it in like a year.

Devil May Cry 4 - DMC seems to be a highly loved series and when this was availible for £30 and in a special tin I found myself drawn to it. Never really got into it though.

Smackdown vs RAW 2008 - This was going for £18 new at the start of this year and I thought it might be good. Somehow I forgot that I buy a SD game and then lose interest after a month.

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Off of the top of my head, I've got...

MLB 2K8 for the DS: Maybe I should have looked at reviews first, but this game was awful.

WCW Nitro for PS: It was fun for a bit, a small bit. And I had WCW World Tour and eventually Revenge.

Game Boy Advance: Even though as I look back at it that it did have some good games, when I owned it I hated it and had remakes like SUper Mario Advance and such.

Wrestlemania X8 for GCN: It just wasn't there. I was hoping for No Mercy on the Gamecube. Wrestlemania XIX was a lot better, and the Day Of Reckoning series was okay too.

Nascar Thunder 2002 for PS: I don't mind updated rosters in some games, except Nascar.

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings for the DS: Real time strategy just isn't my type of thing.

007 James Bond in Agent Under Fire for the GCN: Quite the disappointment. Had half the levels previous Bond N64 titles had, and it was a lot easier too.

N64: The World Is Not Enough: It was Bond, it was N64... It wasn't GoldenEye 2. Remains to this day the only game I've bought and taken back within 24 hours.

What a shame, this might be one of the most underrated games because of Goldeneye. While 2 player wasn't as good (still solid), TWINE had a better one player mode complete with voice acting and different level types (Skiing, Stealth, even that strange water level).

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If I see a good game for cheap in a sale or whatever I'll usually buy it because I think "oh no, I'll never see it at this price again! Or maybe I'll never see it again at all!". And then I never have time to play the thing or I'll play about 1 level and get distracted by something else. But I won't trade it in because I'll probably never get another chance to buy it, and I'll get less for it than I paid for it without really having played it. So it's not so much that the games I shouldn't have bought suck, but more that I've just never had the time to play them.

Actually, yes, this sounds a lot like me.

Clearly I need to get Crackdown off my shelf and play it some more - and with regard to the realsitc physics thing, I know it has its ludicrous moments, but when it was being realistic I felt it took a lot of fund out of the game.

Still... *heads off to play Crackdown*

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Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Yeah, you heard me. I've never been into the Zelda games at all. Just didn't like them. But with all the hype behind Twilight Princess, I was thinking it would reverse my stance on the series. Nope, I still didn't like it. Returned it within the week.

WCW Thunder for PS1: I got more entertainment watching the wrestlers' little "why you should pick me" videos than the actual game. You can win any match within 30 seconds. It's like they were trying to combine wrestling with Mortal Kombat, and something went horribly awry.

Mortal Kombat (for Game Boy): Just. Plain. Broken. It was actually Mortal Kombat I and II on one cartridge. MKII was great, MKI...not so much. It moved at about 1 frame every five weeks, the controls are very different (Sub Zero's freeze is back forward KICK? WHAT?), and it was just horrific to play.

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WCW Thunder for PS1: I got more entertainment watching the wrestlers' little "why you should pick me" videos than the actual game. You can win any match within 30 seconds. It's like they were trying to combine wrestling with Mortal Kombat, and something went horribly awry.

Was that the one with the 'Peanut grapple of doom!', where you'd press O to go into a test of strength, then by bashing O you'd take half your opponents energy bar off, so matches became O, bash, O, bash, finisher (three buttons), pin.

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