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Also, bring back Claire, I miss her :(

Emile de Ravin is off for almost all of season five (she should appear in the finale), but back as a regular cast member for season six.

So...might have read some spoilers and need to blab about them somewhere.

Major (?) Spoilers for The Little Prince/This Place Is Death

Ellie, whom Dan seemingly knew, is in fact Eloise Hawking (the old woman Ben speaks to). Also in the next episode, despite being credited as something different, we'll see young Rosseau, Robert (Alex's father) and Montand. Miles & Juliet get nosebleeds too
Edited by PkmnTrainerJ
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Has anyone else become a fan of Juliet nowadays? I don't know why, but I'm loving her latley and she's not really doing anything.

Last few episodes have been top notch, really seems like the show is getting back to how it was meant to be and I cannot wait to find out why Ben did what he admitted to doing. Sawyer has been his usual awesome self, I'm hoping they sort out this time warp thing soon though, because as much as I like having them out in the real world, the time warp is starting to get old. Awesome to see Jin is still alive though and a nice cameo from the french bird before she goes mental. whatever happened to her, anyway?

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Awesome to see Jin is still alive though and a nice cameo from the french bird before she goes mental. whatever happened to her, anyway?

She was the first victim of the freighter crew, when she, Alex and Karl were heading to the Temple. Karl was shot too, Alex was taken as a hostage and then executed.
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Just a question really. There was all this talk of the Surviving Six or however many or whatever the heck it was and claim that it meant outside of those, all of the others DIED? I don't know, maybe I've just got confused because there's been so much happening over the last few seasons. My point is, if that was the case, wouldn't that now be all thrown out of the window now that they're apparently returning to the island? Thus meaning it's all bollocks?

As for the last episode, really good. Cant believe Jin is still alive, is that going to play in for a reason for Sun to return?
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Why are we all talking in spoiler tags? The last episode was on five days ago.

Anyway Johnny, it was never implied that those still on the island were dead, except when the Oceanic Six were lying to the media. They're returning to the island because bad things are happening (the time jumps) and are going to happen, since I assume things are going to get a lot worse.

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And even if they're all dead, from our prespective it's no big deal as the only characters that are remotley interesting from the fuselage that may be dead are Rose and Bernard. And while I'm sure we'll all be heartbroken, atleast it's not Sawyer or Sayid.

Speaking off, just for an extra bit of conversation, who's everyones favourite character?

For me it always has been, always will be James 'Sawyer' Ford. Love everything about him, I even tried to get his hair. (turned out mine is too fluffy for it :( )

Though I love Desmond as well and when he was around, Charlie was great. And as I mentioned earlier on, Juliet is not only fittt, but is growing on me as a character.

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Locke and Desmond are my favorites because their story arcs generally give some insight into what the island is. I like Jack too, but for him being the focal point of the show, there hasn't seemed to be much of a purpose for his character in the last two seasons.

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Locke and Desmond are my favorites because their story arcs generally give some insight into what the island is. I like Jack too, but for him being the focal point of the show, there hasn't seemed to be much of a purpose for his character in the last two seasons.

I've never been much of a Jack fan, but I did like him at two points: When he was the 'Man of Science', so sort of ending of Season 1 to begining-middle of season 2 and I thought there was a lot of potential with him being this broken shadow of a man at the begining of season 5, where he lost his 'purpose' so to speak since he was off the island, but while they seemed to focus on that in the flashforwards and a little at the start of the season 5, it seems like he's gone back to being his usual self in no time flat.

He and Locke also had the epic exchange that I've always loved:

Locke: Why do you find it so hard to believe!?

Jack: Why do you find it so easy!

Locke: It's never been easy!

Me and my mate still shout that at each other everytime we're drunk to this very day. Along with the scene from The Mummy with Benny and Rick. "Hey O'Connel, looks to me like we got all the HORSES!" "Hey Benny, looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the river!" "...SOIRNSORHGNSAGO"

Edited by Mr. TKz
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I love Locke, Desmond and Ben most probably. With Ben, it's mostly that I find him the most inherently interesting character there - everything he's involved in is mysterious, but you can still try and work out what he's up to (rather than just accepting it's a mystery.) Locke is one of the greatest TV characters ever and the undeniable focus of the show. I'm absolutely desperate for the culmination of the show to be a confrontation between Ben and Locke. The likes of Widmore and Richard are interesting, but it's got to be Ben as the main antagonist. Locke vs. Jack went off the boil and they don't have the same chemistry as Ben and Locke.

Jack's kind of grown on me as well. For the first couple of seasons he just totally bored be due to being involved in the dull storyline with Kate which I had no interest in. Strangely enough, it was the beginning of season 3 when the Sawyer/Kate/Jack love triangle (which I actively hated) when I started to warm to him. I just wanted the whole fucking thing to be finished with, Kate and Sawyer to get together because they're more suited to each other and Jack to go onto other things. The scene where he blackmailed the Others when performing surgery on Ben sealed the deal for me. He still disgustingly overacts at times, but the character's fine.

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Favourite character was Charlie, they shouldn't have ever killed Charlie :( Bastards. Now I'd say it's probably a tie between Sawyer and Desmond, with Locke, Ben, Sayid and Jack following closely behind.

Claire is fit though, so she's a bit of a favourite too. Kate's alright when she's walking around in a bikini but most of the other characters are pretty meh to me. Except Hurley, I wouldn't like to see him go but I've found his "insane" moments annoying most of the time.

Also, is it me or are Juliet's knockers bigger recently? :shifty:

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Locke and Desmond are my favorites because their story arcs generally give some insight into what the island is. I like Jack too, but for him being the focal point of the show, there hasn't seemed to be much of a purpose for his character in the last two seasons.

I've never been much of a Jack fan, but I did like him at two points: When he was the 'Man of Science', so sort of ending of Season 1 to begining-middle of season 2 and I thought there was a lot of potential with him being this broken shadow of a man at the begining of season 5, where he lost his 'purpose' so to speak since he was off the island, but while they seemed to focus on that in the flashforwards and a little at the start of the season 5, it seems like he's gone back to being his usual self in no time flat.

He and Locke also had the epic exchange that I've always loved:

Locke: Why do you find it so hard to believe!?

Jack: Why do you find it so easy!

Locke: It's never been easy!

Me and my mate still shout that at each other everytime we're drunk to this very day. Along with the scene from The Mummy with Benny and Rick. "Hey O'Connel, looks to me like we got all the HORSES!" "Hey Benny, looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the river!" "...SOIRNSORHGNSAGO"

Love that line. :w00t:

Ben Linus is the best character for me, ever since the "You guys got any milk?" line in Season two. Locke is a close number two with Sawyer third.

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Also, could anyone else not STAND Ana-Lucia? I felt a little tear come out when she had her cameo. I wish they'd kept Libby around though, she was half interesting and now it looks like we'll never know anything about her and why she was in the mental asylum.

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Also, could anyone else not STAND Ana-Lucia? I felt a little tear come out when she had her cameo. I wish they\'d kept Libby around though, she was half interesting and now it looks like we\'ll never know anything about her and why she was in the mental asylum.

Apparently Libby was killed off because no-one liked Ana-Lucia, but they wanted Michael killing her to have a bang, so that\'s why she completely unnecessarily walked in and was shot. I didn\'t like Ana-Lucia, but her cameo was pretty cool... but I\'m glad that\'s all it is, a cameo.

Oh and we\'re apparently suppsoed to be treated to more info about Libby and why she was in the \"place Hurley hung out for a while\" through Hurley\'s story, but they\'ve been saying that since she died :shifty:

Edit: Apologies to anyone who saw that without wanting to, I put [spoilers] rather than [ spoiler]

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I don't care much for Miles, but he is growing on me a little. I think I'd like him a bit better if Sawyer knocked him down a peg. However, your post reminded me I'd forgotten about Daniel Faraday, now he is fucking awesome... I'd put him on par with Sawyer and Desmond.

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Daniel is cool, but he's cool in a similar way to Charlie, but not as cool as Charlie was, if you can make any sence of that sentance. ¬_¬

I'd put him below Sawyer and Desmond. The scottish bird annoys the hell out of me and Miles isn't much better.

Also, who misses Eko? I know I miss Eko. :(

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Also, who misses Eko? I know I miss Eko. :(

EVERYBODY misses Eko.

And I really like Daniel and Miles. Daniel has this aura about him in the fact that he has a better grasp of what's going on than a lot of people do, and Miles...well he can talk to ghosts! How badass is that! Charlotte is boring as hell. And Frank looked like a dog that my aunt had.


I am LOVING the direction of Sun's character. I love how she's kinda becoming bad, teaming with Charles Widmore and basically asserting herself. It's made her segments a lot more interesting.

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